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About integ3r

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. integ3r

    Huge problem with FPS

    I wouldn't advise OCing your card (or system for that matter) for the purpose of arma (or dayz, which is just a derivative of arma) as you will not see any significant gains.
  2. integ3r

    Huge problem with FPS

    Remember that this is Arma, you cannot really hope to get much more than 30 FPS regardless of hardware. Why? We can only speculate, I suspect however, that the game tries to grab too much data straight from the hard-drive and probably doesn't use as much memory as it should thus creating a bottleneck meaning your CPU and GPU can't work at their full potential as they must wait on the slowest part of any computer: The hard-drive. This bottleneck shows itself when the object count is high. Such as in cities or with very long view distances (more objects in view). I'm using an SSD, and I can't say that really makes much of a difference. You could try RAID SSDs but unless bohemia themselves say that the game can actually be run at 60 FPS and they provide steps to reproduce it then you're basically shit out of luck until bohemia decides it's time to rewrite the whole rendering engine. Oh and of course the netcode matters. So you must keep that in mind as well, arma notoriously has bad multiplayer performance. The causes can be many, the aforementioned bottlenecks or the heavy reliance on scripts. It's just a fact of arma that you're just not gonna get consistent 60 fps. Some armadrones will tell you that they get 'great performance', but that just means they consider 30-40 to be great. So you're not the only one.
  3. integ3r

    Is this game dying?

    No end-game.
  4. I don't mind it in principle, but the problem is that this could potentially split the community leading to some maps being dead in activity....
  5. Console = Mass market
  6. You say that but it doesn't offer anywhere near the same level of precision as a mouse. If you think it does, you are delusional. Most console games have a level of auto-aiming.
  7. I swear to god if this is going multi-platform my rage will turn the planet to lava. He's got to understand that the "experiment" will be limited CRIPPLED if it's supposed to work on console as well. IT'S 6-7 YEAR OLD JUNK.
  8. integ3r

    Possible hacked weapons?

    Use them if you want to. That's my thoughts.
  9. SKS. So I can go inna woods proper.
  10. I had 4 murders once and my friend told me he could hear a heartbeat very faintly. He needed to be within like 10m in order to hear it though... Don't know if more murders increase the range.
  11. I think rocket has the right idea. We'll see things shift once more tools come into play. Factions... notoriety... deeper character customization... and more end game goals beyond vehicle repair. Like basebuilding and gear production which would be a large incentive for cooperation and grouping. People want challange, and currently the biggest challenge is killing bandits... the second biggest challenge is killing players in general.
  12. The truth is that people are getting bored after a few hours of exploration and getting pwnsome gear. What's left after that? PvP (and pranking). That's the simple truth. Hopefully it will be more in the future, but it currently isn't.
  13. Remember, one bean-eater killed today is one less bandit in the future. Do your duty!
  14. integ3r

    M4a3 CCO or M4a1?

    Should have taken the M4A1. Way more hardcore. Aimpoints and flashlights? You got batteries for that shit? FUCK NO. Grip? Enjoy it getting in the way when shooting from other stances. Hate to break it to ya man. You dun goofed.
  15. integ3r

    Strange radio transmission

    THE NUMBERS, MASON WHAT DO THEY MEAN Anyway, it's actually impossible to know what they mean. Socalled One-time pad encryptions are impossible to crack unless you have the key. But OP could have made it sovable or more likely just threw random things together.