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Everything posted by KenoSkir88

  1. KenoSkir88

    Dont Kill Bambi

    Yeah that sounds well boring i'd have cut it too </sarcasm> ;) Genuinely tho, nice shot as he was runnin away.
  2. KenoSkir88

    Got my revenge on the "ghost"

    I think what he's getting at is that this demonstrates a kind of PvP that is considered by some to be a bit bad form atm. As in : ○ Squad gets geared on empty server up north in safety, probably by glitching the officer tents etc. ○ Squad moves to Cherno / Elektro / Other standard pvp area in safety on empty server. ○ Squad all log in together to populated server once already in good defendable position. ○ Squad fight until all are dead or local target population of Bambi's is thinned to the point of boredom. ○ Revert to start. Now i quite enjoyed the vid in several places, but i also see where Zero is coming from. This reeks of "that kind" of PvP which if i were the picky type i'd probably roll my eyes at a little purely in regard to DayZ. Some are purists who wish this kind of canned skirmish "CoD" style pvp were not a thing. I'm on the fence, i dislike the playstyle because it is completely against the real scope of DayZ. That said this playstyle is a natural evolution of the current state of the game and it's development, combat people still need something to do after all. It's my hope that one day zombies come back with a vengeance and this sort of thing becomes a little less common. He wasn't saying "hey bro you should have let that Bambi kill you cus he's got no weapons". He was i think saying "hey bro what were you and the rest of your 5 man geared squad doing camping Cherno for newbs?" a question which may or may not still stand ;)
  3. KenoSkir88


    Yes mate nice job :) Loving the teamwork and tension. Not so sure about the 11 year old at the end calling people bitches but what the hey ;)
  4. KenoSkir88

    Dont Kill Bambi

    Looks like you killed the Bambi :P Guy you shot had an Axe and nothing else. Guy he was fighting had a Blaze and skull balaclave :D Nice shot regardless, happy hunting in future banditry ;)
  5. KenoSkir88

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    What a very poorly thought out statement.. The Butt-Hurt is strong in this one :P
  6. Still think trading is the best bet if you can do it safely. Hint hint.. :P
  7. Ok i we were wrong. I was online with a friend yesterday when he spawned a damaged M4 base from the officer tent at mysh. It was just the one that spawned, just fyi.
  8. Yeah that's pretty much what i'm talking about, thanks for the demo mate. The long reply was both relevant and informative, it added much needed context to your discussion. Except it isn't a discussion since you won't want to hear anything except "i agree with you, rawr! food n stuff". There are ramifications to the entire game and other things not linked purely to food bars also involved here. If they reduce the amount you have to eat, then there will be too much food on the ground reducing potential for other spawns since it's left there. This in turn makes other items more rare since so much food is left on floor clogging up loot distribution which means more small changes must be made, these also cause side effects which must be sorted out etc etc etc.. There are MANY other ways the slightest change can effect other systems, but i feel the one example is enough to carry over the message i'm trying to show you. Everything might seem simple when you ignore every piece of information that doesn't fit your own view, but that's not how life works. INFILTRATOR : "Thanks for the rant, on your way now since your contribution to the topic at hand is zero." Pretty sure i've contributed more in my 2 posts than you have in your whole thread.
  9. To be honest you need to take a step back. You have received various points of view so far and have replied with a childish or condescending tone to several, is it surprising they start calling you Miss and responding in the same way? It might seem as easy as pushing a button and flicking a switch, but this opinion goes to show how little you really know about the subject matter. It's cool though you'd be amazed how many people don't think things through properly.. An opinion is ok, questions are ok too, rants about game mechanics you dislike and refusal to accept that thing might be any other way than you see them make YOU seem like you are in 3rd grade. Christ someone even wrote you a massive detailed reply and all you could do was mock him.. childishness.
  10. I thought downtime was scheduled for 8am CEST, we all just noticed the various servers we were on stop all together at 7.53 CEST.. What gives? Always like this or something?
  11. KenoSkir88

    Does downtime always start 7 minutes early?

    Haha maybe :) Was trying to drive to Mysh before dt. Planned to arrive at 5 minutes to and stand by the truck to ensure it's all saved before server went down. Assume i am now back in Cherno and truck is somewhere near Mysh :P Always forget to have breaks in my route to get out and stretch my legs..
  12. 2. Yeah someone told me they had, but when i spoke to others he had been with they said he was talking about UMP's and being excited by all the m4 buttstocks n stuff. 4. Still need the SMERSH vest with or without backpack, will trade you a worn m4 with a full 60 clip?
  13. 1. I'd be willing to bet M4's do not spawn at crash sites currently (.58) at all. 2. Great for the accessories and ammo, but not for the M4 itself. Many UMP & AUG but never M4 as far as i know or have heard reliably since .58. 3. Potential, though very slim. Have seen myself and heard from others multiple times. 3. I need a SMERSH Vest and potentially a winchester, pm me trade offers. Winchester beats m4 anyway :)
  14. KenoSkir88

