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Everything posted by ODoyleRulez

  1. ODoyleRulez

    Meeting With Friends

    It is a possible feature in a future update according to rocket in a few interviews. I would assume it would only work for fresh spawning groups. No ETA was given. Until then you can run the coast guantlet and hope you all make it in one piece. :P
  2. ODoyleRulez


    I'd just flatten every tent I saw that was locked.
  3. ODoyleRulez


    No it is the hotfix between now and 1.7.3. Youtube the video for manual installation. That is probably your best bet. 30 minute load time? Huh?
  4. ODoyleRulez

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    Aww looks like I got a stalker.
  5. ODoyleRulez

    LU88 gone?

    Could be down to update after the new patch.
  6. ODoyleRulez

    Day Z server: My own private hive

    In before the lock!
  7. ODoyleRulez

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    First, No. Second, Don't type anything out like this again. Ever. Seriously.. I couldn't tell if you are trying to sound like a valley girl, or a burnt out surfer. I will say this though. The zombie respawning could use a hell of a tweaking. Other than that.. just no.
  8. ODoyleRulez

    What the actual fuck?

    Relog and it should put you on the coast.
  9. ODoyleRulez

    World without buildings or trees?

    that is the debug wasteland. You will have to run east.. follow the clouds for a long ways to reach the actual game area.
  10. ODoyleRulez

    What would you, as a bandit do?

    Hide in the bushes and try to get him to freak the hell out. Then rob em at gunpoint and take all the weapons away. Make them drop the flashlight, pick a direction and tell them to walk.. while i put out the fire.
  11. Lol.. I think in most cases blood on the hands is a figure of speech. In terms of the game everyone has blood on their hands if they loot a dead Z, corpse, or whatever. Giving the infected super smell might turn out badly for everyone. As it is, they see and hear pretty well.
  12. Why localized damage, and not just a base % of loss would be better.
  13. Same thing for like weapon jams or weapons needing repair or maint. Using over and over plays hell like that if you don't have the stuff to take care of it. Something like this will most likely not be in the mod version. The standalone could work this in. I dunno about the whole 50% or stuff being destroyed just as a rule, but localized damage destroying something could be a neat feature.
  14. Mountain Dew and Green Mountain.. you were just trying to get hosed.
  15. ODoyleRulez

    Abusive language over voice.

    Sounds like it was a string of racist comments. Least if I read OP correctly. His server, he paid for it. I would have drop kicked them too.
  16. ODoyleRulez

    Rambo almost killed us

    Real Rambo could have killed 2 12 year olds no problem.
  17. ODoyleRulez

    Abusive language over voice.

    Racist or lewd talk shouldn't be a problem to ban for. No one should have to listen to that nonsense. Your server, drop kick them out.
  18. ODoyleRulez

    Apple vs. Samsung

    I could win that argument in court right now. "Your honor, do not all LCD TVs look alike? Do not all cars have 4 wheels? Doesn't the definition of tablet, mean that, an item is flat and square shaped?" "If we owe rights to someone for the use of a tablet design, shouldn;t we be paying the Sumerians or someone?" And yes damnit, I quoted myself.
  19. ODoyleRulez

    Apple vs. Samsung

    Words can not express the pity. Could be worse though, you could have drank the Kool-aid and been supplied the obligatory turtle neck.
  20. ODoyleRulez

    Apple vs. Samsung

    Surprise surprise. I smell bullshit. Kinda smells like apples.
  21. ODoyleRulez

    Packs of Wolves? Just throwin this out there...

    I think that is being done. But with wild dogs.. in the next patch. Which should drop any time now..
  22. ODoyleRulez

    i got a global bann

    Hah. Another one bites the dust.