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About shifehoe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shifehoe

    Newbie question about server abuse

    Thanks Klesh.
  2. shifehoe

    Newbie question about server abuse

    I have looked around I cant find anywhere to report it. Anyone know?
  3. shifehoe

    Newbie question about server abuse

    Thanks I appreciate the input.
  4. Hello I am new to the forums and kinda new to dayz been playing about 6 months. Yesterday Me and a friend had searched for a few hours looking for a battery for a truck we had found two glow plugs already just needed that battery. We finally found one and we started to head up to Lopatino where we had seen a truck the day before and the truck wasn't there but we found another battery so I told my buddy Im tired of running lets hop to another server maybe a truck will be sitting here. Now I only play on like 5 servers and its the little to no population servers I use I don't want to kill anyone that's not why I am playing the game. In 6 months I have killed two people and they fired on me first so self defense is my plea. So after we jump to a server with no one on it We.Hit.Nothing server there was our unicorn no more running so we jump in and proceed to go up to Novaya but we only make it to Vavilovo and we both get kicked from the server. We both asked at the same time why did we get kicked? so then we sat for a minute talking about losing our battery and glow plug so we both said yeah lets just jump back on and see whats up. So my buddy the one that found the battery and glow plug in the truck logged back in didn't even get loaded all the way in to the game and black screen you are dead I was already logging back in so he starts telling me hey Im dead don't log back in but it was to late I was already at please wait so he tells me if your not dead grab my battery and plug so as soon as I loaded I went to the truck and I hear a voice so I start looking around and I don't see anyone but I hear my name my buddys name you don't get the hint do you we don't want you here now leave and I was kicked again so I called it quits figured it was a lost cause didn't want him to kill me while loading like he did my buddy. So my question is can a server owner do things like this to anyone with out explanation with out any justification? Just kicking and killing someone just for driving down the road on his/her server? If the one who did this to us see's this I would really like to know why. Thanks for any info in advance.