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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. Went to Tier 2 Support, they still can't fix the camo/ghillie issue. Saying it is only affecting 'very few' of their servers. They want to completely reinstall it. When I asked about a credit on the account yesterday they said it is a DayZ issue and camo/ghillie's have been disabled.... (which is complete BS) Lovely.
  2. I hate creating another topic about this but I am at wits end, and some HFB staff are saying it has nothing to do with their servers. Right now, If you have camo (or ghillie) on your character and try to join an HFB server (I and several others have tested on about 25 of them now) you cannot get in. I can join any other updated server and it works fine. If a player joins an HFB server without wearing camo they can get into the server. But, if they put that camo on, their character does not save. Nothing they do will carry over and they cannot access loot or interact with vehicles. This was the response from an HFB Staff member in regards to the issue: I would love for a DayZ member to acknowledge that Camo and Ghillie is not "disabled". It is correct that they are not spawning, however they are still in game, in inventories, and on characters. You can follow the progression of this problem here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31786-ghillie-suits-are-not-fixed-in-1723-confirmed-by-multiple-people/#entry306946 Where it was quickly figured out to be an HFB issue. Our server has had this problem since has been available and has made it impossible to play on the server we are paying for.
  3. So I got a Tier 2 response on this issue: This unfortunately still did not fix the problem.
  4. For sure, I know they have downloaded the latest HIVE version and I was hoping that the new update yesterday would fix it. However, something is still not updating many HFB servers, and the problems seem to be HIVE related.
  5. Sorry I should have clarified, a HIVE issue on HFB's end. Basically their version of HIVE. Not a central database problem. Because it's not affecting all HFB servers, but a majority of them, something isn't pushing through.
  6. But it's all speculation at this point as we have gone about a month without a response from DayZ, denial from HFB, and no way for us to check it ourselves as they removed the file manager.
  7. That's why several of us still think it is a HIVE issue. First, the results of this issue are almost certainly hive related I.E: Characters not authenticating when joining, and not saving to the HIVE when you put on camo in the server. Issues with DayZ code or Arma Beta patches wouldn't even allow you to get to that point. Second, people can join any other updated server, all running the same DayZ code and Beta patch and it works fine. There might have been an issue where several HFB servers are running an old HIVE version even though they said they have pushed out the latest version, meaning something isn't sticking and it is either a corrupted installation or its not overwriting the HIVE files.
  8. I guess you haven't looked at the forums yet. The problems are still present.
  9. Definitely, we have locked this down to just an HFB issue a couple days after was released. Which is why I get frustrated seeing them not acknowledge that is an issue on their end, when we have literally shown how it is for almost a month. I can join any other updated server and it works fine. Not all HFB servers are having this problem, but all the servers that have this problem are HFB.
  10. Unfortunately this is how the previous duping exploit was done, without the hardship of having to swim to the coast and run back. I guess that is why I hope a DayZ dev would take a serious look at this as it has potential to be highly exploited.
  11. phisher34

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    Dante-Shawn, a DayZ Dev, has said as clear as day that servers are not allowed to have global or side chat on at any time and are opening themselves up to be blacklisted. Now, the fact does remain that several servers do have it turned on but they are doing so at their own risk.
  12. phisher34

    HFB server

    Will do, I did put in a ticket for this issue, I found that the "Forgot your Password" link doesn't reset your password. I tried it several times and received the initial emails every time - the emails that want you to follow to a link to confirm reset. It says you will receive a second email with the new password - that email never goes through. It gets to the "Sending Zerglings" screen but nothing more. However, the main "Request a Password Reset" did work, in that I got an initial email and the second email and was given a new password. There is a chance that the correct one and broken one are swapped, I just know that one of them doesn't work.
  13. phisher34

    HFB server

    I have had some issues with HFB logins since the new site went up. For whatever reason it wouldn't allow me to login, saying username or password was invalid. I could seriously enter the same username and password and on the 5th attempt it would log me in finally.
  14. bump http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42506-hfb-customers-please-read/page__st__20
  15. What we have found is you will be able to change your clothing and run around just fine. However, your character will not save after logging in and out, you will be reverted back to your old spawn location with your old inventory and without camo/ghillie. Anything you do will not carry over. Would love for other servers to test this. Our server is running and Beta Patch 94876. We are an HFB server so there are probably hundreds with the same configuration. EDIT: If you had the camo or ghillie in your inventory it will still be there, but you will log back in as a survivor, if though you stumble upon the camo and put it on, it will not save it to your inventory..
  16. If a DayZ Dev can look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43531-can-a-dayz-dev-figure-out-what-is-wrong-with-the-hfb-servers/ This is still not a resolved issue for many HFB servers. They are insisting they have the latest HIVE, which might be completely true, however the fact remains that many servers are still completely unplayable if you have camo on.
  17. There are about a dozen HFB servers through these threads reporting the same problem. http://dayzmod.com/f...ad/#entry410330 http://dayzmod.com/f..._20#entry411856 http://dayzmod.com/f...erver-restarts/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41444-major-hfbservers-changes-inbound/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/39720-please-update-your-servers-to-95xxx-or-later/
  18. It's not affecting all HFB servers but if you look at the thread above, or the several HFB topics on this forum it is affecting quite a few. And they all happen to be HFB.
  19. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    Camo / Ghillie suit problem fixed with a server reinstall.
  20. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    Camo / Ghillie suit issue fixed with a server re-install.
  21. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    No worries, like I said I don't know if it is HIVE related or not. What I do know though is that it happened after the DayZ patch (alongside BattleEye and Hive Updates) and hasn't allowed us to join our server for about 20 days or so. It is only affecting HFB servers
  22. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    It's not an issue of them spawning. It's an issue with HFB servers not having an updated HIVE file (or something) because no one who currently has camo on can get into the servers, and if you put camo on while in the game your character doesnt save, or can access loot, or get into vehicles.
  23. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    Bump so HFB knows the ghillie/camo issue is not resolved with latest update.
  24. phisher34

    HFB Customers - Please Read

    Confirmed on our server as well. Camo / Ghillie suits not working, you cannot join the server if you have it on, characters do not save. Still have a ticket in #293473, I did a fresh update.