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Everything posted by Caemyr

  1. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    This issue happened before as well, usually a relog would fix it.
  2. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    This is a bug i`m after right now. Happened to my blaze as well. I painted it black, only to have my scope and ammo "disappear". I could reload it afterwards, but i could not attach another scope. Now for the important part - do you recall if you put your CR527 on the ground and tried to pick it up when game crashed? Or it happened when you did something else? This crash IS imo related to that weapon being painted. I was able to replicate it twice, with said blaze, first time painting it black, then repainting green. In both cases changing color would make scope disappear AND it would cause DayZ to crash later on. Both crashes happened after different actions - first time when i dropped the gun on the ground and second - i think i put the gun in my hands.
  3. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Unfortunately, you cant Tardis items anymore. Everything's patched up, even the very old pot_on_burner trick (4 slot container fitting in 2 slots vertical). From what i seen somewhere, such containers supposedly protect your stuff from damage - even if ruined, items inside are not affected. I couldn't test it really (i`m not a suicidal type). Jerry cans spawn in all sorts of sheds.
  4. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Did you lost just contents or backpacks as well? I got back to my main camp last night only to find the empty spot. Something happened between monday and friday, not sure if i got raided or was the persistancy deleted, but i lost two barrels and twelve backpacks (mostly improvised but also MB)... This time i left a few markers in places with little chance someone finds it. If all of them are gone, i will know its persistency, not raid.
  5. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Some. What is interesting, you can see in your inventory those items for which you have no line of sight. Like those one story below or above, or next room. In such cases, the item cannot be picked, unless you actually see it.
  6. Caemyr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Have you really seen any civil tents spawning? Since two or three exp updates they've like disappeared. I even tried Dubky and the old way, but found nothing.