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Everything posted by KandyCid

  1. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    let me guess your going to direct me on how to reinstall Battleeye..go ahead......... ..........
  2. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    I cant tell if your being serious or not about not being able to read a compass SO I didn't even read past the 1st sentence...I reported a problem with something in the game that i'm having along with my Battleeye not responding so its a problem that was beyond knowing how to read a compass>>and didn't sum1 even say there was an issue with the compass b4....may..nvr mind
  3. KandyCid

    Never Seen This Before

    Maybe!, you know they get spooked, I jumped some on a creek bed a weekish ago and they ran to the end of the creek and glitched at that spot and was running around in circles. They weren't going anywhere either b/c I tried out the Trumpet on them w/no luck..never moved..
  4. KandyCid

    Camp Troubles - Looking For advice

    1 barrel-1 tent-1 vehicle, that's all u need> dayum- some of us like to have stuff as well
  5. alot of the private servers do this daily- the resetting of the servers<
  6. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    guess it would matter the time of day eh?
  7. KandyCid

    Never Seen This Before

    seen those same 2 cows today but they were running the opposite way across the AF, they almost look like 2 ppl from a distance
  8. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Said i'd update you, heres my my new PC `~ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0111MTSZ8?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 heres a photo of my ingame setting via AMD-[ I haven't really messed around to see what it can do yet but it pull 30 fps in towns and that's more than I care for--clouds are enabled if that matters `~ ​
  9. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    I do, and rarely get K'dOS
  10. KandyCid

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    nothing like a trip wire at the door to say "hi"
  11. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    rake the shit from your teeth and read all the post, I was referring to me using the bugged compass, that's where the confusion comes into play- Severograd isn't really NE from Starry anyway is more N than NE, going NE will get you way out to the east of SEV b4 getting to Sev.. but like I said I'm just a noob and have no concept of where I'm going
  12. KandyCid

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    JuggerNog![get it?
  13. KandyCid

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    actually submitted that bug a few dayZ ago but it that can was there in .57
  14. KandyCid

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Zombie apocalypse based games/ movies/ aspect dosent follow the build a shelter scenario! I wouldnt really like seeing this in game.. Zombie based stuff is find a secure outpost like the prison is walking dead or stay on the move with a tent and have small camps you can come back too.> these little huts would be asking to get to get killed and i dont believe they would fit in.
  15. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    I left Starry yesterday Going West and ended up in the undeveloped part of the map+ went back to starry and went north east hoping i was going to NWAF and ended up in Severograd.
  16. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    ive be acknowledged that the compasses can be bugged, ive had this problem with them since i started, Roadsigns dont lie
  17. Ive heard tents and barrels have near 30 dayZ on them but what about other items, I searched around trying to find a per item time list but came up w/out anything..just that if you drop an item it remains there, but not for how long..considering its probably time for me to get a cache going for when im killed this is important, i dont want to have to run back everyday oblivious to the time just to interact with the loot and i sure as hell dont want to loose anything> if sum1 could drop a website for me to checkout or a couple threads to look at id appreciate it!
  18. KandyCid

    whats the persistant time on each item.

    i planted a few campfires yesterday, now being at about 28-32 hours and there still there-- - server im on restarts every 4 hours --the truck tire i stuck in a bush has vanished[i might have looked in the wrong one] B) - ill let you know if and when the sites vanish
  19. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    right, and i understand 20 passes to the left or right can throw you way out of sync when going NE,NW,SE,SW but that dosent mean its not messing up at times, that 2% is enough to take away 2 days of your life lol..
  20. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    you mis read what i said, my directions were going the opposite way, was going NE to go to NWAF..--its confusing even if i try to read it....my compass has not worked ona few different ocassions and i'm also having trouble getting battleeye to stay running, causing me to get kicked from matches alot
  21. KandyCid

    whats the persistant time on each item.

    any idea about campfires? unlite ones, they seem to work good but im going back and moving stuff around not knowing
  22. KandyCid

    whats the persistant time on each item.

    this says 45 days, except for backpacks, then it changes to it might be 7 dayZ..and pure info? https://youtu.be/yxKJitXiKxE < is the link if it dosent show
  23. KandyCid

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    I was in starry on my reg server, usually 15 ppl is the max, somehow running into people everyday- just me and another guy online, i heard a truck coming, guy jumps out at the police station, drives across town, gets out and checks a shed, drives back across town, never gets out of the truck and then drives back across town and then off he goes on his adventure of apparently police station hopping..
  24. KandyCid

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Flashbacks from the war bro, you get stir crazy and go into attack mode