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Everything posted by KenoSkir88

  1. KenoSkir88

    Reasons to adjust field of view mid game?

    As i remember i switched to max FOV at one point when i realised my view would suddenly zoom to max any time i scoped up using a dot sight. In an effort to remove this slight pause when scoping up i opted to play always at max FOV. It occurs to me this might not be my comfort zone, rather the zone at which there is least lag between hip fire and scope up. I wonder if the "fix" was to make all non magnification sights zoom the player view to max FOV anytime the sight is raised. Thanks for the input guys.
  2. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I'm amazed anyone could so completely misunderstand literally everything they read and say as you friend. "People play 3pp for the same reason "HIGH LOOT, 24/7 DAY, INCREASED VEHICLE SPAWNS" The name of the server has absolutely 0 relevance to the subject, which is camera restriction. Your standard juvenile pasting of everyone who disagrees with you as "13-year-olds" makes you sound just like every other internet-big-man out there, and detracts from your point (if you had one). Your point about how no game should be played any other way than how the developers originally meant it to be, no matter how you try to insert references to hacking to bolster your argument, shows a complete lack of understanding of the subject matter. For example i doubt that when they developed Arma2, BI designed it to one day support zombies - again YOUR logic is flawed since this popular aftermarket modification is the entire reason you have a game to make ill educated posts about in the first place. "the survival crowd can play on their own servers if they want to. That'd be pretty shitty, right? It'd be kind of like buying Counter-Strike hoping for a competitive shooter, only to find that it's overrun with surf and deathrun." Again no, it would be like buying counter-strike hoping for a competitive shooter, only to find out that you can play it exactly how you want and so can everyone else simply by choosing the correct server, since various tastes are catered for B) You see try as you might with references to hacking and sweeping insults against most of the player base, you cannot turn this into a 1PP vs 3PP argument with me. I support both, and the VAST majority of players agree as demonstrated by all the rental servers being set by choice to 3PP. You can't say that 3PP is easier due to wall peeking etc, and in the same breath say it's harder due to people being able to wall peek you when you can't see them. But since this isn't a 1PP vs 3PP discussion it's all pretty meaningless anyway. You may as well have left the post empty and just let your signature do the talking, since your post and sig contain a similar amount of actual content once all the posturing is removed. In a game founded on an alteration of another game, you are attacking anyone's desire to play it any differently to how you would like it played.. Is it sinking in yet? Choices are ok maybe? People can enjoy something without your permission? Diddums. Infuriating isn't it :rolleyes:. Beanz to sooth the pain.
  3. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Ah man i actually meant Official servers, as in what the twitter post was about. My bad for poor memory, bean related apology for the confusion :o
  4. Well to be honest the majority of my crew are from the US, and i'd be more than happy with the social aspect and playstyle if it weren't for the constant need to compromise over ping. Now and again it be nice to rinse out some 25 ping insta-hit glory with others :) Hence the quest for Uk players. Nothing to do with nationality, purely geographical location :P
  5. Yeah he was playing this : That you guys?
  6. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I haven't ever said one is better than the other since i know all about opinions. All I've spoken about is the idea some people seem to have that one is a more valid way of playing than the other, which again is a matter of opinion, regardless how much people try to paint it as fact. Interesting points so far (kind of) but still missing the point i was trying to get at. I should clarify i guess, i didn't ask for reasons why one or the other view restriction is better, more fair or more valid. I asked for reasons to change -> ALL <- public servers to 1PP -> RATHER THAN <- just have an even split. Sorry i should have worded it more carefully the first time :huh: .
  7. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Could you quote for me the part where i said you don't have the right to speak? What i said is that you have an elitist overtone to your communication that doesn't have any basis. You hint that people who do not play your way are somehow less skilled, or even worth less in general than those who do. You make out with your language that 3PP is somehow easier, while also complaining that others have had an unfair advantage against you due to wall peeking etc. The fundamental flaw in your case being that everyone on a 3PP server has the same set of advantages against each other, meaning it is neither easier nor harder on anyone unless one party chooses not to use the advantage presented yet still plays on a 3PP server. I'd also be interested to see you quote where i was in some way uncivil, rather than factual. You also stated that 3PP is for "people who don't want to be nice" which is absolutely false. With that out of the way, i re-iterate : Can anyone deliver a serious reason to change ALL public servers to 1PP rather than just have an even split?
  8. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Ah stop taking everything so personally. You sound silly blaming 3rd person for the lack of interaction you obviously experience. I play both kinds of server (i just try not to be an elitist complainer) depending how i feel. Your point is void, since the option you like is easily available to you. When i play 3rd person i just stay aware of the extra tactical opportunities available to my opponents, and remain well aware that the same options are available to me should i require them. If you don't like 3PP don't play it, you don't need to railroad others into playing your way because you're butt-hurt about getting wasted by people who understand available tactics better than you. Funny guy aintcha :rolleyes: An even split between 1PP and 3PP on official servers is the only realistic option for change that doesn't ruin one persons fun to support another.
  9. Hardy hardy harrr... Try playing the game instead of server hopping. Not only will you have more fun, but other players and forum people will likely take you a little more seriously. Guns are extremely easy to find if you don't stick exclusively to Berezino, Cherno and Elektro. If it's easier to get gear from someone else i assume you can just do that can't you? Don't see what the problem is other than you need to be better at DayZ. Call of Duty is that way, and other such standard remarks. "I don't want to invest hours into a game, find the gun of my dreams and than get shot dead the minute I try to PVP." - Then you bought the wrong game son. Harden up or go home.
  10. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Sounds nice, good job it's already widely available if that's your thing.
  11. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    What's to gain exactly? Since there are also LOADS of 1PP servers too.
  12. KenoSkir88

