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Everything posted by KandyCid

  1. KandyCid

    DayZ Item Economy \ Value

    guess we need a legitified server for trading purposes, kills turned off, restraints turned off..no bans or admins needed
  2. KandyCid

    DayZ Item Economy \ Value

    startya server dedicated to only trading, lets says any1 who kills on said server is banned for a weekermmmever
  3. KandyCid

    item desync

    I know this is usually caused by opening food or crafting an item with a full inventory but it happens to me with weapons alot, when im drinking from a well or climbing>> yes this could be considered a full inventory bug since im carrying 2 primaries but usually stuff will just desync to a nearby doorway or room entry, Afew days a go I laid down my weapon to pick up another then i was going to switch the position of them, My Carbine just vanished, was in the middle of a field.. ..Today im in electro and a guy takes shoits at me, i fired 2 back and hit the edge of the roof I was peering over, --removed the bullets from my Mosin, added more.. --the bullets i took out were presented as one so i ejected them, even though they werent in a speed loader, when they ejected they disappeared.. I had extra slots in my inventory for the desync reason... ..Is there a way to prevent this, i heard , well read it was fixed but I can't report it because of an error in the Bug Report Section
  4. KandyCid

    So I crafted my own Improvised Suppressor

    either way, if you used it like that for real you would only be wanting to use one shot anyway? kinda pointless after that and probably dangerous lol I carry a pillow for when I'm shooting while driving
  5. KandyCid

    item desync

    it sux, but live.with.able--my carbine had a clip, i never find the clips for them
  6. KandyCid

    Winchesters....where art thou?

    In civi house and on a dead guy in the bunkers at NWAF so it seems there scattered in the grass mostly, everytime sum1 gets one they probably go to NWAF..
  7. KandyCid

    Making friends isn't easy

    Meet the first guy, wanted him to go to military bases with me and come back to the coast but things became hostile because he wanted to go to electro right away.[apparently you can block punches with a cooking pot? ..the second guy came 10 minutes later and decided to attack me while I was eating but I was able to revive this one.. http://plays.tv/video/55f33ec1c6928981f8?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiN2VkNGNmOGU5MTFlOTBiZTNkZWI0Y2I5OTY0YTI1YTEiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJjYjgwNTUwZmM3N2IyNzUyYTViZDBjNmIxYjc0NGNiZiIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWYzM2VjMWM2OTI4OTgxZjgiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9saW5rIiwiY2xpY2tlZF9pZCI6ImdldF9saW5rIn0%3D​ http://plays.tv/video/55f3431c33c3ee29d8?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiN2VkNGNmOGU5MTFlOTBiZTNkZWI0Y2I5OTY0YTI1YTEiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJjYjgwNTUwZmM3N2IyNzUyYTViZDBjNmIxYjc0NGNiZiIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWYzNDMxYzMzYzNlZTI5ZDgiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9saW5rIiwiY2xpY2tlZF9pZCI6ImdldF9saW5rIn0%3D​
  8. when your shot the screen dosen;t really fade to black like that> imma go on the buggy side of this..-_- if it matters? it does--definetly a bug, the screen faded kinda like being sick..or god killed you..possibility you caught tetnis from car you looked in---___---looked in, definetly tetnis
  9. <iframe width="480" height="378" src="http://plays.tv/embeds/55ef375f9092cbff03?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiN2VkNGNmOGU5MTFlOTBiZTNkZWI0Y2I5OTY0YTI1YTEiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJjYjgwNTUwZmM3N2IyNzUyYTViZDBjNmIxYjc0NGNiZiIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kLmVtYmVkIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWVmMzc1ZjkwOTJjYmZmMDMiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9lbWJlZCIsImNsaWNrZWRfaWQiOiJlbWJlZF92aWRlbyJ9"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​
  10. KandyCid

    Get rek't

  11. KandyCid

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    my first little bit in the game I didn't know it was that bright, some guys robbed me and killed me but I spawned 5 minutes away on a dock..luclky it was .57 so I hit the sweet spot..apparently I stoopidly run up the road dodging inbetween darkness in the dark when the two guys come bolting out of nowhere yelling I have your gear, I have your gear lol..fk the gamma but will come in handy for zombies
  12. KandyCid

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    lol, my bad, I may have killed the chick today in the same town on a different server.._..i did, maybe next time ill run the zombie down the coast instead
  13. KandyCid

    Trading Post

    I could use the Aug Mag and ammo
  14. KandyCid

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    ​frame width="480" height="378" src="http://plays.tv/embeds/55eaa5b0184bfbfbea?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiZTdhZWUyMTQ0Nzg0ZDg3OThhNmMwNzE3MzVmZDlkNzMiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJmMGNhNGY1ZjBlYjYzZjUyMjgyZDc5MGIwNTBmM2UwZSIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kLmVtYmVkIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWVhYTViMDE4NGJmYmZiZWEiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9lbWJlZCIsImNsaWNrZWRfaWQiOiJlbWJlZF92aWRlbyJ9"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe shot this one around the same hour yesterday
  15. KandyCid

