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Everything posted by KenoSkir88

  1. KenoSkir88

    [Proper Names 101] Quonset Hut vs Officer Tent

    Pent up need to feel superior released in the form of a knit-picky lecture complete with snide insults, ironically also complete with section about unnecessary wastage of people's time. You actually made me feel better about calling them Officer's since at the very least least I'm not the guy on the other side of the fence talking to people like you do :)
  2. KenoSkir88

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    Interestingly, once when i was completing a scuba navigation assessment dive i had forgotten my knife and ankle strap so i borrowed a friends knife which strapped to the wrist. Compass strapped to other wrist i confidently guided my group WAY off course because i didn't clock right away that my compass was being pulled off course by the big metal knife every time i raised my arms to check direction :D
  3. KenoSkir88

    Poisoned by fuel residue :(

    Me & my crew used some PET Bottles to fill up our truck. One friend then filled his bottle back up with water, poured it out, filled it again and drank it all in one. He didn't get sick. Later i used my bottle once again to fill the truck, then i filled it with the last 3 "catch rainwater" cycles i could squeeze out of a small rain shower. Upon drinking the small amount i instantly got a funny taste in my mouth, and am therefor poisoned by the fuel residue in the bottle. I'm interested to know any details anyone can give me about % chance to become ill, amount ingested, if rinsing helps etc. I have heard many reports of people drinking whole jerry cans accidentally when refueling and not getting sick. Anyone got anything concrete? Hell i'd probably settle for some more hearsay at this stage ;)
  4. KenoSkir88

    Poisoned by fuel residue :(

    Thanks mate, but i know how to cure it :) I was more asking about the figures behind the system, since i was only one to use rainwater / half filled bottle / un-rinsed etc. Beanz tho :thumbsup: Thanks for info. Ty, very interesting. When i find the tabs i'll do another rainwater test to see if that's the issue.
  5. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Congrats on your first close up butchery :) Can you illustrate the kind of hacks that were used against you? Just for my personal interest.
  6. KenoSkir88

    Barrel persistence

    Nope, i'm afraid this is incorrect.Your items will however most likely be wet when you come back due to rain entering the barrel, additionally the barrel will remain wet inside and make any further items you add wet also. This may be due to damp soaking through from adjacent items or from water kinda pooling in the barrel itself, i am unsure how it works on that one and i have not tested if a nearby fire can rectify the issue for the whole barrel or if items must be removed and dried manually on your body. Either the server you play on was not as persistent as you believed it to be, or it was a robbery / glitch. Remember, all servers are locked to persistent. If the persistence file is wiped it is by choice of the server admin on an individual wipe basis, not by turning persistence itself off.
  7. KenoSkir88

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Hadn't heard of anyone in the ATC walls in ages, prison of course tho :P Dya think the anger you felt toward the hacker may have contributed to the overall "Dicks & Douches" vibe of your postage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFnFr-DOPf8 Never let us forget the balance :) EDIT : My DayZ just ended with a hacker "swimming" up the stairs in a piano house, swimming under the floorboards into the back room and wiping out my 3 man squad with an AKM. We emptied a total of 4xM4 60Mags and 6 shotgun shells into him as he made his way from stairs to us with 0 effect on target :P Feelin the balance myself right now :D
  8. KenoSkir88

    Hello Just Bough The Game

    Can vouch for this dude, have played with him a few times since this original post. Good guy :)
  9. KenoSkir88

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    Thanks duder, this was really helpful :) Beans to the face.
  10. KenoSkir88

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    Haha, missed this the first time around. Irony is amazing. ...you can lead a horse to an education, yada yada yada.
  11. KenoSkir88

    Blaze is an incredible gun -On fire- by TopeREC

    Love your vids. Love the Blaze. Perfect combo :D Shame i'm UK and play mostly with US friends, i'm lucky to get a ping under 120-140 so i either have to wait for still targets or do crazy 20ft leading shots to get any Blaze action. Have you any experience with double shot firemode? I've been wondering if it's any good at mid/long range.
  12. KenoSkir88

