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Cerbo Knight

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Everything posted by Cerbo Knight

  1. In the ArmA 2 editor, which is where I'm basing my argument off of, the UH-1H that is in DayZ comes under the Takistani locals. I didn't say the UH-1H/UH-1Y were the same. Just stated that the UH-1Y was updated. This shit doesn't need to make sense, it's set in a fictional state, torn apart by a fictional war, and DayZ is a fictional outbreak. It's a game. What you fail to understand, is that you and I are unimportant as individuals here. We don't care that you find something hard to believe, or that you think something isn't right. Your opinion as an individual holds no weight. Now if more people were to agree with you, that would change. I'm going to drop this here, because it's become a matter of your opinion over mine and any further conversation would be pointless. Your tard rage can either commence or not, doesn't matter to me.
  2. For the time being it still is an ArmA mod, and it hasn't been given a new back story. So for the time being, you can't say something doesn't fit in to the back story. Also the UH-1H's are listed as Takistani's, not US. The UH-1Y's are US. UH-1Y's are I believe the updated version of the UH-1H, with the UH-1Y first flown in 2001. For reference, the UH-1H being the player chopper with twin M240's, the UH-1Y being the chopper crash sites. I must be a butler, because you just got served by an Englishman.
  3. The setting is Chernarus, a war torn country with an already established US presence. It stands to reason that US firearms are around. Why is that so hard to understand for so many people? Until Rocket gives a new background (which to my knowledge he hasn't, but he will) saying a certain weapon, vehicle or item doesn't fit into Chernarus, is idiocy. Plain and simple.
  4. Just to add to the above post, the short barrelled guns wouldn't suffer too much below 200m. It's longer distance shooting they lose out on, compared to their longer variants. But an attachment system like Arma 3 has would be incredible, once the kinks are worked out it'll be one of the best I've seen so far. Very intuitive and easy to use.
  5. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    This is still by far my favourite map, I will be sad to see this go. Much better than Taviana, Lingor etc, even without the survival aspect. The map design is just better.
  6. Yes I can see you're upset that you die a lot. It's not difficult to kill someone with a lee enfield, if you have a lee enfield. It's difficult to kill someone with a high end gun, if you don't have one. You need skill to do it. Stop trying to get rid of that. You're the coward, because you can't kill someone you want to take away their advantage that they worked for. If you don't want to die, avoid high traffic areas and walk around the woods for a few hours. Or maybe you could learn to avoid snipers.
  7. There are plenty of military bases out there. Weapons from them (even if taken) will not disappear. They should be rare, yes. But not gone. You can kill someone with high end gear with anything, you just need the strategy. Stop trying to lower the difficulty because you're lacking in skill.
  8. To equip an army you need ammo, I thought there was a militia before the outbreak (If you're going ArmA 2 plot line) who used Lee Enfields. You'd need to have a lot of ammo for them. Correct me if I'm wrong, then I can offer my alternate theory... The population of Chernarus are gypsies, and that's where all the .303 in the U.S. has gone.
  9. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Probably because it doesn't fit with the rest of the map. No sense in having a single horror themed place in a survival map, also it would make loot hard to see.
  10. Not being able to use weapons while wearing? I don't like it. Plus, where does your pack go while wearing it? I would like to see something like this, maybe riot armour. But not exactly like your idea. Oh look another military grade weapon. No. Lee Enfields are military grade, despite being old. They're much more military grade than a civilian scout rifle.
  11. The whole reason most people play games like these is because we can't do this stuff IRL. If it's too comlex it will just drive people away, we want to be rewarded for our hard work. Not punished for playing.
  12. Fuck that. Too complex, it needs to be simple yet challenging.
  13. I think the Lee Enfield is fine as is, it was used all over the world (and still is IIRC). If anything the Mosin-Nagant should be added as well.
