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Everything posted by AnArmyOfBeaker

  1. Hey everyone, new to the forums and new to dayz. I've been playing for a few weeks now but I'm starting to see that food is getting more and more hard to come by to the point that every spawn that I have had are starving to death. Water, clothes, and gear don't seem to be a problem for me. Only getting food and maybe a backpack every once in a while. I will starve every time. I've been spawning in Elektro, Cherno, or Berezino but it seems they are all picked clean. Doors are opened, Gear is all around but food isn't. I've heard both that either loot spawns back into the map on restart or it doesn't. Server admin can't control it. I guess I don't understand how it all works just yet but I'll keep trying. I don't want to give up a game I just paid 35 dollars for. btw: I want an on screen cardinal compass - just north, south, east, and west. Stars, sun, and clouds are cool and all to follow but come on! Any good servers?
  2. AnArmyOfBeaker

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    I did the same thing last week. I was on a city bus and a guy had a new backpack on and my first thought was wondering how many slots it had. lol
  3. AnArmyOfBeaker

    First few days of dying and not much playing

    Thanks guys for all the tips. I've been playing pretty good now, got gear and weapons too. Now just traveling around and finding what I can, sightseeing and surviving.