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About kenotrs8

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  1. kenotrs8

    Came back.. This was my story

    This is the part where you run away, keeping him at safe distance until he is forced to bandage, then stab him some more :D As soon as someone is bleeding you have the advantage ;)
  2. kenotrs8

    what a game this is

    I see people inland on a daily basis, they are there for reasons of their own as am I. Sweeping statement is sweeping statement..
  3. kenotrs8

    How was your Day(Z)?

    EvE Online :) You'll find a lot of the most hard-line dayz vets came from EvE which is a game that similarly places a lot of pressure on the player and is a PvP everywhere kinda sandbox.
  4. kenotrs8

    The Lonewolf Experience

    Your best bet is never to let someone have the upper hand on you unless you fully trust them. I let people go un-harmed on a daily basis but there are a few things that will drastically reduce your chances of surviving an encounter with me: ○ Running around with your weapon in your hands - I know there are loads of reasons for doing this, but i do take it into account that you could very quickly raise and fire the weapon. ○ Not having / refusing to use a mic - I automatically assume you are communicating with friends on teamspeak and thus do not want to use the mic to talk to me. ○ Axcessive distraction / slow reaction to instruction - I assume you are attempting to stall me until backup arrives. To be honest if you accept a shitty situation with good humor i think quite a lot of bandits will let you go after a quick sift through your gear. Remember that the bandit / random other player is just as jumpy and paranoid as you are, so if you can insert some laughs it might help break the ice so to speak :) A good tip if you don't want to kill someone or leave them defenseless by taking weapons or ammo, but also feel too paranoid to walk away from them ; carry a few pairs of handcuffs easily found in police stations. Cuff the player before you leave, tell them how to struggle out but mention that you will look over your shoulder occasionally as you exit the area, and if you "see" any struggling you will open fire. In my experience these players will usually leave it a good 5/10 minutes before they even start trying to struggle free of the cuffs, and you get a clean(er) conscience :D
  5. kenotrs8

    what a game this is

    If you enjoy your playstyle and it's within the rules, you're doing it right (regardless what know it all's on the forum say).
  6. kenotrs8

    How was your Day(Z)?

    oops delete post
  7. kenotrs8

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Today i was hanging out in one of the many bushes i call home around Chernarus, waiting for likely theft targets to stroll by. I hear a vehicle approaching from range and hunker down a bit lower in my bush. watching through the scope of my silenced ak-74. I won't tell you exactly where but i was just outside a major PvP area, but far enough so there was very little around me aside from a couple of roads. I was busy working out my chances of tagging the driver through the window and holding up his friend when the truck started to pull off the road and onto the patch of grass between me and the curb, stopping eventually about 50m directly in front of my hideout. Assuming i'd been busted since i was the only thing around i quickly double tapped the driver as he was exiting the vehicle, he died on completion of his animation and i turned my sights on his friend who was exiting on the opposite side of the truck to me. Here's the weird thing though, i don't think he knew where i was since he didn't seem to know which side of the truck to use for cover or where to point his weapon (he didn't actually fire a shot throughout). He eventually did an amazing zig-zag escape for which he deserves much credit. My point is that i think they just chose by complete chance, the absolute worst place to park and were killed because i assumed they must know exactly where i was :) Think the dead driver was dressed as a fireman or something red, i got a nice black combat knife and a damaged ammo box which is a bit worthless atm. Passenger escaped in style with a bullet in his left butt-cheek.. So yeah sorry guys i don't normally outright execute people without talkin to em first :D Who ever you were, take solace in the fact i'm still using the fireman's knife and the ammo box was broken anyway ;) Wrong place wrong time, potentially..
  8. kenotrs8

    Abundance is Realism

    That my friend is why i would be sipping Pipsi-coladas on the beach by day 50, and you would be a piece of chewed up flesh in the belly of a big mama sized zombizzle. The ability to separate emotion from action in the right circumstances is nothing to sneer at :) Potentially if my mother was the first person in town to turn and we had seen nothing on the news or radio your point would stand, otherwise you had shed loads of warning and should have been looking after your mum through the (thick) bars of a solid cage.
  9. kenotrs8

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    Read it fine the first time you make no mention of a base, just "ANY army clothing store worth it's salt".
  10. kenotrs8

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    If you play without a mic, 98% of people will assume you are a combatant. I'm not saying it's any kind of proof, just that you must understand how paranoid a silent player makes the average person.
  11. kenotrs8

    DayZ on consoles

    Not entirely sure why anyone would want to play DayZ in low res and low FPS when they could just keep playing on a PC.
  12. kenotrs8

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    You don't need a military ID..
  13. kenotrs8

    Abundance is Realism

    In a real apocalypse, i would have no issue blowing away my "goddamned family members" if they had been reduced to flesh eating husks.