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About magetut2

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    On the Coast
  1. List of ideas i have came up with over the past 6 months i started playing day z SA Some ideas may have been mentioned soo dont repeat this line Hold interaction: which has been previwed by the the devs with an example of rice but what i suggest is for alot of stuff like picklocking doors you have too hold the interaction key down when opening a door you can slightly open it by holding the interaction key and moving foward slightly to get cheap shots through doors same with vehicles and windows in vehicles in the action menu where it has raise window/lower you hold either selection done and it starts going up or done for instance (this isnt important) for starting a vehicle you must hold enter on turn on engine and then press w too accelarate too start a vehicle aiming weaponary out windows or vehicles, i reckon this should be released early in the stages of vehicles ild like too see early vehicle warfare, and also meaning you dont nessisarly have too exit a vehicle and be shot up too defend yourself, i reckon guns should not be limted, you should be able too hold a rpg out the side of a car, you should be able too right click while in first person too unholster a gun, in a vehicle and press shift too hop out the car window and aim over the roof in vehicles you must be carful why shooting guns because shooting the vehicle from inside will damage, and injure other players inside the vehicle crashing, i know its too much memory and other issues too use beams or soft physics but i reckon Gta 5, + extra effects like AIRBAGS, and applying seat belts can stop damage or death from crashes but when it comes too visual vehicle damage it should be noticable like scratchs dents, basic deformation and collision physics, crashing is extremly loud, and there should be extra effects like dizzyness, loss of conciouness brocken bones, and remember with out a seat belt, well who knows where end up, inside or out of the vehicle, fire should be a big factor in the game for vehicles and structures, i reckon they should have burnable props from clothes catching on fire and having 3 seconds too take it off before it spreads or in a house were someone, has throwen a molotov or let a torch, thats on fire accidently touch a curtin or something that can catch fire easily without actually pressing a key or interacting too do it applying this can cause serious lag, but if done right with a minor effect, itll be fun too set a house on fire with someone tied up in it or someone blazing up house and corn feilds and forests with a flame thrower fire attracts large zombie attention including smoke being visible from a distance Smoke helping as a extra signalling device? sharpnel, and other bullet effects in fire fights guns and bullets should have more than just a killing effect, like supression, from sharpnel supression can cause blindness or injures, after death body aging, even knowing this prosess can take years i reckon it should be added we body can decompose and start aging leaving a very bad smell. this goes for items, items age without being held senses, smelling, should have a visual affect and ingame affect, where it has certain colours and player interaction like smelling dead corpse has a black blur screen affect on the edge of the hud, or something like gun power mabey not a full screen visual effect mabey some indicator in a corner with a circle that changes colour around certain smells ranging from petrol, zombies, smoke, bad smells can cause vomiting i havent gone far in this subject. climbing trees (auto animation too a good spot in a pine tree for instance if climbablee too snipe?) garages, why isnt there garages with movable doors too? powerstation, too edit and control power in towns, from housing too street lights, too gas pumps also talking about power workable light switches, eletronic security?, if that was around during the time frame cameras? vehicles modifaction, wheather its speed, aromour or fire power you are looking for this should be added attachable door light machine guns replacing the mirror to be able too aim a LMG out of a sedan would be cool , lets not make this a racing game but ability too modify the engine and parts, and also adding fortifaction, or even spikes around a vehicle or a plower on too a truck, stolen from a train? heavy items that require more than one person too lift giving the indication of having a squad like a player on a strecter or carrying people too safty or vehicle part like a hood or trunk of a car or furniture for base building taming aminals should be added** random spawn scenes, respawning] like waking up in a crashed car on fire and having too smash your way out, or in a bed, too be found woken too a zombie trying too break in, or wake up lying down on a beach on spawning random generated equipment too, too have a good start like being a military soldier, woken at a crashed heli with a broken leg but with weapons ammo and clothing housing and storing stuff should be very imortant in this game with have closets too put clothes in or houses with a basement? load the walls up with guns too choose from and stockpiling food and ammo storing items in vehicles should be free form, meaning you have too open the trunk and try jam stuff in there, though this can cause large lag issues but means you can have fun placing objects in vehicles like quick access with a gun on the seat or glove box Thanks for reading part 1 part 2 coming soon
  2. magetut2

