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  1. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    Gamingdeluxe also told me it's still possible as well, and that only the hard shutdown command was removed not the soft shutdown abilities. They're making it seem they plan in the future some back-end developer created bull crap to restart the servers when players are on...who cares. Why can't they just set up a script for us and be freaking done. I'm not sure what their deal is with this notion that restarts can't occur with players on and some super duper in-house crap has to be made to allow us to restart.
  2. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    Wow, I'm confused. I thought public hives were forced 12 hour restarts? As usual, I don't know what is going on and I'm suspecting multiplay doesn't either. Too many hands in the pot, probably. Regardless if the hard shutdown command is disabled, they can still do a soft shutdown and start and on the back-end allow it to do so every 6 hours, 4 ect.. for private servers. Just all around confusing information from multiplay. Thanks for the information.
  3. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    One of the more senior reps. replied with: "This feature is in discussion but nothing has been put in place yet. You can either run BEC yourself or let us run it for you. BEC #shutdown command no longer works in DayZ. I would recommend manually restarting your server every 12 hours via our control panel." It's nice he recommends something I've consistently said we're not doing. We're running a daytime, not nightime server. While everyone agrees that BEC hard shutdown is disabled, that has nothing to do with soft shutdowns and restarts. Which is why gamingdeluxe (and others) is able auto-restart as well. So they can't even have the server restart if there are players on and they can't do what every other provider is still doing, which is still utilizing soft shutdown commands to allow for a scheduled auto-restart. Why pay for less is now lingering in my mind.
  4. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    Different responses and idiocy is also what I'm getting. I'm stunned, really. And the response you just got doesn't even make sense. I contacted gamingdeluxe and their rep. said while the hard shutdown command had been removed, it's still possible to schedule autorestarts WITH players on at an interval of our choosing with scheduled messaging that we want. You would think with the inflated prices they ask for they would take care of the customer. This is why i wish they would allow other providers to come in so we can have some more diversity.
  5. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    Thank you. I contacted gaming deluxe and they also stated: "BI removed the shutdown command from SA, to stop Badmins." Gaming deluxe claims they have auto-restarts set via their side though, at least. If this is true, I'm not exactly sure why BI stopped this ability to access the bec for auto-restarting. People can still manually do it, so it seems to serve no purpose other than making things more miserable. I'm still going to give ibattle a shot though.
  6. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    I thought as much, the server rules don't indicate not being able to use auto-restart via BEC. They claimed DayZ/BEC shutdown commands were disabled or something of the sort so it doesn't work. They've also recently responded that their system only works when 0 players are on and will restart only then and their "tools" don't allow for auto-restarting with players on and will need to be developed. http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/bec/ ^ Yet I found the above. Am I correct that multiplay is using some BEC admin tool they created and are charging for it? Is there a specific tool out there that will allow me to access what is necessary to do this myself?
  7. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    I don't have access to BEC atm since owner has been away for awhile and I can only access clanforge. I'm trying to find out if BEC connection has been denied via DAYZ or is it just multiplay stopping us from being able to do it, and its possible.
  8. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    The question was, is it no longer possible? If they want test it, then they should test it and not allow us to manually restart. Plenty of servers are manually restarting every 4-6 hours, especially to keep daytime. Since we can manually restart, why is autorestarting being taken away making it miserable for those managing the server? That was what I was referring to, not the developers purpose in testing 12h uptime. I'm simply trying to figure out can OTHER providers allow this through bec scheduler? Or is this a removed feature for everyone?
  9. CMXII

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    So with 0.58 things have changed, and multiplay has been confusing me, greatly. When I contacted them, I was told auto-restart only works now when the server is empty. Then, they tell me they were asked by the developers to disable the 4 hour restarts they were originally using. Which makes no sense to me, as we're running a private shard and not a public server at 12hr restarts. He also tells me and I quote, "We do offer BEC as an additional service which you can find on our products page". Which I don't understand how they can re-sell something that is part of DayZ. Another support individual comes in and states, "BEC and Dayz also disabled Shutdown command so this no longer works." So what's the deal here? Are all providers on the same front here on not being able to allow auto-restarts even on private shards? If we can manually restart when we want, how on earth is it not possible to automatically do so.