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Everything posted by moondye

  1. SurviveZ is a complete Namalsk Overhaul, developed by a german Team: psyonic Blowouts, Bloodsucker Zombies and a much scarier experience German Gameplay from the german Server:
  2. moondye

    DE 341

    Hello, Everytime I connect I spawn at the coast, on other Servers I have full equip but on this one it seems like you begin from scratch again. Any solution to this Problem ? Full name " DE 341 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95054) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by pg-server.de 9999 Veteran DayZ Chernarus COOP Playing FULL 1.61.95057"
  3. Hello, We've found a Bandit Hideout, unfortunately owned by the Server Admins ... Enjoy !
  4. Wir sind auch schon alte Knochen .. *hust* ^^ Zzt. sind wir komplett voll, aber wenn du nach Teams suchst die nicht nur aus Rambos bestehen findest du in dem einen oder anderen deutschen DayZ Forum sicherlich das richtige :) Liebe Grüße
  5. Wir haben den Heli gelooted :) EDIT:// Bzw. meinst du in der ersten Szene ? DIe war im Military Offroad, ich habe aus Platz gründen die rennerei rausgeschnitten
  6. Hello, I found with a friend a Military Offroad and an UH-1H Huey on the DE 533 Server. After we killed all of them in their Hideout they kicked my friend from the Server while he was sitting inside the Chopper and restarted the Server two times in a short period of Time, after the second reboot they changed also the Game time, probably to reduce the Player count on the Server. We also Filmed everything and released the Video: FIrst Server reboot at 19:18 Second Server reboot at 23:10 The Clan is called DFG and their Homepage is http://www.die-feierabendgamer.de Unfortunately is the Video in German, but the Message gets through... we also were on their Teamspeak and they said that they decided to reset the whole Server .. odd timing for a reset ...
  7. Hello ! I got the chance to fly with an UH-1H, needless to say that I tried some basejumping. [/url[/media]:)
  8. moondye

    Chopper ride & Basejumping

    You'll never know until you try it :)
  9. moondye

    Chopper ride & Basejumping

    Me too that was the reason for the funny noises I made
  10. moondye

    Chopper ride & Basejumping

    They told this exact reason why they had one.
  11. moondye

    DE 341

    I just got in contact with the server admin and he said that he did everthing accordingly
  12. moondye

    [Video] Blowing up the Bandit stash

    Yes ;) Even Germans watch the lonely Island ;)
  13. Our latest Video, enjoy and don't forget to press that like button for new stuff :) We're talking German so just pretend that every sentence is an order to shoot. ~Moondye
  14. moondye

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

  15. moondye

    DayZ Screenshots!

    A Clan decided to kill one of our Members... So we found their stash and thrashed everything, here a really good looking picture of it : )
  16. moondye

    Day Z Wallpapers

    could someone delete my post ? I have not enough rights, moved to screenshots
  17. moondye

    DayZ - Jeep hijack on the NW Airfield

    Das ganze war mein erste Vehikel auf das ich geschossen habe und ich war dementsprechend noch grün hinter den Ohren gewesen. Danke für die Kritik PS: Ich war der Idiot ;)
  18. moondye

    Ghillie to the rescue

    Our latest Video Have fun and comment if you have any suggestions. And if someone want to criticize 3DP, this is an old Footage and the new stuff will be brought in sweet 1DP, enjoy. ~Moondye
  19. moondye

    Ghillie to the rescue

    That was exactly what I said in the end, in a regretful tone : ) I got too excited.. Just another step in getting better ;)