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Dog fart

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About Dog fart

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dog fart


    My bad ,i was thinking of the old days and hangin around berezhki for nets.After finding out about dynamic boat spawns, headed down the coast torturing and killing everyone i came upon..... found at least 7 dynamic spawns with nets on diff servers and in the end started to throw excess nets into the ocean bwahahahahha .I now keep my gillie in my pack for "special occassions".Might want to keep people like me away from the coast and so spawn netting inland at my old stomping ground nwaf base and tent city myshenko. ;) See u peeps there.
  2. Dog fart


    WTF is going on with netting, spawn the shit at small boats or what.15 servers and NOT 1......BS.