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Posts posted by denkart

  1. Wow that was certainly an amazing turn of events!


    So without giving too much away, my character is alive, fully geared and at the bottom of the firehall stairs.


    Definite bug. :)


    Did  you log out and back in after your death?  There's another bug that sometimes brings your character back to life when you relog.

  2. I wouldn't mind seeing some variation in the zombies.  No super powers like L4D, but just different looks.  Right now, all of the zombies are just males/females with average body types.  It'd be cool to see some variation there.  Like maybe some zombies would be fat because they were couch potatoes in life, maybe some zombies were body builders before they died so they're really buff, or maybe even a small zombie that was a midget in life (or children, for that matter).  It would definitely be more representative of the population and kind of neat.

  3. There's not really any tips man.  You just have to get used to it, I guess.  I've been playing roguelike games for a very long time which also feature permanent death.  Dying never quite loses its sting, but eventually it'll stop making you rage.  Besides, the moments when you overcome a challenge after dying a hundred deaths makes it all worth it in the end.  Just try to have fun and remember it's more about the journey than the destination. 

  4. In order to make a point you have to give the back story to said point. Other wise people would have just come up with "oh yeah what have you done".


    Not really.  You could just say, "that's great thing you did, but there's no need to brag about it."  It gets the same point across.  Your post makes you come off as a hypocrite.  "Oh you shouldn't brag about things, by the way here's a totally awesome thing I did once.. It was really cool, but I don't like to brag about it."

  5. Um . . . not to be a dick but good for you? Once in Lashkar Gah Afghanistan I pulled a little girl from the middle of the street during a firefight with Sunni Rebels that were opening fire upon anyone they seen pretty much. After the 20 minute or so battle we had seen she had been shot in the leg during, I applied a tourniquet which had later saved her life. However you don't see me going around video game forums and posting my story for praise and thanks. Also you wanna know the difference between me and you? I'm not a self proclaimed hero, I was doing my job. There is no such thing as a living "Hero", heroes die helping people. You're just another person that had the decency and humanity to do a heroic deed, get away with it, and call themselves a "Hero".


    I like how you claim that you don't like to brag about the things you've done, while bragging about what you've done in the very same post. 

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  6. They could just play a different game.  There are literally thousands of video games out there.  Why do people think DayZ has to cater to every type of person?  If I play a game that I don't like, I don't go asking the devs to change the game for me.  I just stop playing and get a different game.

    • Like 1

  7. Nah. We were both at full health and stock piled with around 6 containers of food and canteens. I think he might of actually fell through the map because his body had vanished the second I went down to investigate.


    Huh, that's weird.  I've been killed by a can opener as well, but in a different way.  I was starving to death and found a can opener on the ground.  I tried to use it to open my canned spaghetti, but it just made my can of spaghetti disappear.  I died from starvation about 5 minutes later.  Maybe can openers really are just out to get us all.  In any case, you might want to make a report on the bug tracker about it.

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