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Everything posted by KandyCid

  1. KandyCid

    Spawn location suggestion...

    when i first started the game and seen a tent i thought that was what it was for..
  2. KandyCid

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    why would you do this Clark?, they mustn't find out your secret!
  3. I wanted to make a thread before reporting it as a bugg> I had gotten a wound infection from using the sewing kit onmyself[when i wasnt bleeding :blush: ] hit the wrong button while trying to fix a clothing item, anyway when i used the kit on myself i was hydrated,energized, and healthy.. I signed out yesterday and when i loggen\d in today i had the itchy wound status and became sick, i didnt have any tenture but i was beside a well the whole time this was going on, I built several fires to stay warm, drank numerous Numerous bottles of water to stay HYDRATED and i was always energized and hydrated 99% of the time. There were times I would get the sick status and would lose hydration and energized statuses,but after I would drink some water i would become hydrated and energized once again and usually the sick status would go away.. after about an hour and a half and changing servers once to make sure none of the statuses were bugged I went unconscience, i was alone so no1 was around to revive me.. In the videos ive watched about sickness and cures as long as i stay hydrated I should recover because if im taking in that much water than the effects of the water drainage shouldnt be taking place.
  4. KandyCid

    Died from wound infection/ was hydrated

    -i was on .57 i survived eating raw meat by drinking until i purged over and over again, for 3 1/2 to 4 hours--also died of hypothermia 30 minutes after getting out of the water, maybe right about not a bug, wanted to post it>>speaking of bugs and the new loot system- >:( - i was on .58 today and found 4 hoes in the same shed<>
  5. thats great, i have my own teamspeak channel too, only 15$ a month..but whisper chat is a must for ppl who get tired of being in each others ears all the time, I play solo 90% og the time but during that time im in servers with ppl i know and would like to chat with them on the side hand. I don't have a passion to see world chat going but i'd love to see a whisper system put in. Like i said a side chat system and your idea are 2 completly different things> your talking about being able to talk to any1 with a walkie at all times using voice chat, are you not striving to be able to chat with everyone on the map that has a walkie talkie or do you just want this implimented so you can play music in ppls mics and get them killed when its turned on.. --we both agree world chat isn't important but will more than likely happen even though Bohemia has already made an epic amount of money and dosent need to cater to the Younger players but WE BOTH AGREE that we all need the whisper system and your transmition idea. have a cookie cookie i love you
  6. or there could be this and global chat..js..not everyone will figure the game out right away and might need help, i have a few friends that quit the game b/c of this..atp you have to go to steam every time u want to chat with a friend in game if you don't use team-speak.. BTW a whisper channel would be cool too in the chat, [[ you say chat is a magical oddity that takes away from the illusion of the apocalypse but then what about team-speak--u never chat with any 1 in game? its kinda contradicting the point your making by taking out global chat, I don't play w/friends but a couple times a week and would get annoyed if i had to team up everyday with sum 1 but if you could whisper chat with your friends while in game it would be settling...also they have a mute/block button it wouldn't be an issue unless you didn't use it>> This game has made more than enough money to give a chat system and talkies+ tbh there 2 completely different parts of the game and id love to see the tower come to life< maybe even allow the players to turn on the radios inside the houses and hear what is being said on the different walkie channels, maybe they use the same radio wave since its coming from the tower- your router and your cordless phone use the same frequency why couldn't a radio and a walkie... anyways I like your idea but i disagree with you completely about the chat commands
  7. KandyCid

    Fortifying villages?

  8. KandyCid

    Died from wound infection/ was hydrated

    also got the 'I feel warm" "im getting hot" notifications, so i was at the end of [stage 3] should have been bear the middle of [stage 4] when i went unconsicence
  9. KandyCid

    Died from wound infection/ was hydrated

    -- i never used anti B or cleaned the wound but at times i wouldnt even get a notification about my wounds and would be fully hydrated and energized.. --no i never had the healing status but iwas always with the 2 status' Hydro-Ene' The video shows test after test and the healing status was never mentioned..i understand the blood loss could have been a factor but my screen wasn't back and white, just seemed off
  10. Several times i've been in servers where there was 8-12 ppl then you look 5-10 minutes later and the server is full or your having to be extra stealthy b/c of a full server and then you look to see theres only 10 ppl on all of a sudden. The only player notification is when someone losing connection or has been kicked and thats helpfulk when its a friend or group member but it seems bare minimum. Also its covered but Server chat please..ik its coming in a later update ]?] but server chat please
  11. KandyCid

    Notif- when players enter/leave the server

    Sometimes i'm looking for interaction with other players when i'm not in game with a friend. Even if it's me running twords someone screaming "have you seen my puppy, i've lost my puppy"- or having a conversatioon with someone..I don't want to be on a empty server checking the hot "spots" which is weird b/c the bigger towns are mostly space and don't have any real loot along the coast[like cherno]<thats off topic> and back to hot spots, how there hot spots when there no directional motivation to begin with but these spots are always full of people!!!!!erf> Yes i understand this is an indepth playstyle and the zombies being the way they are is one of the main factors that keeps it a low profile game even if there is no1 on but having the option of knowing how many players and WHEN they get on and off the server is kind of something i feel needs to be implemented into the game.. Yes! we all are lone wolfs most of the time even playing as groups, no1 wants to be seen 1st not even in a area where 75 new spawns are running around fist fighting each other, and like you said no1 wants to hit the P button all the time--and i usually use it one too two times per hour, but I know you all agree it is a good idea and you all agree.
  12. plate carriers you say! B) been looking for this :thumbsup:
  13. KandyCid

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    What about spawn regions, like [battleField]- no military areas but sum where on the north east coast line or different areas inland,.. you could say everyone would choose the high loot towns everytime but in the end if everyone is in the same spawn area no one really wins when your constantly having to fight off players in zombies b/c you cant get anytihng to start your gameplay.
  14. dismanteling their gun would be right, or throwing stuff like you said, fresh spawns need more options as far as combat, even if the distance is minimal
  15. honest;y believe he was telling you to stay away from him, not shooting at you..did he kill you before, and you spawned near him? thats why ppl kill fresh spawns 80% of the time unless you save their life they'll try and get your gear , running behind him calling him a psussy dosent really show he was hunting fresh spawns, this seems kinda bland to me>
  16. KandyCid

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    found that hot mess in the middle of the night, almost died trying to get out of there..> i posted a tent on Shamrock server right in the marsh beside a lighthouse south of Berezino and it stayed there for DayZ before sum1 went across it and snatched it and the crossbow
  17. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    ill contemplate this for DayZ !
  18. KandyCid

    Looking for good server

    sounds like the beta servers to me but idk about the weather, i found a few cold servers--also the lack of the english word[A] tells me your Russian or Dutch
  19. KandyCid

    Today, I killed my bro!_!

    we were just chilln there and i get this not that im being force feed, im like wtf--tried to force feed him back and the gun went off !_! we had a homo moment :huh: and i get that reference
  20. KandyCid

    No zombies?

    go to cherno or near any police station, theres a zommbie near by, shoot it and prepare for zombie madness, at least 6 will come, in cherno they want stop coming..
  21. KandyCid

    The Lonewolf Experience

    140 hours, im still a newbie! died from meat poisoning after surviving meat poisoning the day before and learning my spawns not just checking road signs..
  22. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    im poor- it will have to do !_!
  23. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    this is the reation i feel im getting, ill have it in 3 days tops, check back and il update how it does
  24. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    the second 1 is just a graphics card , not a pc?