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Umm, my post was about public vs private servers and being kicked in general, and therefor entirely relevant to the conversation. Secondly, your juvenile attempt to twist what i said into your own version is both obvious and silly, go back to school. Private servers can also be linked to each other via a private shard just like public servers are, but i'm sure you knew that too.. Military loot is not working as intended however you cannot just gear up well from the glitched officer tents. The hundreds (thousands?) of server hoppers currently jumping in and out of tent city are a living proof that i am correct and you in fact are mistaken (play.. much... bro?). Anyway with that all sorted, my first post was a general stab at people who complain about being kicked from empty servers. These people will complain loudly about the unfairness of loot servers and being kicked from them, blissfully unaware that server hopping (yes that is why they're constantly trying to log into 1/30 servers) is just as much an exploit as a personal loot server. I didn't quote you the first time DeevoTe because i wasn't directly speaking about you. I was casting a general opinion that is often overlooked by a few. That said you sound quite butt-hurt about server hosting in general so i still group you in with the above. People who aren't trying to server hop don't need to join empty servers, and weirdly don't get kicked very often at all ;) Also, all the server companies operate a similar policy atm not just Vilayer. Lastly, please don't insult my intelligence then finish by calling me "bro" and completely failing to understand what's being said to you, the irony might be too much for all of us right now and you need to sit down before you hurt yourself.
  15. KenoSkir88

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Genuinely, i don't see what the big deal is. Private servers can have their own rules enforced by an active admin team. Those of us who like to play with no rules on a public server also have our needs met. Since private servers are literally begging for players, i don't see why so much hatred for the public ones. So you get kicked once in a while, how about you go to a private server where you know pretty much what you're getting into before you get into it. I don't like hackers, but haven't really seen much of it since i've been playing tbh. How about anyone who wants rules and regulations to govern their game stick to their private servers in safety and leave pub for the scrubs who like it? At forst i would have agreed that pub needed a "fix" of sorts. I now disagree with the statement since there are easily enough private servers for everyone to play on if they choose. Surely it's ok if some other players play the game their way on a totally different server to you?# Let's face it you're only complaining because you are a server hopper who is annoyed at getting kicked out of the 1/50's you keep joining for risk free loot...
  16. KenoSkir88

    Trading Post

    NEED : Smersh Vest with backpack attached (Pristine) WILL TRADE : SVD / M4 / AK101 plus mags and ammo or a Hunting Scope or whatever it takes to get a Smersh on my doorstep by tomorrow. PM Me
  17. Sounds harsh, get hold of me via pm you can have my m4 for a life. (yes pretty rare atm)
  18. KenoSkir88

    Contaminated Terrain

    Not really into the contaminated terrain idea atm..
  19. KenoSkir88

    Prisons, fishing and the future

    Does fish make you ill like cooked meat currently does in .58?
  20. KenoSkir88

    M4/AK101 at Heli Spawns: Can Anyone Confirm?

    I'm with you mate, i haven't seen an M4 at a crash site yet in .58. 5 or 6 SvD's but not a single M4.
  21. KenoSkir88


    Confirming carrying bodies would be fun and helpful in a team. Also it would allow for construction of base defenses using the corpses of fallen foes which is obviously a nice effect on any base. Potential for abuse is huge though if carrying bodies is the only fix, since bodies can merely be moved to hinder your enemy instead of yourself.
  22. KenoSkir88

    floating crosshair

    There's an option in (public) server config to have cross hairs disabled. I've had it set to disabled entirely so far but as yet have not seen it make a difference.
  23. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Today's lesson from DayZ, even if a group of people are already fighting they will join forces to take out a geared soldier with an SvD. Almost soiled myself so sorry for the heavy breathing and foul language.. Was originally trying to track down ONE guy with a mosin. Everything went wrong, even got stuck in a scoped lean when i was trying to hip fire and took two axe wounds to the neck to get started. Less than pro :P Clip Here
  24. So, thought since i was up north i'd swing by an un-dead friend i've seen around a few times. Problem is i didn't spot her quick enough while driving and she ran into the back of the truck. Everything normal tho, don't want to mess up the truck driving away with it in back (have lost couple trucks this way) and so i dutifully climb out to dispatch it and hope it falls out the bottom and i can leave without glitching out my vehicle. Soon as i step out of the truck tho, everything goes dodgy. 4 frames a second, no windows on V3S and tires look decidedly unwell, in fact all textures seem to have regressed into the stone age along with my frame rate. Was it the zombie somehow? I've never had this happen before. Unlike temporary common frame drops this was constant and lasting and of course there's all the visual weirdness. Here's a short clip just for info : http://plays.tv/video/55f7172ee31adeffa6 The hell happened to my beautiful view?