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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. phisher34

    Hunger while offline?

    I think you will come back hungry, but they set a limit on how low your food will drop. So you won't die, but make sure you have food and water in your inventory when you login again.
  2. phisher34

    IF this was an actual game...

    I think you are undervaluing the work that went into ARMA 2 in relation to this mod. Rocket deserves an incredible amount of credit for creating this mod, but simply put, it would not exist if it wasn't for ARMA 2. There were thousands of man hours spent on coding, modeling, animating, bug fixes, network and infrastructure, troubleshooting, testing... that went into creating the "assets" from ARMA 2. If Rocket had to start from scratch or even just with a licensed engine, it would take him and a team of people years to get to this point. That is why people are advocating an ARMA DLC, he isn't piggybacking off the work (which isn't accurate either since he works for them) but rather complimenting each other. In my experience people will still pay for ARMA 3 if all they want is the DLC.
  3. phisher34

    Enterable Buildings

    There are some great maps with almost all enterable buildings. Keep in mind however that they are more of a resource hog that your static buildings. Also, because this is Alpha, there are major game mechanics that need to be worked out - so keeping it to 'Vanilla ARMA 2' allows them to work from an already known entity. A new map, or custom map might have a slew of troubleshooting on its own. Not to mention having to have people download it as well. I do remember Rocket mentioning a custom map in the future though, as a I am sure it is somewhere on the development map.
  4. phisher34

    IF this was an actual game...

    I think there is a lot here that we can only speculate on. Especially how it relates to your current employment with BIS and if they have any interest. The ARMA community will of course rather see this as an ARMA 3 DLC or similar venture. We can only assume the new engine is an improvement from what we are used to, which is why I think that is the smartest route. If there is a tremendous amount of success with this hypothetical DLC, it is then I would seriously consider licensing the engine and doing a complete standalone. Or branching off into a different engine. At that point you are venturing into the realm of being your own studio/publisher. Your roll will be more of a business owner unless you surround yourself with people who can manage it. If BIS has no interest whatsoever in associating with this mod then I think Kickstarter might be the way to go. EDIT: I think the concrete results in terms of sales for ARMA 2:CO is a tremendous boost to the idea of it being an official DLC package. Even if the whole 'Zombie Apocalypse' goes against the grain in terms of the culture at BIS - the sales and bottom line doesn't.
  5. phisher34

    higher body count=better items?

    Yes, it was coincidence.
  6. phisher34

    1,55 Is out

    New file(s) in download section.
  7. phisher34

    1,55 Is out

    No servers yet but changelog is up. Had a chance to test out the vehicle and object system. Items would still be where you left them even after a server restart or crash.
  8. phisher34

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    It's supposed to be fixed in 1.55, which might be released today. I have been probably the most vocal about this bug since it came out in 1.52, but Rocket definitely knows about it.
  9. phisher34

    1.55 Tonight?

    Hey Rocket, Any chance on a 1.55 release tonight?
  10. phisher34

    1.55 Tonight?

    Well I'm excited. Thanks Derranged.
  11. phisher34

    IF this was an actual game...

    Or if its tailored first to the ARMA community, ie ARMA 3. Sort of like the idea of a rising tide lifting all boats. If this can be packaged as a quality DLC expansion for ARMA 3, both Bohemia and Rocket will benefit. Much like the CS / Teamfortress model.
  12. phisher34

    1.55 Tonight?

    No worries. It's been happening since 1.52 so a lot of people have gotten used to it. One person online thought it was actually a punishment mechanic for turning into bandit, basically forcing you to lose the contents of the bag.
  13. phisher34

    1.55 Tonight?

    If you turn into bandit you either lose the contents of your backpack/or get teleported out to ocean losing everything. If your humanity raises enough to turn into a survivor the same thing happens. So there are several people I know who don't want to be forced into killing people to maintain low humanity because they turned into bandits from self defense, and a couple that were bandits but their humanity is right below 2000, so 10 minutes of playing would likely cause them to switch. EDIT: And if you are in my boat, it really hampers the game knowing if you shoot anyone, even in self defense, you will lose your gear or character depending on if the server can save in a reasonable amount of time.
  14. phisher34

    1.55 Tonight?

    It will come out when it comes out I know, just curious if there is a chance for it tonight as a few buddies are waiting for the bandit glitch to be fixed.
  15. phisher34

    IF this was an actual game...

    Agree with Spaulding, but make it ARMA III
  16. phisher34

    Development Road Map?

    My first post on this forum, when there was 100 users or so was to turn to the community when the time is right. I have followed up showing how this mod is generating sales for ARMA, which is incredible on its own. Your 'anti-game' mechanics are exactly what a lot of people are looking for. Donations have poured into servers and I think if you opened a Kickstarter you would have a great chance of getting financing too. However, what is great about making this a DLC for ARMA 3 is the community and engine are already friendly to the idea. This concept could not survive in many other engines. The ARMA engine is really perfectly tailored for a game of this size and scope. EDIT: I think whatever you choose, keeping the community involved as much as possible will be important. Like you said, you can't one-man-band this thing together but you have had a lot of success already on your own.
  17. phisher34

    IF this was an actual game...

    Standalone single purchase, or DLC pack for ARMA 3. Studio or Indie. Subscription is implying a huge development w/ studio backing which I would want to know more. Free-to-play but in game purchases would be terrible for this game.
  18. EDIT 1.54: Confirmed this is still happening. When you switch to bandit, or from bandit to survivor you get teleported to the ocean and lose all your gear. There is still a major bug that wasn't fixed in last patch. If you turn into bandit or from a bandit to a survivor you lose your inventory in your backpack. Not sure if this is something that can get priority as it is really limiting. The bug report thread for this has been updated but It was created before 1.53 addressed it. Just want to make sure it isn't forgotten.
  19. It's a game debilitating bug at moment, as you cannot defend yourself without losing your gear/character. And if you are a bandit you have to either keep killing or not play at all in order to save your gear/character.
  20. Rocket, Is there any best guess eta when this might be addressed - either through coding or removing the feature? If you tell me 3 months thats cool, it's your schedule. More people are confirming this is effecting everyone 100% of the time.
  21. phisher34

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Winchester w/ slugs is not accurate up to 250m "easily". One of the first things we tested was shooting the winchester slugs on an airfield at increments. If you were lucky enough to hit someone @ 250m it took several hits to take them down.
  22. phisher34

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    You will still lose the contents of your backpack however using the above method. But at least your character won't get teleported.
  23. phisher34

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    I think here is the point. Residential locations have like a .00001% chance of spawning 'quality gear'. Im assuming just raising it a bit would be an okay compromise. I have searched almost every residential building on the map and have never seen military gear, as others have said as well. So while there is a chance, it is so infinitely small that it might as well never happen.
  24. phisher34

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Well glad to know that Residential areas can spawn items.
  25. I guess I thought it would be easier to remove the mechanic that is bugging 100% of the players who encounter it, while you hammer out the code. And then re-implement it in a better state.