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Everything posted by ODoyleRulez

  1. ODoyleRulez

    Zombies shouldnt be able to open doors

    Why? Do their hands not work? New animations are work in progress.
  2. ODoyleRulez

    Gay Hacker strikes again FML

    Haha, end thread here!
  3. ODoyleRulez

    DayZ Item Giveaway!

    Shameless self promotion. No subscriptions for you.
  4. ODoyleRulez


    I had a similar idea for foraging. Also, mushrooms. Trippy ones. You don't really need to go anywhere near pvp hot spots for drinks actually.
  5. ODoyleRulez

    What's the latest word in Chernarus?

    Anything with the word "mountain" in this game is cursed.
  6. ODoyleRulez

    Beer Helmets

    Also be brightly colored with a bullseye. So I can shoot people in them.
  7. ODoyleRulez

    What's the latest word in Chernarus?

    Green Mountain = cursed. Yes, a pair.. grow them No bandits still do the same things they always have, predictable silly little bastards. Also, stay away from my tent cities. Can't comment on coast, haven't been there in months.
  8. ODoyleRulez

    Waterbottles...Should hold multiple 'drinks'.

    I think 2 or 3 would be better. But yea who slams a whole canteen in one sitting when they gota make it last? Also, soda in the canteen? Ew it gets all sticky.
  9. Because if feels good wrapped around my... O.. uhm. It is used to grief the newbs running around the main cities. Pretty much only use for it.
  10. ODoyleRulez

    Something that nobody understands about DayZ

    I think you meant to post this on one of the gaming site forums full of people who don't get it. Obviously we get it.. cause here we are.
  11. ODoyleRulez

    Spawned under a building in Novy

    Did you try a different server?
  12. ODoyleRulez

    M14 Aimpoint or DMR

    Same everything but scope. M14 is the baby DMR. meant for closer or mid range.
  13. ODoyleRulez

    In NW Airfield. Up For A Trade??

  14. It is called the thunder dome. You were teleported there by hackers or maybe a dippy server admin.
  15. LOL. Wait what? O. you were serious. Also how does one get rammed by own vehicle while driving? This defies my understanding of physics.
  16. ODoyleRulez

    Whats up with the zeds?

    I hear about this type of stuff, but never have it happen to me. I don't know what the hell to tell you.
  17. Ditto. Variety is good. Rest, not so much.
  18. ODoyleRulez

    This is how DayZ should be

    And better zombies.
  19. ODoyleRulez

    This is how DayZ should be

    I think DayZ should be like it is with more stuff.
  20. ODoyleRulez

    Tents After I dye

    No as long as you save them you are fine.
  21. ODoyleRulez

    Do tents sometimes....

    Yep. Put gear in, then save tent like 10 times. Normally it will stick after that.. not always though.
  22. ODoyleRulez

    Executions and Robberies.

    I prefer to go for the wounding. Get em to pass out then give them the taint. Then bust out the hatchet as they lay there.
  23. ODoyleRulez

    Mexican Stand off?

    Did you hear flies? sometimes people die standing up.
  24. ODoyleRulez


    Press forward. Intact but does it have gas?
  25. ODoyleRulez

    Intended or lag?
