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Everything posted by adamtheheretic

  1. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    STORE Welcome To Wolf Armouries Store! A locus to conduct friendly business, there's no misconduct when buying, selling or trading your munitions and other items you worked oh so arduously for. This is a Freeside Trading Co. endorsed store. I'm also a member of Freeside Trading Company, being a gatherer I come across a lot of loot, and I don't specifically need it, nor do Freeside. This is why my store exists. The idea is that I come to a consensus of trade agreements with the customers, and we then trade, if either agent is unhappy with the situation at any time we can disband the deal in an instant. Don't fret! If the item you want is not listed, it does not mean I do not have the item for trade but rather that it is not in abundance and you may have to make a better offer to get it. A few examples of this have been offers for Night Vision Goggles, Ghillie Suits and Antibiotics that were not on the list at the time but I still made a trade for. If you have any questions, send me a message. STATUS The store is currently closed, this will be the case until the standalone release. The reason is that I was banned, here is the thread I created after being banned which explains the original explanation and also the edit which talks about my global ban. [Link] I have appealed but still have not received an e-mail and cannot access the public hive so I cannot physically run the store. Message for any further information. TESTIMONIALS Below are the original testimonials attributed to my store, linked is a thread dedicated specifically to testimonials and I will keep it up to date. [Link] HUB Camp Site | Store | Testimonials
  2. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    STORE CLOSED Waiting For Standalone PM me for Information
  3. adamtheheretic

    [UK219] Twonk "Hack #71"

    Just tried to join this server to do a trade in celebration of my store re-opening. Got informed by the customer that I had been banned by an admin, when I tab in, there it is, the message that I was admin banned for hack #71. Getting in the way of smooth business as well as a pointless strike against my name and another server that doesn't work, any information would be nice. Edit: So this escalated quickly... Upon trying to join another server with my friend, I got a global ban message, #6fd6 (I think...) After closing and assuming this was also just going to go away, it didn't so I verified the game cache in steam. Now when I try to launch the game it gives me pop-up window saying: "Bad serial number given in Setup" I guess this is now a global ban appeal? I don't even know...
  4. adamtheheretic

    [UK219] Twonk "Hack #71"

    Yeah, I just appealed. Can you define public hack, not very specific...
  5. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    I'm happy to say that was resolved quickly then...
  6. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Different sets of principles indeed do make it sound like one is not wrong, because neither are correct. One is just more socially acceptable and therefor deemed correct. As for bullshit philosophical arguing on that level... this is an online game and is much more petty than something such as theft. As for your edit, thank you. I have the G36K which is like the M16 Acog but with less/different zoom? The scope is very different, seems to take up more of the screen whilst not magnifying as well... but I don't know the facts since it's not on the wiki. Simple side grades like this would be a great addition to the game, would make finding ammo a bit more difficult, especially with the diverse selection of guns.
  7. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    HEY! Don't tell anyone about that. The thermal scope works like a charm too, especially with those heat seeking missiles.
  8. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    My "principles" on spawned in weapons... If they're not overpowered, they're fair game. I think there should be a whitelist created, some servers allow them, some completely disallow them but none have a middle ground. See I would like to see a server that ensures people don't have AS50 TWS' and Laser Designators to spot anyone easily, and in the case of the AS50, give a huge advantage in any type of gunfight. I don't see why AA-12's, Saiga's, G36's and AK-107's are removed from the game when we have the most overpowered weapon, the AS50 ripe for the taking on most servers if you just find a decent camp site. Also people have different principles, I'm sorry mine aren't up to par with yours? The only way I gather items... "Raid 'n' Trade" A lot of people have seen my hacked gear, they generally complete the trade still and some even ask how and where I got it. I generally don't oblige but it's from hackers boxes I've found, people I've killed or just in tents... no idea how those people got them but if they were hackers, would they have tents? As I said above, different sets of principles. Also, I don't trade them so I wouldn't worry about that.
  9. adamtheheretic

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    I use a G36K and have a Radio... Am I overpowered yet?
  10. adamtheheretic

    Item/Weapon List | Prices

    As a trader, the market is based on supply and demand. Like your M136... 50? I currently have no FN FAL AN/PVS-4, and 6 M136's... So to me the FN FAL AN/PVS-4 is worth more... So there's a huge problem with this, but I guess it's alright to try and set up a system I just don't think one will ever stick, good luck ofcourse. And as IndyAM said, NVG's and Rangefinders would be a good addition. As well as Car Parts and Medical Supplies. Sick people will pay a hell of a lot for Antibiotics...
  11. adamtheheretic

    Wolf Armouries - Store

  12. adamtheheretic

    Free Helicopter

    Thanks for reinforcing my point. Why use the urban dictionary translation and still ask? Anyhow, I don't really see the point in explaining a name, a lot of personas on the internet don't really mean anything.
  13. adamtheheretic

    Looking for a British Private Hive.

    EU191, a server that seems to be based on clan wars... FUN! Edit: Day Z Thread Official Website
  14. adamtheheretic

    Free Helicopter

    You're both idiots.
  15. adamtheheretic

  16. No matter how many zombies you dot around the place it will still be relatively easy to move through the airfield unless there's another player there. I rarely visit the airfields anymore but if I do, I simply run through them, zombies are so nerfed right now that as long as you're good enough to not run directly into walls, you can escape them easily. As well as that I generally spend more clips helping out teammates in trouble than actually saving myself... so a group of 15 would just be more of a hassle.
  17. But, Surviving NPC's would more than likely ruin the game just as they would ruin the current mod.
  18. adamtheheretic

    Wipe tents, not player hive.

    You're welcome.
  19. adamtheheretic

    My Hand Shakes

    I suggest getting your prostate checked.
  20. adamtheheretic

    Wipe tents, not player hive.

    They didn't fix unlimited food/water. They fixed ammo capacity, but now you can just do it again but with clothing sets...
  21. adamtheheretic

    I'm done.

    Uh... Want to use my camp?
  22. adamtheheretic

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    This man gets beans for solving the only real problem with 3rd person.
  23. Do you play on DE 141? I saw some of your clan maybe 3 people maximum on the server. I was player hunting but didn't find anyone nor was I ambushed driving a motorbike through major cities... Kind of disappointed thus far.
  24. adamtheheretic

    My Perfect Server...

    Well, I'm looking for a server. Right now it's just been guess work even with Day Z commander and a lot of them just end up being extremely boring. I'm looking for a server with active admins so hackers don't run rampant and are a rare sight, preferably one with around 30 players at peak to avoid being a high priority target for hackers. UK or FR based generally seem to give me the fast load times and best ping, reliable server reset and admins I can actually get in touch with. Resets should be regulated, something around the 4-6 hour gap between them seems to work well but those third party software packages that reset the server to a couple of minutes before hack attacks are pretty cool so if that's enabled the reset time isn't such a high priority. Also tents and vehicles working would be one of the highest priorities. If you know of, or run a server meeting these specifications. Please comment.
  25. adamtheheretic

    My Perfect Server...

    Sounds good, I'll check it out soon enough. Want to get a list of servers to try out before making a camp on any of them. Is there a Forum, specific thread or TS for the server?