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Roseino (DayZ)

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About Roseino (DayZ)

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  1. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    i didnt see ''64 bit is necessary'' in requirements and i bought wasted my 30$ i cant play this ******* game and devs dont give a **** haha lol
  2. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    one more thing , in 0.59 will it be fixed ?
  3. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    so if i want to upgrade 64 bit i have to get 4GB ram right?
  4. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    oh god plz i cant get a new ram now they solved it for 64 bit why wouldn't they solve it for 32 bit too ? srsly i cant wait for beta why dont they do something if i have to wait for beta seems like i wont play this game until die
  5. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    dude it makes game unplayable city or forest or anywhere its 3-5 fps some houses are invisible
  6. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    i have 2 gb ram can i upgrade 64 bit?
  7. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    how can i upgrade 64 bit ? i have original 32 bit windows and is my system enough for 64 bit?
  8. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    i didnt understand what you meant isnt 32 bit enough for this game? this is no such thing in system requirements of game
  9. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    i did this but it doesnt work bug still happens flush doesnt work how long we have to wait for fixing this glitch developers plz say something about it it has been fixed for 64 bit users but 32 bit users still have this problem
  10. Roseino (DayZ)

    weird graphic glitch plz help

    when i play fps suddenly drops to 3-7 and graphics becomes very bad it makes the game unplayable i ask you for help guyZ sorry for bad english i hope i could tell my problem my system is enough to play this game but i dont understand this weird problem i have windows 10 32bit everything is normal at first i mean 2-3 minutes and this happens i need help and some solution here is some video about it this should be enough to tell problem i wanna play this game so much but i can just watch streams and videos of game lol think i wasted my money any solutions for this guyZ pls help :((( ​