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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. I'm not sure. I just know that some people who had the 94945 beta patch were able to get onto some servers. To me, that would indicate that those servers are running the 94945 build. If you can get on those servers with the 94876 patch I am not sure.
  2. phisher34

    BAF OFFROAD not in game anymore?

    Same thing on our server. We lost the BAF Offroad and the Green Ural.
  3. As far as I can tell all of them will cause issues. All of our guys had 94876, and the newer patch 94945 is causing the "waiting for host" bug.
  4. What beta patch were you running Jack?
  5. phisher34

    Change your face!

    Even better: http://forums.bistud...A2-Custom-Faces Some servers don't allow custom faces, but most do. EDIT: Just search for ARMA 2 Custom faces and you will find hundreds of them. Pretty much anything you could want.
  6. Yea it will save the camo or ghillie if you were holding onto it in your inventory before you put it on. If though you happen to find it and then put it on, it will not save.
  7. Figured out it is only happening to those who wear camo or ghillie suit. Your progress (location and loot) will not save.
  8. If you guys can help get this up on http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wixz1/ghillie_suits_and_camo_are_not_fixed_in_1723/ We lost a few hours of progress and some great gear.
  9. phisher34

    [] Dude where's my Military?

    Some issues still with this patch. If you wear Camo or Ghillie none of your progress will save.
  10. We tested both Ghillie and Camo, both with the same results.
  11. We also noticed some odd issues where people in camo who had dropped gear would not be able to access it or pick up any other items on the ground. Backpacks were an exception. The only difference on the multiple attempts was with and without camo.
  12. Just to clarify, multiple accounts did this test and waited ample time for the characters to save. When we ran around without any form of camo on, the location and inventory would save. We also did a few restarts and it has happened each time.
  13. Happening with to everyone on our server. Tested multiple times
  14. phisher34

    hey guys need your help...

    It's a problem with the Beta Patch, stick with 94876, the 94945 patch is causing issues. Tested with 3 people in our group.
  15. phisher34

    What has happened to Seattle 24?

    There was a mandatory name change for all servers. Seattle 24 is now known as US 641. You can also filter the servers at the bottom of the server view for "Sparta"
  16. I don't feel this thread needs to go any further. Thank you for your response Dizzy. I think most aren't angry at your wanting to go out on a limb to test a possible new idea. It's something all of us would love to be apart of in some fashion - after all that's kind of what this whole thing is about. Your reasoning for wanting it to be with people you didn't know is completely valid. The frustration, some more than others, comes from your denial, backtracking, and mud-throwing at the community for pointing this out. The aforementioned side-chat issue is a separate deal, but is showing a pattern of do as I say, not as I do. The non apology of "I apologize if the community feels that testing new ideas are bad" just goes to further show that none of this is registering for you. I hope you realize It is why server admins don't like paying money every month when they feel they aren't getting a fair shake, or a different set of rules exist. I would hope that if you appreciate DayZ as much as some players or dev's do, that your "DayZ Dev Team" credentials carries weight, whether you would like it to or not. If you feel people are being lazy by not searching then just don't respond or copy/paste some pre-wrote message. Thanks.
  17. I think that is completely fair and I appreciate your understanding (as always) :)
  18. I think what the community (specifically server admins) need is some sort of act of trust on this issue - publicly. You can understand why there was confusion in regards to modifying the mission file for things like side chat or server messages (conflicting statements from Rocket and Dev's) - but there was never any confusion in terms of spawning in certain items that weren't originally there, and eventually side chat was put to rest once everyone was on message (In large part thanks to Dante). Dizzy, is blatantly lying about doing both of these things. Why should a player trust anything Dizzy says? Having the "DayZ Dev" title gives him credibility on these forums whether he deserves it or not. I am not looking for a pitchfork mob, but admins haven't exactly had questions answered 'politely' by Dizzy. Only to find out that he is guilty of all the things he was scolding other admins for.
  19. Do as I say, not as I do, pulled from an earlier thread: Edit: Honestly, how can you defend your position. It's half the reason there is confusion on these forums from server admins in regards to side chat or server messages. Then you go and turn it on, on your server, spawn in items, and lash out at people for calling you on it. You should be completely stripped of any "dev" classification on these forums and have your server blacklisted. Not to mention you have already established that you will lie on these forums, there is no reason for you to be designated as a 'trustworthy' source when it comes to DayZ
  20. I spawned in with my Ghillie suit and noticed I was invisible (common bug). I switched to a camo skin I had stashed and was immediately teleported to the ocean with no items at all.
  21. phisher34

    Do NOT switch out your clothing

  22. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    I have no problem making those weapons even more rare or removing them. I said earlier, the CZ hunting rifle should be the gold standard of long-rage firefights. Ideally though it would be replace not remove. Because this game is based off of a military simulator there just isn't' the depth of weapons you would find in the average citizens home. However, Thermal Sighted weapons aren't common anywhere.
  23. phisher34

    1.7.2 overlay hack some sort..

    It might be an issue of joining a 'recruit' server. The difficulty settings might have been reset to default. Basically since everyone is in the same group, and 'recruit' mode gives you all the HUD info you could ever want - that is probably what happened.
  24. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    LunaTik, you couldn't be further from the truth. Discussions are happening on multiple threads. The gun needs to go, not because it is OP, but because it doesn't fit. Thermal Vision cannot be sold at the local market. It doesn't even exist in significant numbers in the military. If you are saying that it should be in game because it solved an issue of snipers preying on players, then all it is doing is creating another problem without actually solving an issue. I've played this mod since the early days and have always said that NVG's and Thermals should either go, or require just as rare batteries to operate them like in real life. This isn't Call of Duty Zombies.