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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. Thank you for the reply Rocket. And like I have said earlier I completely understand, and have been supportive from the beginning. From the get go I just wanted to make sure you were aware that this was still an issue since 1.52 patch. Bugs are bugs, and an Alpha build is going to have them. I only kept bringing it up because it appeared that you weren't aware it was still happening (in terms of the 1.53 changelog and the response when I asked if it was still happening in 1.54) My personal choice to wait until it is fixed is shared by those I like to play with. But that is my own deal, I enjoy the game thoroughly, I just don't want to lose my gear to bugs again if I can avoid it.
  2. Isn't that exactly what I am doing. Reporting a bug?
  3. Rocket has already said it would be easier to take out bandits as they are causing a lot of trouble and taking him away from other features. He put it up to a vote and most people agreed (I believe, couldn't tell from the poll results) We have gone two patches without it being fixed, with one patch that was supposed to directly fix it. By this time, I would think it would be easier to remove the feature until more time can be devoted to it. Rather then implement new features. I understand what an Alpha is. But this bug is stopping people, including myself from even playing as they don't want to lose their gear if they have to shoot someone.
  4. This has been a problem since 1.52, Rocket said it was fixed in 1.53 and should be fixed in 1.54. We will now be on 1.55, please just take out the bandits already :)
  5. phisher34

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Man this is driving me nuts. I have had a character on the verge of 2500 humanity (gaining it back) for almost a week. This bug essentially makes it impossible to play unless I want to just start a new character.
  6. Bump. Rocket, just want to make sure you know this is still a problem
  7. Bug Report thread that was created PRE 1.53. Is still saying this is happening. Can we just lose the bandits already?
  8. phisher34

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Can we just get rid of bandits for now? Still can't play until this is fixed without losing all my gear.
  9. phisher34

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Any news if this is fixed in 1.54?
  10. No news of a fix in 1.54, assuming this is still a problem? Can anyone confirm that they are aware of this since patch 1.53?
  11. phisher34

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    Any news if the switching to bandit/survivor bug has been fixed. It is still consistent after 1.53 patch. Basically you would lose contents of backpack and/or get moved out into the ocean.
  12. I want to get my humanity back up but am forced to kill people until the bug is fixed. Others are saying they are teleporting out to the ocean on when re joining. Still think the mechanic should just be taken out until the bugs are ironed out.
  13. Reddit Link This mod is exploding in popularity. There is an obvious gap in realistic survival games. The ARMA engine, with all of its flaws and quirks, is probably one of the best engines for pulling this off correctly. I really am looking forward to the ARMA 3 engine running this. Rocket, soon you won't have just a bunch of people saying BIS should invest in this mod. You will have numbers showing it is generating sales.
  14. If it's easier to just take the game mechanic out until its fixed, I know quite a few people who would prefer that. They are waiting to play until it is resolved in fear of losing their gear.
  15. phisher34

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Yep, this is still definitely not fixed. Witnessed it happen to two people in game. Can't really do much as my humanity is @ 2300 and if I login for more than a few minutes it will raise and I'll lose all my gear.
  16. Third person is about the only thing worth keeping. Sure people can look around walls, but everyone likes to see what they look like. It's a coolness factor. Get rid of crosshairs and player ID. Ideally a system like other mods that would only identify if you were looking at the player for a few second and then pressed a button would make sense. Being able to identify a player is important in communicating with them, but the pan and scan method seems to generous.
  17. phisher34

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Big picture guys. Alpha mod. Not a standalone, not a paying gig. By limiting negative behavior through a game mechanic you are imparting a set of rules. Which is exactly what Rocket said he didn't want to do. I don't think he will budge from this, so either get used to it or go somewhere else. Having respawning items/players doesn't encourage or discourage negative behavior. In fact I would argue that evens the playing field. Join a group of people on Teamspeak and make friends. It happened a few nights ago where our clan ran into three or four players in game. There was a brief standoff before inviting them onto our TS server. Since then we have played together. We can create and enforce our own rules and morality if we wish. This is an intentional element of the game.
  18. I hear you Lev. But I think Rocket and to an extent the BIS team have a strong pulse on what the community is looking for and staying true to the core values of this series. There are a lot of people I have introduced the OFP, ARMA series to, who are weary at first. To me this mod is a great ambassador to those communities who have never experienced the series before. Simply put, there is no way this will turn into Left for Dead and the people that want it to be that will never be satisfied. But there are a lot of gamers who want to play a game like this who just don't know about it.
  19. Just lost everything when my humanity raised. Backpack and main inventory.
  20. phisher34

    So how do tents work exactly now?

    Some good questions. I haven't had time to test it out yet. I am also wondering if items move with you when you pack a tent or does that effectively destroy everything inside of it?
  21. phisher34

    So how do tents work exactly now?

