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Everything posted by edwin3

  1. edwin3

    Effects Audible in Left Earmuff Only

    if possible, i would try to disable surround.
  2. edwin3

    Searching for stuff and actually finding it.

    i didnt relate to reality, but to game balance. greets
  3. edwin3

    Searching for stuff and actually finding it.

    dont like that instant-find-idea. finding a good-enough stone for a knife can sometimes take some effort - even at the beach. if inst-a-find wood why carry axe and knife? and even apple picking isnt just standing there and open ur mouth. i normally find after 5 tries max, and remember; frustration is a dayz core mechanic.
  4. edwin3

    Dyeing is buggy/dont work?

    what did u expect from mixing blue with green?
  5. edwin3

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    i think the post is most relevant to this "discussion", as private servers give you the opportunity to evade all that stuff (server abuse, duping, hopping, hacking) people are complaining about for years, just as you do now - as if it were shocking news. and imho the dayz team does a great job in fighting that stuff, e.g. hacking has been reduced significantly. Compare with bf4, a triple a title with massive financial background. there will always be exploits and cheating, they can only be reduced or shut down temporarily. the best way to avoid exploiting and cheating players is to find a well run private hive, maybe with a compound of two or three servers - only refinement would be that exploits are limited to everyone. i think u make the problem bigger than it is. i rarely meet obvious hacks and duper-groups (with the massive amount of loot atm duping has become somewhat senseless), and i play both private and public. the abuse u discribe is present, but to be honest there are so many empty servers that this abuse isnt really an advantage - any player can loot up on empty servers. dont get me wrong, i dont wanna justifiy abuse. but what u are "screaming" about doesnt affect my experience that much. most of these geared up groups dont really know how to use that gear properly, making them more of a high value dynamic event and thus even raise my experience ;P imho you are hyping in the wrong direction. report the server and the gsp an let it be. greets
  6. edwin3

    White armband, what do they mean to you?

    regarding bambies it means - he knows how to play the game. any "i am new" talk leads to sudden death.
  7. edwin3

    Can't start the game at all

    sounds strange, might be a broken hdd or some malware? but, more info: why clean install what kind of errors system os honestly, try to reinstall. if that doesnt help reinstall complete system. if that doesnt help search for broken hardware. greets
  8. edwin3

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    hi there, i wouldnt expect the gsps to react accordingly, as they would cut their own customers. That the rules arent followed is obvious to anyone playing, it starts with the servers names. there are so many join->kick servers, even pronouncing that in the servers name... there doesnt seem to be a high risk. @op - you are trying to raise awareness to something everybody knows. report at the dev tracker and your job is done. greets
  9. o.O - i think u like to talk too much
  10. edwin3

    Houston we have a problem...

    have been there - no death, but wet pants :D
  11. edwin3

    Body Despawn

    cant confirm that, for us it has always been 10 minutes.
  12. edwin3

    What is wrong with my DayZ?

    idk, maybe setup a post in a forum, describe your problem, give info bout your system and settings and hope for someone to help u. u might as well post a meaningless screenshot. greets and good luck.
  13. edwin3

    Contaminated Terrain

    i'm also futher sceptic about this idea - my gut says it doesnt fit to dayz. but maybe they came across something cool my fantasy could find. lets see. greets
  14. @op would you mind giving some more serious info and description bout your probs?
  15. edwin3

    Vest with weapon sling attachment.

    dislike the idea in general, as it is just another complicated concept aiming for the ability to carry more guns. a 2nd primary stored for transport - ok. but the ability to carry one gun slinged over the shoulder, one at the chest, pickaxe over the shoulder, backpack, vest, etc. and still being able to engage in combat? imho the effort to realize your ideas for rebalancing doesnt match the outcome. regarding your last point - would it make sense to change the old inventory before the new one is ready to go? greets
  16. So therefore I want a really good PC that can handle DayZ at as high as possible settings, with 60 fps or higher. Definiately not under 50. as mentioned above, thats not possible at the moment. you will get drops beyond that. If you want to buy anyway, id recommend you to check the forum - there are plenty setups already recommended. and if you want to spend that amount of money, you are better of informing yourself a bit, not just to post a "help" topic. go with an i5 4490k cpu, a descent nvidia gpu and defnitely 2 SSDs (one for the OS, one for the game). just some cornerstones. Good Luck
  17. edwin3


    blabla reality, its bout game balance. The ghuillie is one of the most potent items in game. and tbh its quite easy to find nettings - if u cant find em u arent worth it. greets
  18. edwin3


    karma got you, filthy hopper :thumbsup: :lol:
  19. last ive read was not before .60. there are three in Novo! greets
  20. or, if u play on a private hive the admin wiped it manually. greets
  21. edwin3


    source? devs said not before .60, maybe later.
  22. edwin3


    you can put anything you want in there - since months. things wont change before the new ui is in place. if they changed it back the way it was, that would have balancing reasons - and that aint dumb, cause we play a game, not rl. the matrix hasnt been invented yet. if you want a realistic ammobox - go buy one. greets dont think/hope, that the ops suggestions will make it to the game. fits better to arcade games like h1z1.
  23. simple thing: format your harddisk/ ssd, reinstall os & software. problem gone, nice. problem not gone: either your hardware is broken or simply too old for your games. if so, seek someone who trades his knowledge against your money. sorry, but with that little knowledge and that kind of problem you wont get serious help via a forum. greets
  24. lets just say the discount you got when buying into early acess included a decreased service offer. me, as a customer am happy that they dont waste more time and money for safing your pretty gear. wipe warnings are generally given, you know that, i know that. and anything you gather now will never make it to beta. in addition eugen apologized and said it wasnt possible to keep it (twitter). dont know why they should hold back the update, hope they got better to do. stop screaming bout virtual items - they work in real life. greets