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Everything posted by CalleV23

  1. I loved the game when u began with a weapon! back then you could defend urself! But now with out no weapons u need to crawl all the time, cause if a zombie sees you... UR DEAD! He will aggro every zombie in the village/town. Then you have 10 zombies behind you! And i noticed that now zombies can stop chasing you! :D GREAT JOB! But the problem is that if you're chased by 2 zombies one will stop, then start agian since the other zombie is still chasing :@. You cant really play the game anymore since you are in such need of a weapon to get stuff. I dont know why you did it so hard. You should give the player a chance to defend himself. At this point i can say that this isnt DayZ, its Running Simulator 2012.... Please hear me out! I LOVED THE GAME SOOOO MUCH AT 1.7 :angel: