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About thEchicagoBoy

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  1. thEchicagoBoy


    Quite some time ago in the .60 patch, I ate cereals and did find a compass.
  2. thEchicagoBoy

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Where are high capacity vests usually found in the .60 patch?
  3. thEchicagoBoy

    Where's FN FAL?

    I've found two FALs uptil now. One was in Zeleno, other was at the military base near pavlovo. I think it was just sheer luck I found a FAL there. Where'd you find the SVD and AKMs?
  4. thEchicagoBoy

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I doubt someone stole the barrels and the stuff they had in them.
  5. thEchicagoBoy

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    So something really strange just happened. I had four barrels, I kept checking them every day so their timer resets. I even interacted with them today, and came back after 30 mins to see that they were gone. All my four barrels have disappeared, I don't know why, only one of them was a week old, other were around 1-5 days old. Any particular reason about their disappearance?
  6. thEchicagoBoy

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Started playing DayZ in September of 2015. Always wanted to find that statue in the first pic of this thread, and now I finally have. Never knew it was in the forests of Balota.
  7. thEchicagoBoy

    My indepth problem with P

    I'd like to have P back so I constantly know how many people are on the server.
  8. prolly get a new gpu imo cause the quad core might do for now sorry if im wrong tho.
  9. thEchicagoBoy

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Rounds can be found at deer stands, random houses or tents as far as I know.
  10. thEchicagoBoy

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I found one.
  11. thEchicagoBoy

    Dayz Gold release + Reliability

    Might take a while imo.
  12. thEchicagoBoy

    DayZ .60 4K

  13. thEchicagoBoy

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I can't seem to change alpha coverage settings in game. I had it on all trees + grass, but I changed some settings and it's disabled now. Any help?
  14. thEchicagoBoy

    An Eager Apocalypse - Leather Trader

    Nice video. Subscribed to your channel.