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About peeko

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I like it around where it is now, played for 4 hours yesterday and i got an izh 43 and a makarow and ragtag clothes and a made my own backpack. alitle bit too much food on my end to be honest. i dont want it to be super rare but keep you hungry so that if you need to regain on get healthy you should need to hunt forage or farm exstra food did not find any military gear at stary or vybor base so thats good that it is alitle bit rare "might jsut have been looted allready idk" but i think military gear should be SUPER RARE even though it would not make sense that it is rarer then a mosin as the military had them. but i want to feel blessed for finding an AK not "meh" So yeah they are heading in a good way but looting is essential so there need to be alot of low quality and maybe some trash loot just so you know that it is present you just need to struggle to find it.
  2. peeko

    Cool new ideas?

    Wouldnt it be cool that there where other weapon hotspots then military bases? like hunting lodges or gun shops? where there are high chance of getting "civilian weaponry and ammo" where you could get winchesters and cool pistols maybe? i personally am not a fan of the military guns. make firefights and zombie killing to efficent and fast so this is something "i" realy think would be cool.
  3. My girlfriend and i have been trying to paly DayZ together but if one of us is connected to any server the other person can't connect to nay server at all. it wil lsay joining game then connection failed. anyone have a fix or atleast an Idea what is causing the problem?