    Thanks Rocket, Awesome news. Great patch.
  22. Was just in a 50/50 server on NY2. There was a session lost message, and then the server came back online after about 2 minutes. Those that logged back in lost either all their gear, or their backpacks. Everyone in our TS server lost their gear. Would post to bug reports but this sounds like a big issue. EDIT: I lost my backpack filled with ammo/medical gear/ food. Other lost all weapons/inventory. 2ND EDIT: It also put me back about 45 minutes from where I traveled.
  23. phisher34

    Server wide gear loss on NY2

    IDK normally when they release a patch and the servers goes down the characters are still saved correctly. Confirmed, gear was lost across servers for those in my TS channel.
  24. I am reposting this from the Bohemia forums now that this forums is up and running: Rocket, I just want to say that this mod is the structure of what I, and a lot of my friends, consider to be a perfect zombie/survival game. This mod can generate so many emotions in one play through. It forces you to think like a game of chess, your actions have consequences or reward - but you aren't funneled into just two choices, in fact the choices are near infinite. You can have a great sense of reward but have it dashed in fear and horror, or even anger. Other players are the ultimate wild card, always keeping it interesting. When I first heard about games like Left for Dead or Stalker, I wanted it to be like this game so bad. I just want to say, well done sir. Really well done. I am not sure what your plans are, but I do want to say that if you ever need donations or have plans to do a kickstarter fundraiser (like wasteland 2) for a standalone, you will be receiving a donation from me - and many others I can imagine. Or convince your co-workers to streamline this into ARMA 3, build up some dedicated in-game features and models and offer it as a pay-for DLC. It will make money. Lastly, like everyone else I have an opinion and just wanted to share what I think would make this mod that much better. But again, so far everything has been awesome. I have a very limited idea of the coding and scripting functions in ARMA, so half of these ideas are probably impossible or very difficult. Feel free to laugh them off if you want. Party-System and "Safe Areas" I am sure the party system, or something like that is in the works or being thought of. I think what is important here is to structure it so that it can be fluid within a server but semi-permanent across servers. So I can join and leave the group as I please within game, but if I join one server with friends we can move to another and still be within the same party. To me this still allows for betrayal and uneasiness with just adding as many people to a group, but still a little bit of structure so that you have some semblance of a group. I guess what I am worried about with the party system is you will just have giant platoon sized armies of 20-30 players who throw off the current balance of the game so much that there is no longer a risk/reward factor. 10 or less seems like a good number. Think walking dead, any time they get a lot of members bad things happen to cull the population. All of the other intricacies (party identity, appearance, communication) is pretty standard I would imagine. Every group needs a home base. I think you guys did a great job with the tent and campfire elements. To me that is all that is really needed. A way to store supplies permanently across servers in one location. I know we can all think of what could be (barricades, bunkers, watchtowers, fences,...) but I think that is mostly cosmetic for the time being. Another easier option might be to stop spawning of zombies if a certain player threshold is met. For instance, a group of clan mates and I basically pacified a small town - nothing big that included a grocery store, airbase, hospital or firehouse. Just about a dozen buildings and one enterable one. It would be great if we could basically call this town our own until we leave or other survivors challenge our claim. This alongside the permanent tent's would be great. I am not sure if you could make this semi-permanent as I can imagine other players could just go to a different server, control the town, and then switch over to our server and essentially be spawning on top of us. So maybe it's just server side, this would also stop groups from being able to control a town for too long. If a town to is too much, even being able to takeover one of the scattered farmhouses in the middle of nowhere would be nice. Weapons and gear I think how you have it is great. Keep the scoped weapons, they serve a purpose and aren't effective in CQB. Everyone complaining about being shot by one are doing a poor job of sticking to cover or hiding. This game should be more difficult until you get more supplies, simple as that. Some other things that might really be great are ways to booby trap or set off alarms. For instance, if I killed a cow and had a tripwire and hand grenade in my inventory I could set something up that will explode if other players tried taking the meat (me as well I guess). This and maybe some tripwire road flares. This way if a group of people set up camp, they can set up a few flare traps and feel a little bit more secure. Vehicles Again, I like how you guys make them extremely rare and valuable. We are a group of survivors, not pilots, tank commanders. People always complain that it takes to long to run around, but everyone I have played with has gotten use to it after a couple hours. PVP and Morale system I think what you are implementing is a great step. Not to punish, but simply make players choices have consequences either good or bad. Along side a bandit player model, it might be nice to have a standard "survivor" model and a model that is intended to be friendly. Maybe something as simple as a difference colored hat, scarf, or shoulder patch. This is really more dependent on the mechanics of the game I guess. I do like how you have removed the ability to identify people from afar, its unrealistic. But if you have a set of binoculars and are watching a survivor move into town, it would be nice to see if they are a standard survivor, bandit, or something more friendly. The ability regain humanity, lose it, or be more neutral depending on your actions would also be nice. Map I don't know if you have plans to create a custom map, but I think this mod would thrive if the land was created with it in mind. There are some great player made islands that balance city, forests, meadows, with rivers and streams. With the need for water in this game, having inland rivers or streams would be extremely helpful. Zombies Love how the zombies change from classic to 28 days later on detection. I can see the zombie speed argument both ways, its a balance between challenging and realistic. I would say, that if there is a way to make it so ALL buildings don't spawn zombies that would be helpful but maybe difficult. Basically I would love to come across a small farm house and it not be overrun by 8 zombies even if I am 3km's from the nearest city. This could also work well with there being a small% of zombies roaming the countryside. Right now when you make it out of a town, a player knows they are safe from zombies. I think if there was even a very very small chance that they could run into one outside of a town it would make people more cautious and not just run on autopilot. Just my thoughts, have plenty more but I think you guys are kicking ass. I think this mod is going to explode in popularity even more, please turn to the community before limiting or shutting down. It is already so great, but has so much potential too.