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Everything posted by adamtheheretic

  1. adamtheheretic

    Traders and Traitors

    May I ask what you traded for? I was talking to him about a radio and he just deleted our conversation... Sad times.
  2. adamtheheretic

    Perfect Private Hive

    I agree OP, just need to find a good one now for when I'm not playing on the Public HIVE, any suggestions?
  3. Fair enough, as long as you're aware I guess... Just be careful.
  4. adamtheheretic

    Am i the only one?

    I am saddened by this.
  5. adamtheheretic

    Looking for private server? In here!

    Okay, so I'm a hoarder... I run a store and am looking to get away from it. I like having pretty much all items at my disposal and don't want to give them up but taking a break to join a private hive would be much more fun. I'm not into death matching but I want to end up in firefights, raiding camp sites and stealing vehicles and not bother to use tents, just vehicles. Some basic information about a server I'd like to find: GMT -4/+4 UK/FR (For vehicle saving) Third Person - Off Tracers - Off Nameplates - Off (Mandatory) Crosshairs - Off Death Messages - Off
  6. adamtheheretic

    Am i the only one?

    I really hope that is a private hive...
  7. adamtheheretic

    Am i the only one?

    I used to play on a server that was packed everyday, made it my home and now it only has 4/5 players at a time... The hacker population seems to be a ratio thing, the more players the more hackers there to ruin the fun. Playing in servers regularly populated with around 20 people seems to be the most fun, especially including well known server groups.
  8. I don't think the price matters right now, and I think it shouldn't come out at full price but maybe $20-$30 because there may still be a reduction due to buying ARMA II for DayZ and in the end people won't mind paying that extra $5.
  9. adamtheheretic

    Looking for Partner!

    Have you ever been in the bandit section? They tend to point out how unorganised survivor groups are... I think this slightly proves it. I wish you luck finding a partner, maybe we should make a template for group creation...
  10. adamtheheretic

    Satchel Charges

    This man has won. I have done the same, I just don't have his fantastic plaid shirt... Fuck my life.
  11. adamtheheretic

    Want a free, fixed, bus?

    Has anyone checked this out?
  12. adamtheheretic

    need help fixing a car (dont have toolbelt)

    What those people said. What server are you on? PM me.
  13. adamtheheretic

    Could use a little help.

    Glad it all worked out for you, sucks that bugs still exist though..
  14. Ah this again, you seem to be a different person though? Please don't post the server, make them add you on skype first. People will join the server just to see it land and steal it...
  15. adamtheheretic

    I Shot A Zombie And It Said It Hurts?

    What he said. It has been happening for a long time, it kind of freaked me out the first time I heard it too though.
  16. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    I know you were being classy, those vile peasants would be using chickens on their flaccid genitalia. Speaking of flaccid genitalia... I think I might take your advice.
  17. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    Sounds like an awfully intriguing deal, also how did you get your "Staying Classy" title?
  18. So, spawning constantly on the beach has annoyed me... I've been on more 15km runs in the past 3 days than I have in my whole time playing Day Z. Is anyone willing to drop me off at Lopatino? Check my store, whoever gives me a lift will have their pick from my stock.
  19. adamtheheretic

    I need to get up north... I can repay a favour.

    I feel like a motorbike or a chopper is going to appear... Also this is an old thread, I'm up north and haven't spawned on the coast for a long time. Thanks for the offer though.
  20. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    I'm not equipping you just because you're a new spawn. Especially if you have a fleshlight, you're living the dream! Whilst I just have a tent and a skinned rabbit.
  21. Glad to see this, I would gladly supply you with a sniper.
  22. adamtheheretic

    Understanding Mil Dot Rangeing

    Dude! Stop telling people, as if it's not easy enough for snipers already.
  23. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Store

  24. adamtheheretic

    Traders and Traitors

    Closi +1 BEASTRID3R +1 Fistgagger +1 Ataxian +1 JohnMaher56 +2 (don't these to my score)
  25. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Testimonials

    TESTIMONIALS Welcome To Wolf Armouries Testimonials! This is extended from the store because as my business continued the testimonials were rolling in and the original post would grow too large if I included all the testimonials but I feel that I should have a place to display them for those who may still question my ethics. As this is the extended section it will include the testimonials from Freeside Trading Co. as well as from the original thread. TESTIMONIALS My first trade, the feedback is on my Freeside Thread. [link] Second trade, this was posted on the Day Z forums and I believe is the reason people began to trust me. Thank you. Masic left a comment on both the Day Z and Freeside forums [link], awfully generous. HUB Camp Site | Store | Testimonials