    Barrel persistence

    I'll just end this then :) If your barrels were not stolen then the server did a "Full Wipe Reset" which not only restarts the server but wipes the persistence file stored server side. Persistence is on for ALL SERVERS currently regardless what the title says (extra info : the server name means nothing, admins cannot change anything regarding loot amount, loot location, crash site spawns or anything else aside from time of day at server restart and server restart interval), however as mentioned the persistence file can be deleted causing loot to respawn across the entire map as if the server was brand new. This means barrels gone, crash sites in their original starting positions, trucks in original starting positions etc. It is common practice for server owners to perform hard resets as a method of cycling high value loot spawns and as such it is difficult to tell which servers will actually retain your stashes and bases. Suggest you try using one of the official public servers, or a long running reputable public/private server for your stashes.
  13. KenoSkir88

    pre .59 hype

    Wierd thing is, there are people on both the Rust and Ark forums spouting the same crap. "why have you released a broken game" "this game is broken due to hackers" "base building ruined the game due to poor implementation" etc I actually think it is self righteous forum warriors that have changed the way Devs communicate with the community in a lot of ways, hurling abuse at any delay or problematic design decision (ooh pulled that right from the disclaimer you all click 10 times a day). I'm just gonna quote a few random snippets from such warriors : 1) DayZ is pretty awesome, in fact it's ground breakingly sweet. Hence why we're all so interested in it both as a concept and as a product. 2) I don't think Dev Reports and their regularity really have anything to do with how much people like a game, the logic is flawed. He actually said 2 months late. Also here's a quote from another hicks interview : "from the get-go, we told people this was going to be a two-point-five to three-year development cycle. Three years would be standard, but we’re going to try and hit two-and-a-half years, and that would put us in 2016." Your client pays for your services as detailed in the contract you BOTH agreed upon. Show me the contract in which you are ENTITLED to anything other than "bugs, unfinished features, problematic design decisions, and many more things that disrupt your game experience". BI's future in game development has extremely little to do with their communication with you or any of us, and a lot to do with the end product. It seems like it's actually much more in their interest to take as long as it takes, rather than push out a rushed product to appease a minority of forum complainers. You weren't promised anything aside from the above mentioned problematic design decisions and bugs. In reality YOU are adding the word "Promise" to add weight to an argument that has very little substance. ---enough quoting--- I think DayZ is already much more fun than Rust or Ark, and i fully expect it to out live both and games to come after them. I hope the developers take their sweet time and aren't too demoralized by all this rubbish.
  14. KenoSkir88

    pre .59 hype

    Did you not read the bit about zombies coming back in .59 then? I prefer it this way, rather than a lot of other games that are rushed to hit deadlines and as a result are released broken.
  15. KenoSkir88

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    I'm with everyone else on this one. Couldn't care even a tiny bit less about new guns, just actual necessary game features for me :) Hurray for ZOMBIES :lol:
  16. KenoSkir88

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    Umm.. Ok i think i must have misinterpreted your other post. It seemed to me you were suggesting the compass in DayZ:SA should have bigger visible degree markings. Sorry if that was not the case :)
  17. KenoSkir88

    A lesson on why you should respect the dead and not trash talk them

    Nice. Though what the hell at the end, he literally just waited patiently for you to pick up a weapon and then let you shoot him..
  18. KenoSkir88

    "Bringing Out The Clown"

    ummm. wot?
  19. KenoSkir88

    Current Status of My Character :D

    Free slots are nice too, since you lose protection with every extra item you carry ;) On that note, suggest looking for as many ammo boxes and protector cases as you can find to put your gear in.
  20. KenoSkir88

    Status Report?

    Thanks a bunch mate :)
  21. KenoSkir88


    Why is this in Gallery? Nice to hear about your friend :thumbsup:
  22. KenoSkir88

    Firing both barrels of the B95

    100+ frames a second, in the woods far from any buildings or players, on a server i get 13 ping to.
  23. KenoSkir88

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Longhorn's a bit unnecessary now the Blaze is back in my possession :P
  24. KenoSkir88

    Status Report?

    This is a CCP Games trademark, expect angry letters in the post.. ahem.. soon.
  25. KenoSkir88

    Status Report?

    I also heard there would be one in the last 48 hours. I'm extremely tentative to jump on the "waaaah devs aren't talking to us" bandwagon, but any info is good info you know? Maybe a 1 sentence status report on the status report would be achievable?