  14. The desire to not play a game ruined by complaining forum members is the only force here. I enjoy all varieties of weaponry, it just doesn't make sense that they would disappear from the game. Add more basic weapons in by all means, but don't take the higher grade stuff out. What's there to work for otherwise? There needs to be a progression of loot, or you pick up a weapon and then you're suddenly geared. Where's the fun in that? Where's the challenge without superiorly armed enemies? Nowhere. You left it behind when you got rid of military loot. I mean "alienate" players because 90% of current players are bandits and enjoy killing people, you're the minority if you don't. AKA Go fuck yourself because it's the player's will that shapes this game and if you're not part of the majority then tough shit. If you think you're part of the majority because you're a friendly guy, then you're wrong. More players never use this forum than actually use it, guaranteed. You're just going to have to live with it, or find a new game to fuck your boyfriend in the ass in. Finally, if you played ArmA 2 then you'd know why there are military bases all over Chernarus and it would make sense that there are a lot of American weapons around. It doesn't make sense to have older post soviet weapons anyway, Chernarus is set in 2009, or thereabouts. Even if the bases where Russian, they would be filled with modern Russian weaponry, so essentially the same as the Americans but with a different skin on it. No SKS's. No AK-47's. No Mosin Nagant's. Not in any large quantities. I do enjoy killing people on DayZ because you have to work for your gear, the thrill of the firefights are unlike any other game I play. FYI, I do play BF3 and occasionally ArmA 2. No CoD though. I've come to the conclusion that you're a fucking delusional idiot, and have no idea about half of the player base and what weapons should actually be put in or taken out of the game. If making DayZ was up to you, you'd ruin it before it even launched. wat.
  15. Wonderful, but you missed the point. Realism isn't any good when you've lost 6 hours + worth of gear because you can't communicate easily with your team... Anyone who plays with friends or a team will immediately use TS/Skype. Guaranteed.
  16. what will that achieve?
  17. No, people will still use TS/Skype. Ease of communication wins battles in games like DayZ, no-one will ever give up that for a built in radio.
  18. Why shouldn't there be military weapons in a country littered with American military bases? Even if looted, weapons don't just disappear. They will still be around. While less military weapons sounds fun, it will alienate at least 70% of current and potential players so will never happen. It may be a mod or a gametype eventually though, but I'm 100% convinced that Rocket will never take them out entirely.
  19. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    There is no issue, throw a bunch of grenades down there and if you have it, a satchel charge. No more campers in the bunker. Also I think the bunker needs to be actually 'mapped in'. That would be the next big improvement to this map. The whole server got TP'd to the bunker and we were all stuck in a bowl underneath it, with the bunker on top of us. Though I'd have to say, and alternate enterence with a boat would be awesome. Make use of that underground water! Make it so you need a boat to get in there, you can't just swim. Maybe fast flowing water? (Can you even do that?) Or even just a ledge you can't climb up. That would be alright. I think it'd add a bit more to the bunker.
  20. Might. But I guarantee that if military grade loot is taken out/cut down significantly, it will be the least popular map. I'd bet that 70% of players never touch this forum now that DayZcommander fetches updates for them. The majority of people who do go on this forum, are the people who complain about the amount of military loot.
  21. DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus. Just keep that in mind.
  22. And you say other ideas are overkill? Jesus. Rocket's trying to build a game, not a hardcore survival mod. If people like you made DayZ how you want it to be, nobody would buy it. It would be the most wasted potential ever. You need to make the game acessable, but able to become harder. Not just incredibly hard from the get go. People can always mod the game (much like DayZ +) or maybe Rocket can introduce a super hardcore game mode for you guys to play on where you only have spoons as weapons and everyone is ultra hero's because there are no bandits. Please, get real. Less than half of the suggestions in this thread will ever go much past planning stages, so there's basically no chance for the hardcore suggestions. Also, you don't want a home made single fire shotgun but you're okay with an airgun? Or a potato gun?? Seriously, some of the ideas in there were nice (skinning knife, bow) but others are ridiculous.
  23. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I'm sorry that not everyone shares your vision for impossibly hard survival simulator 2012. DayZ just isn't going in that direction, I'm afraid to say. Otherwise Rocket would have done it sooner. I think you're missing the point of a game though. Seriously, it's meant for fun.
  24. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Or, you know... another person who doesn't like bloodsuckers in a zombie game. By all means make zombies and the environment a larger threat, but invisible hard hitting bullet sponges? No. They really don't have a place in DayZ. Everything in DayZ is geared towards a fast kill, but the hunt is where the tension is created. Whether you're being hunted or hunting someone/thing else it's always tense. That's what I like about DayZ, but bloodsuckers definitely ruin it, along with the EVR sequence. They belong in STALKER because STALKER is built to accommodate those types of enemies/play. It's also why Namalsk went from my most played map to my least, because it was good how it was.
  25. Cerbo Knight

    DayZ: Namalsk

    You want us to be freezing, thirsty, hungry and poorly equipped all the time, with low blood on top of that with no end in sight? What part of games are fun don't you understand?