    Player personal skills and attributes

    Skill ideas: Strength: carry speed, tiredness from strength trains but makes you more tired trained from running cycling gym equipment agility/free running carrying objects and equipment for long periods in time train longer and faster hit harder swing faster withstand damage withstand recoil Swimming: swimming speed longer breath/breathing teqnuiqes visibility in the water trained from swimming diving and training train longer and faster athletics (running): ability too run faster, further train longer and agility: climbing jumping higher and faster climbing ladders faster lung capacity: ability too breath underwater longer, get less tired, run longer, and carry longer stealth: foots steps quieter too the point of only being heard at such close distance all noises that come off you are more quite (including talking?) trained by crouching and running, too all over movement and noise gun handling: means you can withstand more recoil, aim direct through breath training better, move faster and unholster and holster faster combat: faster and better fighting (new moves automatic though) kicking? grappling special moves melee weapon handling survival: survival knowledge, learning skills crafting faster fixing objects gathering items faster better hunting skills able too get closer too an animal
  3. In day z Each Spawn, you spawn with random skills set any where between 1-10% after a while it gains a percentage out of 100%, though this should be implement in the later stages of the game this is a very good idea of how it works and the skills stated there is also attributes that affect you your skills are not visible in display but in physical and mental state for instance you are running, swimming exercising (push ups, sit ups gyms and park playgrounds? weights and equipment too steal drugs and other medicinal forms enhance performance and training time?[like: steroids caffine, etc..? Temporarily enhances training speed For a duration and slowly disappears over time ( over time you gain muscular more acquirable in physical exercises and able too run and swim faster for longer) but it doesn't have a screen or page showing how much percentage you learnt too find out how too level these skills and become better trained and what too do too increase the percentage you can learn from books and other tools a lot are oblivious and simple, but alternative ways like running up a hill makes you more tired but more fit and extra methods too train on equipment like mountain bikes, breathing exercising, even just by pressing space (too hold breath with out a scope aimed makes you breath in that way and you can practice breathing too breath longer by just tapping space too breath)(example [shift-hold] breath in [shift release] breath out when not pressing shift you breath automatically over timing training your breathing can make you run further or hold your breath longer for taking a better shot even.
  4. Vehicles spawning and density and damage explained I reckon vehicles should be often found regularly especially in main city's with some vehicles like car's buses etc.. being found often but(): Are found in various conditions from pristine too ruined.. where it's fixable, a vehicles next point where it's unfixable and that's destroyed a vehicle may catch fire smash up lose a wheel have exterior damage, even from zombies too bullet's exploding there vehicles or weapons like 12.7 rifles penetrating armor like Humvee's or even a apc effecting crew also helicopter's if there main part's are damaged it can alter the vehicles performance meaning higher calibers and launchers are more effective and you can lose vehicle part's or they become damaged over time also taking fine condition vehicles and some have alarm's or you have too break a window it make's noise soo you, have a choice too use tool's also hotwiring vehicles spawn locations Garage's? parking lots? parked up in the road crashed? In pieces etc... other ground vehicles spots tank's and apc's in hangers and plane's and helicopter's in hanger's or out on a helipad moterbike's, bicycles atv, and other transport found in garage's bushes alleys back yards against tree's farm's etc... Thing's I want too see about over powered and armoured vehicles is that the part's and ammunition are much harder too find but are in large quantity's(realistically) Soo you can stockpile from barrack's vehicle rearming station's petrol can be found at petrol stations' occasionally, you can syphon petrol helicopter fuel and equipment is found on island's airfield's and private owned houses? with mansion helipads crashing hurt's you (from glass, impact falling off falling out the windscreen etc... I want the handling too be realistic and crashing mid-way visual a car crash is extremely loud and attracts zombies crashing can kill you instantly or make you unconscious player's can pull you out of the seat you can change vehicle position from inside the vehicle and be able too aim inside and outside of the vehicle weather sitting or not( for hostages hijacking etc..if a player is dead in a seat they can be pushed out.. I reckon this idea would be cool too sum vehicles up I reckon the best part of this would be salvaging vehicles part's too make it easier and having different types? for each vehicle more medicines and diseases pain indicator? like a sense? more cinematic affect's like when you kill some one or start becoming unconscious more zombie's jumping fence's coming in horde's etc.. ability too push stuff like jumpstarting a vehicle or a holding on too a hostages I also want too have ballistic's and be able too shot through walls