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About icec0ld

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    On the Coast
  1. icec0ld

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    Am I friendly? Nope. Why would I? 75% of every person I've laid eyes on has tried to kill me. I was just recently chased down the coast and into cherno by a fresh spawn who just got a hachet. So yeah, I will and always have shot on sight anyone I've ever seen. It's just not worth it to even try to nice any more.
  2. The only thing dropping is the number of fresh spawns shooting other players. Bandits are still killing at more or less the same level they always have and always will. This is a side effect of simply having less weapons available. Are people actually grouping up? considerably less than I've ever seen as food and weapons become harder to come by.
  3. Here we go with another kitted out person' date=' and/or who has groups to play with. To shit on players, because doesn't matter to you. When you die to a guy on the beach, because has a gun, and you don't you will be annoyed as well. Its not like OP is saying remove PvP, he is making valid points. What is yours "QQ more, trolololol?" [/quote'] Man the fuck up bro. I'm not "kitted out" and I still think you're an idiot. I died last night thanks to ATV physics being pants on head retarded, so I had to start again. And you know what I did? I got an AK-74u with 6 clips, two ghillie suits, an M1911 with more clips than I can count, an ALICE pack, and loads of medical supplies all within the space of an hour. This game isn't hard, honestly. YOU need to adapt to the game, quit trying to force the game to adapt to you when you clearly don't have the desire to make the effort to learn it. It's like telling FIFA they need to make the goal wider, or telling whatever organization runs cricket that it needs less damn rules. Interesting. 1. Claims to not be "kitted out". 2. Explains how "kitted out" he actually is. Forums are a place for feedback. Telling someone to man up and F off for stating his feedback (far more reasonably and allot better backed than yours) is basically a nice way of signalling how putrid you are as a member of the community. No This isn't like telling FIFA they need to make the goal wider. No, this is more like if FIFA instigated a spiked, flaming football as mandatory equipment. Sure we're still kicking it around but damn it, it's unneeded, over punishing, making it harder to play and most of all making the game look retarded as people like beg for more...
  4. icec0ld

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    This hardcore, casual, normal gamer perception is just that, a perception and not just that but a very bad one. A made up one. A lie. A distinction of and attempt to segregate people who you disagree with into convenient piles to throw terms like "carebear" "casual" and tell em to "go back to [insert AAA shooter here]". It's fucking disgraceful You people are worse than those you complain about.
  5. I don't really enjoy the new aggro mechanics. inconsistent, wonky and overall doesn't even feel significantly different from the last version bar prone has become much harder to use to sneak in and out of places. Starting out with no gun has basically killed any interest any of my friends I had, who I had hoped to get into this game with me not to mention how borked it is to spot a gun in a building and it be surrounded by 5 or 6 Zombies inside said building. Without a gun there is no option to even deal with this. Teaming up (contrary to popular and stupid belief) in this when spawning is even more useless. It's one more person to aggro zombies and take loot and they can't even defend themselves or you.
  6. NO. This in combination with zombies spawning INDOORS means even if you do find a gun, it's often locked out by the mere presence of a single zombie you cannot deal with. If you remove weapons at spawn at least make pistols common...