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Everything posted by KenoSkir88

  1. KenoSkir88


    Fixed that for ya :lol:
  2. I want helicopters SOOOO badly :P The harder to fly the better :D
  3. KenoSkir88

    will i regret buying this game ?

    Hell of a first post.. The first time you get randomly "fresh-spawned" yes maybe you will for a minute or so regret buying into the pain. But even with all the bugs it's still a gem of a game if you can take it :) Just be ready to adapt and overcome.
  4. You are one angry little dude :huh: On subject, if there wasn't any military tech, whatever was the best weapon left would take over as the feared overpowered weapon of choice. I think making military tech rare is fine.
  5. KenoSkir88

    Just My Luck - 0.58 DayZ Standalone (Video)

    Desynced & fell thru the floor i reckon :D Happened to me a few times in various upstairs locations, when you get your crew to check your body usually your shoes / pants are damaged / ruined.
  6. KenoSkir88

    DayZ Shorts - How To Deal With A Hostile Russian

    You swapped his knife for your full MP5 mag :rolleyes: If i was that guy i'd have popped to the nearest police car for the MP5 and come back for your pistol too :D
  7. KenoSkir88

    Plate Carrier = Best vest, life saver.

    WOBO reckons it provides the same level of protection as any other piece of chest protection, so likely a Press Vest, Leather Chest Holster or High-cap vest etc would have protected you just the same from that round.
  8. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Or a good night out :P
  9. KenoSkir88

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    1. The game isn't finished. 2. It was never meant to be a DayZ Mod clone. 3. There are bugs (see point 1) but in many ways that you've chosen to ignore Standalone is far in advance of the mod already. 4. Why would you sign up to TEST a game IN DEVELOPMENT and then write a long and butt-hurt forum post about how it isn't finished yet? We're ALL here to help the devs test these bugs not to pop in once a year to troll the forums and leave. I bet you actually raised 0 points on the bug tracker, and decided instead to come here to vent about something you're doing nothing to fix. 5. Call of Duty is "Thataway" if DayZ is too hard for ya, the rest of us actually find it a bit too easy currently.
  10. KenoSkir88

    Squad vs squad battle @ Pustoshka

    Good vid :) I wondered if you noticed the guy running in the distance at exactly 4.58? Look just above the dark brown low roof to the far right of the screen.
  11. KenoSkir88

    I am a dick.

    Nice press vest :)
  12. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I think there must be some way you could change your strategy, i don't run into nearly as much trouble as you do :huh: Though to be honest with hacking becoming once again pretty common there are currently a variety of perfectly valid reasons to shoot a Bambi, so maybe it's just a current trend showing itself.
  13. KenoSkir88

    Mod zombies vs SA zombies

    They're making a game about realistic shooting (partly) so of course they're liaising with the manufacturers. You need a tinfoil hat buddy ;)
  14. KenoSkir88

    Best Sniper Gear?

    A good survivor (and I use this term generally referring to any possible player of Dayz) should eventually learn these things. I believe you are setting up an imaginary rivalry between two unrelated playstyles, CQC soldiers on one side and snipers on the other. Most players are not either. I'm not setting up anything, that just sounds stupid. You said "every role has its own demands, I was just curious about why the focus on snipers in this, and many other threads." and i gave my opinion on your curiosity. I used two distinct play styles for comparison and never once suggested that "most people" are any kind of play style. My apologies if you've been raped by snipers to the point you can't bring yourself to admit it's hard :rolleyes:
  15. KenoSkir88

    Best Sniper Gear?

    I actually wasn't talking about gear specifically when I made my first comment. I was just noting that there are often many threads specifically about snipers. My confusion arises about the fixation on snipers over other playstyles such as "hatchet murderer." Just like you mentioned, every role has its own demands, I was just curious about why the focus on snipers in this, and many other threads. However, on the topic of gear: Looking at many of the responses in this thread, it appears to me that the gear set ups, especially the clothing choices, are almost identical to what I see on myself and other survivors who are not snipers, barring the choice of a sniper rifle. It's because a sniper has to be more skilled in more areas than the average CQB or Melee soldier does. Snipers have to know more about camouflage, trajectories, bullet velocities and geography than they would have to know to pick up an M4 and successfully fight in Cherno downtown. The actual good snipers out there are extremely skilled players, don't be fooled by the majority of wannabes who want to snipe for cool factor. It's about patience and maths and you tend to have to get it right first time, hence why so many people want to be a sniping hero :P
  16. KenoSkir88

    night dayz

    Yeah i agree mostly :) Would be nice if night was actually dark instead of just monotone. Currently hardly anyone uses a light source of any kind because even without turning gamma up, light isn't really necessary enough to outweigh the risk of being spotted.
  17. KenoSkir88

    Better helicrash experience

    I actually thought this a while back too, might be a cool idea :)
  18. KenoSkir88

    Best Sniper Gear?

    Headshotted a guy in Zeleno last night at approx 750m with my trusty Blaze. New record for me in night sniping :)
  19. KenoSkir88

    Fail and win video durring 30 min of gameplay with one character :)

    Nice headshots :) BeanZ
  20. KenoSkir88

    Best Sniper Gear?

    The OP was just trying to discuss sniping gear, whatever your butt-hurt is about snipers in general this isn't really the place. I'd add that in real life things would be completely the reverse to how you describe and sniping would be the OPTIMUM way to engage someone you didn't like the look of. It sounds like you get killed (a lot) by snipers and are angry about it.. Maybe just adjust your strategy instead of hijacking forum threads to complain about it?
  21. KenoSkir88

    Best Sniper Gear?

    I love the Blaze :) I also like ghillie suits in the right situation even if they are buggy in DayZ. The camo on the summer hunting jacket is really nice / complex, but i would worry about becoming too wet in the rain (or are they waterproof now?). Getting wet in a static sniping position can get you cold really fast, bringing shakes that will mess up your aim. I like the autumn gorka jackets for waterproofing, though if i was ghillied i might go with a tactical shirt and just use the rain to keep cool ;) And lose the shades maybe, they show up further than you think in a treeline especially aviators.
  22. KenoSkir88

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    I love my 133, though i tend to only use it for building clearance / confined spaces. Inside a house a shot from a 133 will ruin the vast majority of peoples day :thumbsup:
  23. KenoSkir88

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    I've heard developers refer to DayZ as a "Sandbox" game several times, definition being a game where you can choose how to play and set your own goals in a broader sense than the average game. Of course no game allows you to play "any way you want" but we have to make certain concessions on the basis of context don't we :P Think it's pretty clear that's what he was saying anyway.
  24. KenoSkir88


    Chucking some apples on a fire then transferring them into pockets once they get red appears to drastically speed up the warming process :)