    How to DanZ in DayZ

    http://plays.tv/video/55ec057a0168a54c28?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiN2VkNGNmOGU5MTFlOTBiZTNkZWI0Y2I5OTY0YTI1YTEiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJjYjgwNTUwZmM3N2IyNzUyYTViZDBjNmIxYjc0NGNiZiIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWVjMDU3YTAxNjhhNTRjMjgiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9saW5rIiwiY2xpY2tlZF9pZCI6ImdldF9saW5rIn0%3D http://plays.tv/video/55ec057a0168a54c28?_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvZ2luX2lkIjoiN2VkNGNmOGU5MTFlOTBiZTNkZWI0Y2I5OTY0YTI1YTEiLCJjb2hvcnRfaWQiOiJjYjgwNTUwZmM3N2IyNzUyYTViZDBjNmIxYjc0NGNiZiIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiU2hhcmVWaWRlb01vZC5TaGFyZVZpZGVvTW9kIiwibGlua19pZCI6InNoYXJlX21lbnUiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IiIsImdhbWVfaWQiOiJiNTY5NTRiYmZlOGZjNTY0MWRlYzM1OWFjYTRiNDkwYyIsImZlZWRfdHlwZSI6InJlcGxheSIsImZlZWRfaWQiOiI1NWVjMDU3YTAxNjhhNTRjMjgiLCJjbGlja2VkX3R5cGUiOiJzaGFyZV9saW5rIiwiY2xpY2tlZF9pZCI6ImdldF9saW5rIn0%3D This is always funny to see..as good as when the person your with is just sliding along the ground and not really running
  16. What does this mean excactly...This poped up when i went to report a couple bugs today, Dosen't let me enter the my account page and i've recieved no notice in my e-mails...so heres the buggs i ran into yesterday, Both in the same town, -I know the roof top spawns have been addressed but it also says that it was fixed..this tire was directly over a pile of loot inside the building..before I tried to jimmy it over the edge of the building.. ​ ​
  17. Yes, the tracker. - I never played .58 when it was exp. since i was just starting so never reported but one or 2 that were previously aknowledged.. Still, wonder h\what the account protection is all about because the list of "active" and "resolved" are still viewable..thought others might have this problem, guesss ill message a moderator later or something<i'm that kinda lazy
  18. KandyCid

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    & i thought that's how it worked bro+_+-- #get it certified or pinned
  19. KandyCid

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    :U sound like a drug dealer a lil bit--[ the words of Dolly Parton " NIce Tool"
  20. KandyCid

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    hacked! -----------?
  21. KandyCid

    Oil Barrel ?

    maybe there badly damaged barrels? givng the effect its full of holes or non sealable
  22. Day 22 of DayZ: I murdered my best friend. I swear it was an accident, i only hit him 2 times in the foot. Shortly after the hoardes of the infected showed up attacking me 2 at a time, 3 clips, 4 clips, there was no end to the madness i had to make a run for it.--I seen a ladder and made it to the top of the building into safety, looking down i realized as i contemplated suicide b/c my friend was now gone and i was to blame that this wasn't safty but another obstacle. Then i hear his voice, getting closer, i spawned just down the road hahaha.. --but it wasn't over yet, unaware of the mass hordes of infected that followed his death were now turning to him, me with only my sniper couldnt fend them all off..BUT I CAN, after what seemed like an eternity he made it to the safety of the roof top where i couldnt get a shot b/c of the lack of angles and now he starving, doomed to fall to my hands not once but 2 times..Imma make a run for it he says, ill distract them and you get to saftey, then ill logg out..lol..so as hes running away i snipe as many as possible and run to saftey while he loggs out and then i follow... --perma death--lol god games, good games
  23. I posted a similar topic to this and it became beaten to a pulp,skinned,cooked in sum1s fireplace then raided and eaten... I kinda see not having world chat being fine but I'd still like to see a whisper chat implemented in..maybe /playername then the message..i hate tabing over to steam everytime to chat with a friend even if it only take s a second but its annoying..... &&&&& Que the What About TeamSpeak Bandits---Go and I have teamspeak just don't use it all the time
  24. KandyCid

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    The post you quoted isn't the PC I bought.. check the 2 previous post above yours, that's the on ei have now< today is day 2 of the new PC--The reason these pcs are flashy is because of the amount of space they leave open in the tower so when you do upgrade it you can show off your enhancements/accessories// I was mainly asking would this PC run it "as is" for the time being...and I'm glad I decidet o wait because the one I have is a lot better for the same price
  25. KandyCid

    Never Seen This Before

    in .57 i think they would disappear if you scared them when theres was one by its self from my experience.. in .58 they seem to run away, and by aay i mean i seen 2 and then 6 out of nowhere went running off completly out of site and i watched them through a scope across fields..WOBO said they stay near water holes so they may just wonder from water spot to water spot un tamed, never seen 1 in the same spot