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About Kermit_The_Hermit

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Hiding from zombies
  1. Kermit_The_Hermit

    Tartan Army Gaming Server {><}TA

    Hi Ghost, I've applied to join your forum and am currently on your TS and server.
  2. I've just read this thread in amazement. I've been playing DAYZ on and off since not long after the MOD came out and tend to play a few weeks then give it a rest for a few months. I think anyone saying the game hasn't developed is clearly playing it in a different fashion to the way that I do. I play as someone trying to survive. The aim being to not be killed but to survive as long as possible utilising the items at hand. If you looked at it from this point of view you'd appreciate the many changes for the better. If you just want a PVP shooter there are many out there to choose from.
  3. Kermit_The_Hermit

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yeah I was kind of expecting to eventually try tanning and find it still broken.
  4. Kermit_The_Hermit

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Cheers mate, yeah I took out a herd of cows a few days ago and was miffed to discover that I now needed a barrel. I've got barrels and lime now so typically am not finding any animals. I'm hoping to avoid walking back to Msta/Berezino if I can help it. I might go fishing, I'll probably get killed by a stampede!
  5. Kermit_The_Hermit

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Good Evening and apologies if this has already been covered but I couldn't see it. Has anyone had any luck hunting animals since .58 stable came along? I've had some success recently in both .57 stable and .58 exp but since .58 stable came out I've not seen a single animal. My main aim at the moment is to craft gear and a lack of hides is causing me problems. For what it's worth I'm currently searching the mid west section of the map. Thanks.