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Sounds suspect to me. Think if they changed half the official servers to 1PP that would be balanced. Any more than that is kinda shafting 3PP players with no benefit to either side, since if it's a balance both player groups can have it their way without effecting the other. I'm in the "1PP can play on 1PP and 3PP can play on 3PP, what's the big deal?" crowd on this one. I abstained from the poll, since forum polls are stupid. Why is that never an option in stupid forum polls?
  13. KenoSkir88

    Spawning with something to suicide with

    I agree man, especially the part about Kurt :) That said the game has suicide functionality built in, with animations and everything. It's a bit of an ambivalent situation considering suicide is a deliberate feature, yet discouraged in certain situations. I have been known to jump off a crane or two when my friends lives may depend on it, however i also try to avoid it if it's just my fun on the line. Guess I've not much of a leg to stand on discussing the topic ;) I won't go as far as to outline the "other" suicide method, since i hope it gets patched out real soon.
  14. KenoSkir88


    1 minute in i was thinking "the hell are you watching Keno.. forgetting this is going to be expensive and full of whisky..." Later i was glad i stayed :D Great vid dude, keep it up o/ Beanz,
  15. KenoSkir88


  16. KenoSkir88

    Spawning with something to suicide with

    ^ Yeah was gonna say similar. Kurt Cobain was not crying for help, he was smearing his brain across the wall like a badass. "Full-Power-24Hour-Noshit-Noshower" as they used to scream in Thailand when last i was there ;).
  17. KenoSkir88

    Winchester ammo.

    I found 2 boxes of .308 in sheds today. I also found an AKM :huh: in a hanger at Ballotta on a private server. Planned to head back to public tho so i gave it to a freshy i met along with my full gorka setup and bunch of guns, all from Ballotta.
  18. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Sweet just find a Blaze :P for that scope and you're officially a badass. You can still check pulse, it's just kinda.. sticky. Keep rolling the mouse wheel lots and eventually the option will light up.
  19. KenoSkir88


    Assuming this isn't a joke : 1. Time spent unconscious depends upon many factors and so an estimate of time is not possible. Sometime between 1 minute and forever. 2. The forums are still fairly active though not as they were a year ago. Updates are still coming and the development team haven't left. They are busy working on the .59 update which will include return of zombies, some new guns and a bunch of other stuff i can't be bothered to list. 3. Google is your friend, get a compass in game and an online DayZ+ map and look out for signposts in game to help locate yourself on said map.
  20. KenoSkir88

    Truck stuck in freelook mode

    Errr.. not sure about that one :/ It depends on how fast the truck is moving and what the incline is (as in how fast it is likely to stop moving once accelerator is released). Though i'd be interested to be proven wrong.
  21. KenoSkir88

    DayZ Interaction Discussion "Why Won't You Talk to me?!"

    I don't talk to the enemy unless it directly assists my current plan to win the fight. I will also try to convince the enemy to talk to me so i can track his position easier when i can't see him, and also to take his mind off the fight as much as is possible. People aren't playing the game wrong by not talking to you. When i play the bandit my goal is to take what i need from you, secondarily to leave you alive. Saying people are playing wrong by not talking to you conveys a fundamental misunderstanding on your part of the tactical importance of communication to both sides.
  22. KenoSkir88

    What happens when French people meet each other in DayZ?

    What happened at the end was obvious. You should have landed the first shot (first 30 shots). Good vid i guess..
  23. KenoSkir88

    Vehicle Windows WTF?

    Not sure this aspect comes very high on the priority list right now, nor do i believe it should. Ability to adjust the driver height through some kind of seat adjustment control would be a nice finishing touch once literally everything else is dealt with tho. EDIT : Your other thread was likely closed because you can't communicate like a grown up. Try swearing less and sounding a bit less like a child throwing his toys out of the pram and your threads might have more chance to succeed. Butt-Hurt much?
  24. KenoSkir88

    Spawning with something to suicide with

    I hope they add a timeout multiplier for every suicide. So first suicide you get the standard 1 Minute like when you change servers. 2nd within 15 minutes of first gets you a 5 minute timer getting back in. 3rd and all additional suicides within 15 minutes of the last get the full 15 minute timer before login. I see this kind of plan as the only way to wipe out people like the OP and make sure DayZ doesn't attract the CoD crowd for another reason. Even under this system people could still persuade others to kill them for quicker respawns but at least it would slow things down a lot.
  25. KenoSkir88

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    Long as each RPG is like 2x4 sideways or vertical i don't anticipate much of an issue. I'll use em, but i'm not too worried about being killed very often by them.