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About Vaqxination

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  1. Vaqxination

    [VIDEO] Amazing Helicopter save!

    Oh god.
  2. Vaqxination

    Has the Ghillie suit been removed from the game?

    Haven't found any either.
  3. Vaqxination

    Random videos

    I'll post footage of clan progres/random videos etc etc. 1.
  4. Vaqxination

    Shit happens

    Basically a script kiddie spawned a helicopter and came after us in it. So we lost a week worth of items. They also found our camp and destroyed it EDITED into OP.
  5. Vaqxination

    Shit happens

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vPZ1ixxbDc&feature=youtube_gdata Basically a script kiddie spawned a helicopter and came after us in it. So we lost a week worth of items. They also found our camp and destroyed it.
  6. I honestly don't give a flying fuck, they're accepting hacked items.
  7. These guys don't even care about being banned. "We can't really do much so we have too accept the items" said by the streamer(s)
  8. After 3 days our server is finally up! If you want to join just filter, "Splith"
  9. I don't understand, are you looking for a group, or joining one? Anyways, go ahead and check our clan thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27411-semi-serious-clan-splith-microphone-and-ts3-required-serverwebsitets3/
  10. We have EU members as well. So we're both.
  11. Saw you on TS, thanks for registering on our forum.
  12. Vaqxination

    Starting [Semi-Serious] Team of +/-5

    Instead of making your own little group, we could accept you http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=31635 We already have all of the roles listed filled out and we could use more people. We are not a serious group, therefore meaning you can get on whenever you want and just play with us.
  13. Bump. Looking for more members We have just purchased our own server