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Everything posted by stenz23

  1. stenz23

    Small font?

    This might be a newb question, but I'm new so it's fitting. I haven't played In about a year and got back on to the standalone and now all the font on item descriptions is extremely small. I can't read it. Any way to fix it?
  2. stenz23

    arma 2 epoch mod

    so I'm trying to start playing the arma 2 mod epoch. I'm at epochmod.com but there is no real intructions on how to download, and actualy use the mod. some help would be awesome if anyone wouldent mind.. yes ive used youtube and everything is now for arma 3, I was at page like 3 or 4 scrolling and gave up. I don't want to buy arma 3 right now I want to try to mods so ill stick with epoch since I have arma 2 and the operation arrowhead.
  3. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    so I just bought an alienware 17 laptop brand new should have no problem playing dayz, the first thing that happens is at the menu screen everything is so blurry I cant even make out the words. the game isent fully set the the screen size either.. there is like an inch of black space around every side of the picture. how do I get back to making it great again? I use to play on a crappy computer, could it just of had the old presets saved and now I cant see anything
  4. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    oh no way nevermind I fixed it, thanks! now does anyone want to play nd teach this noob some things?
  5. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    also how do I go to "C:\Users\VahidkinG\Documents\DayZ" I just tried typing it in my web browser and you can guess how that turned out
  6. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    now how exactly do I find my screen resolution? lol I have no idea honestly
  7. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    well adding to the issue at hand, I cant even see the mouse. I get to user interface witht he arrow keys but cant even select the drop down menu. any way you can figure out how to use the dropdown menu using anything other than a mouse
  8. stenz23

    everything is blurry

    also, when it is first loading, the loading circle blue thing is super large and the "play with steam connect by clicking shit and enter now" or something along those lines is also super giant, and when I close the game it says memory canot be written blah blah blah bunch of numbers, and I have to click stop now
  9. stenz23

    what do i download?

    i use to play dayz when it was only a mod. now im trying to play it years later and there are so many versions. I bought the standalone version on steam and then went on to the dayz site and they have a "download dayz alpha test" button. which do I play? which do I download? the alpha or the one on steam that is the standalone?