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Everything posted by adamtheheretic

  1. adamtheheretic

    Forum Trading Section?

    Alright, well people who will actually bother to make an account can trade in happiness.
  2. adamtheheretic

    Forum Trading Section?

    Fuck making an account on a website dedicated to trading? Why?
  3. adamtheheretic

    Forum Trading Section?

    Or alternatively... http://freesidetrading.co/index.php
  4. adamtheheretic

    Dayz female hero status?

    Test it, but I don't think so. I don't know if the skin transfers and it's the actual skin that matters.
  5. adamtheheretic


    So, I used to play with a large group of 6 or 7 people, they were all people I've met in game/through the community and I had a lot of fun but they were mostly American so I'd have terrible ping. When my friend got the game we could choose servers close to us with good ping to play together, and that's just what we did. We joined SESUK1, after a few visits we decided to make it our home server which included setting up our camp. But, today... well it annoyed me. I was on the server earlier playing and getting back to my base, it was fun. I was trying to get on recently and I was constantly being kicked by "Vobla=)" No explanation to why he was kicking me but him and what I assume are 3 of his friends are playing the server... I have video's as evidence but I thought that this should be taken at face value and maybe an explanation could be in order so I don't feel as if some reset may have happened and they're gathering vehicles or something.
  6. adamtheheretic

    DayZ CampTracker

    Just virus scan it, it's safe.
  7. adamtheheretic

    Bandits look like heroes until you're 20 meters away

    Thank you for responding to that, I was going to rebuke it but since you have I'm just here to show my support of your comment. As for OP, I have never had the same issue but the headgear should be a dead giveaway. If not then maybe the shirt and tacticool vest? Blue flanel shirt and a vest with various pointless items such as a radio. All in all, hero's are easier to pick out of a crowd. Having this problem with survivors and bandits sounds more likely. I suggest turning your settings down and see if the more blocky textures make it obvious or not. As a sidenote, some screenshots would be nice if you can get any.
  8. adamtheheretic

    Vehicular Armor Idea -{STANDALONE}-

    That's why it's so common, and found near industrial zones. It's easy to find and fix. Not everything should be side grade in a tier based progression system.
  9. adamtheheretic

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    If there's still PVP, I'm fine with it but OP pointed out that some of these servers create rules to actually stop you from PVP'ing, so you'd most likely be kicked or prevented from joining the server again which isn't exactly fair. Also calling it a No PVP server when there's PVP is just silly. I would like less PVP, I used to get excited hearing someone respond when I asked "who's in that (fill in location)" rather than hearing nothing and having to shoot out of fear or hearing "friendly, friendly, friendly" as they sprint at me resulting in a dead player, be it bandit trickery or just idiots that run at players with M4's. Anyhow, if the server is private hive then it's own rules can be created but should be advertised. If it's not a private hive then get that shit out of DayZ. Even if I don't see the point of it, if it's not in the hive and feedback isn't being given to the dev's because of experiences in those servers then I'm fine with them being in their own concealed corner.
  10. adamtheheretic

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    I just have to point out that at this moment in time, other players are the only interesting thing in the game. Zombies? Anyone can escape them easily. Food, Drink and Temperature? All easy to account for. If these are the things killing you, you're the players dragging our average life down to 1 hour. My longest life has been 25 days, only killed by a hacker... after regaining equipment, I had a further 14 day character before finally being shot doing my third camp raid of the night. Going down a No PVP path will just end up with everyone in the server hoarding things together. What's the point if there's no challenge? It's like me playing Mario on a flat level with no jumps or enemies, or Tetris in which a singular block falls down sequentially filling the bottom row then being destroyed over and over.
  11. adamtheheretic

    Cell phones.

    A.k.a ACRE in Day Z. We can only hope...
  12. Hmm, seems like a fitting group name for me to join but I have one official and two unofficial groups already... Please stay away from servers I play, I'll kill anyone that has anything related to "Wolf" if they're not in my group. And it'd be an awful shame to lose my hero status...
  13. adamtheheretic

    How Do You Roleplay?

    Joined an RP server, my player keeled over and died. Hackers... Respawn with nothing, walk along the roadside to Elektro, it's on fire. Hackers... Give up on RP'ing. If I find a good server, I will. Any suggestions?
  14. adamtheheretic

    Raging Hacker Lmfao

    What's up with the textures? I have played on very low and they're far better than that...
  15. It saddens me that this is the smartest suggestion.
  16. adamtheheretic

    How players are made good/bad

    You would think people recognised this way of thinking, it's actually pretty obvious but I think those that turn to banditry are just looking for an excuse. I am still a friendly player, I've been here since
  17. adamtheheretic

    Ok..where the heck did you hide da choppa ?

    You haven't checked the east? A lot of things can end up there, namely cars and boats but why not have those eh? North East is a good place for vehicles too, if you're not having luck finding things on a single server then systematically search. Have you tried the treeline gaps?
  18. adamtheheretic

    Ok..where the heck did you hide da choppa ?

    I don't think things can go off map anymore, don't know if it's server specific or not but it's a huge help. Scouting the edge of the map will generally find you a vehicle but it may not be the Huey. After that finding vehicles is easy, check the map for "holes" in the larger forests that aren't frequented, those are good starting places. Good luck. And if you find one, I only ask for the Motorcycle in return.
  19. adamtheheretic

    I admit defeat

    He's right about the first part, it is easy as hell to get an AS50 and camp on a hill to kill those barely equipped passers-by.
  20. adamtheheretic

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    This. For gear specifics, tents can hold: [10] Weapons/Tools [50] Items/Equipment [4] Backpacks
  21. adamtheheretic

    Humanity should reset at death

    Only seems like one or two, I generalise due to the vast majority.
  22. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons May Give You Global Ban

    An admin does have to go through lines of code but they can find out exactly who the person who injected the script if they know what time the items were spawned, and they know if a weapon is scripted in and they know who has done it (or at least they used to, the newer scripts show an innocent player as the scripter which is why I said global bans are a bad idea). In what way am I wrong? And a player doesn't need to know if a weapon is spawned in, did I say that? I just pointed out that admins know if a weapon has been spawned in, removing the script kiddie is the main issue, someone using an overpowered weapon doesn't bother me in alpha.
  23. adamtheheretic

    Humanity should reset at death

    ITT: Butthurt survivors are unhappy with bandits... What a surprise.
  24. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons May Give You Global Ban

    Just ban the scripter from the server, also if you report them to BattlEye then they can be globally banned... And you'll have evidence since you'd be the admin and be able to show the script they injected.
  25. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons May Give You Global Ban

    Well that's quite silly thing you have just posted, isn't it. Admins of servers can check when someone has injected a script, although sometimes it gives false positives and hackers have found ways to have other players inject scripts for them meaning global bans are a bad idea. Through this method we know what is and what is not a legit spawn. Obviously this only works on a server with active admins, and the scripter can jump to a new server with his gear and no one will know then. But in honesty you're still wrong.