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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. phisher34

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    To further the point I created this thread weeks ago to figure this out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22481-definitive-side-chat-server-message-will-i-get-blacklisted-thread/#entry221361 I feel I made the best, cohesive argument for having it turned on or allowed. However, the DayZ Dev team were clear in that it cannot be turned on. As server admins you have to either accept that or be willing to have your server blacklisted.
  2. phisher34

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    We have gone over this probably a dozen times. It is NOT allowed under any circumstances. The only way to enable it is by modifying the mission file.pbo - which is prohibited. It is not a config setting or a server.cfg edit. There was once a Rocket post about 2 months ago where he said he wouldn't blacklist servers that do this. This policy has been corrected multiple times since then in which they are explicit that it is not allowed. Personally, I would love the option to turn it back on, but as it stands - if you turn it on your are likely have your server suspended or blacklisted until it is fixed.
  3. No worries, Again I have no way to know if this is true or not - just gathering what they said.
  4. From what I gather, and there is no way for me to know for sure, it's that the HIVE filenames are the same but you are running the pre-hotfixed version. Basically they released a hotfix but didn't change the filename, so while you have, it is an outdated version of This is backed up by the issues being pretty exclusive to HFB servers, while many others work. EDIT: Keep in mind this was during that whole debacle where multiple patches and files were released within hours of each other. Our server hasn't been working since then, so in my opinion that is a good place to start looking. What those guys are saying is to just download the latest version again and apply it.
  5. phisher34

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    I have been saying the same thing, tickets emails and TS, it's obviously not working and is exclusive to HFB.
  6. phisher34

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Furball, if someone at HFB can view this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31786-ghillie-suits-are-not-fixed-in-1723-confirmed-by-multiple-people/page__st__80 It appears you are running an older hive as we have been stating.
  7. phisher34

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Hungover, I greatly appreciate your thoroughness in this post. My 2cents on this is when you implement further customer support is to have a mid-tier type staff that doesn't deal with the hardware end of things. What I mean by this is that it is obvious the customer support and technical upgrades are falling on the shoulders of the same people. This means that regular customer support or communication goes dark when the technical sides need tweaking. I have had server issues for about 3 weeks now, like our server not being updated to the hive which results in characters not saving, something that could be easily handled by someone with basic knowledge of the system. I want you to have time to improve the big picture stuff and not worry about individual servers.
  8. Same issues, could be related to their server switchover - though there is no way to know as they are completely unreachable on any issue.
  9. phisher34

    which server company to go through?

    I haven't had tickets or emails responded to from HFB in over a week, our server has been unplayable for nearly 3 weeks (characters do not save). I finally got someone on their TS channel to respond and manually update our HIVE (as that was broken too), but it hasn't solved the issue. I was billed 4 times in one month, had my server shut down for non-payment (though we have a receipt of payment several days previous), the ability to manually update the files was recently revoked, also the TS support was abandoned as well, almost all HFB servers are currently down and it took over 24 hours for them to update to the latest beta - which didn't really matter for us either because our server is broken. You can say that I am "crying" about them, but if you look at my post history (before these last couple weeks), I was the most vocal supporter of them on these forums. Yes, I have made a lot of posts recently, but I will continue to do so until they even acknowledge a ticket or email.
  10. phisher34

    I will continue to purchase from HFBSERVERS

    I've been a vocal fan of HFB up until this month. There has been a total blackout of support for a little over a week now. I have never complained or had an issue with any of the stringent rules placed on the providers by DayZ. All I care about is making sure things are up to date and in working order in a reasonable time frame. This will now be the third weekend (my only available free time) in a row in which our server is basically unplayable. I have had tickets and emails go unanswered for over a week now, and instead of improving their support they are cutting it back. To me this is completely unacceptable. To any of the other providers, I guarantee you new business if you offer some sort of switchover deal from HFB. EDIT: Not to mention that a major problem is we have a gaming group that is helping to pay for the server. I initially set things up with HFB and have for the most part been the through-line between us and them. I get shit everyday about how the server isn't fixed or still isn't connected to the hive, but I at least respond and document what is happening. Unfortunately I literally have to say "Yep put in another ticket or email today, no response"
  11. phisher34

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    They were honestly great when DayZ was just getting started. It was manageable. Now you have hosting providers with 500 servers and 1 or 2 people running support. Usually the same people running the back end stuff too.
  12. phisher34

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    Honestly, all the major hosting providers should not be in the business of support with DayZ. It is horrendous. It's basically network administrators and programmers trying to run customer service. They will tell you to be patient with their lack of service and week long down times, but will they be patient when it's time to pay? EDIT: I swear HFB have basically given up on even having a support system. They have shut down all forms of communication other than tickets, and they just ignore the tickets. Really lovely.
  13. If we can get a list of HFB servers that are having this issue I think it would help. Right now their support either has no idea this is a problem or no idea what is causing it. It's been going on since Our server's HIVE was never updated until tonight when I asked them to look at it, but it still did not fix the issue.
  14. This. A thousand times this. First it was the beta patch requirement, okay got it. Now there are hive and BattleEye Patches on top of the several DayZ files that need updating ever so often. Were looking at like 10 files that are constantly in flux with any one of them causing compatibility issues. Not to mention that server providers (HFB) no longer allow any kind of manual patching and yet they still continue to have server mismatch issues as well as hive issues.
  15. Still having this issue with HFB, their support says they don't know what is causing it.
  16. I am a server admin and have been trying to make heads or tails of the server RPT file. Basically looking for what constitute clear hacking an what is just suspicious. For instance, this info below made me raise an eyebrow: 11:18:14 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: --- REDACTED --- 11:18:15 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'5295653',[42,[4384.58,10140.1,0.00140381]],[["NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","M9SD","ItemGPS","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet","ItemEtool","ItemWatch","M107_DZ"],["ItemPainkiller","10Rnd_127x99_m107","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","10Rnd_127x99_m107","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ItemMorphine"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo"],[1]],[["FoodCanFrankBeans","ItemBloodbag","ItemSodaPepsi"],[1,1,1]]],[6128,1262,32],"Sniper1_DZ",0.92]" It appears he has an M107, plenty of mags, Silenced M4, plenty of mags. I am assuming innocent until proven guilty, but wondering if there is a way for me to investigate further? Also, is there a resource I can look at where I can basically Control + F, and find certain markers for scripting or hacking?
  17. Basically the newest beta patch 94945, will cause you to get stuck on waiting for host. Download the previous patch 94876, and just run the .exe. It should overwrite without issue and you won't have to uninstall the beta. This should fix the problem. You might be able to get on servers running 94945, if you stick with that patch, but most servers are not updated to that patch.
  18. It's still happening on several server,s including HFB servers, so not sure how to get those updated.
  19. The fix would come from the Hive, Im wondering if they fixed it already?
  20. So there is definitely an issue with some servers. I know ours is with HFB which hosts hundreds of the DayZ servers, we also test on multiple servers with the same results.
  21. phisher34

    Information with new patch please

    Make sure you have and beta 94786. If you put on a Ghillie Suit or Camo nothing will save. So you will be able to run around, but when you disconnect none of it will save and you will revert to your old location with old loot.
  22. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/
  23. x/post from Reddit. If you die, it will start a new character. You will not be able to access your old gear or location.
  24. You can just install it. It should overwrite without issue.
  25. phisher34

    Long loading times?

    If it's a waiting for host issue check here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31819-if-you-have-waiting-for-host-bug-then-rever-to-94876-beta-patch/