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Everything posted by KenoSkir88

  1. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Haha i thought for a second i'd discovered a new kind of AK / Mag til i realised that's just how the 2 un-related items spawned <_<
  2. KenoSkir88

    Sorry, but thanks for the AK

    Strangely enough me and a friend were discussing yesterday whether or not an ornamental ear necklace would increase your chances of being shot on sight..
  3. KenoSkir88

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There's a strong likelyhood that was once my M4 :) Left one that was damaged exact same place..
  4. KenoSkir88

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Gotta love some good old fashioned M4 porn..
  5. KenoSkir88

    Sorry, but thanks for the AK

    So much yes :D I want to be able to pull out my victims teeth while he's cuffed and craft a necklace..
  6. KenoSkir88

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Tbh people just play games for different reasons and have different and equally valid approaches. It doesn't have to be a big wang competition and i'm not sure either of you can claim that yours is the only true way to play.
  7. KenoSkir88

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    My compass was working fine all day :/