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Everything posted by A.N.Ttbr

  1. A.N.Ttbr

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Finally got an hour on 0.59 today, didn't see any Zs but the standing dead scared the crap out of me, I know it's a bug but it's kind of cool too.
  2. A.N.Ttbr

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    There's always one!
  3. How long till the yard comes calling.
  4. A.N.Ttbr

    [MPGS] Persistence and Auto-Restart Hotfix Deployed

    Agreed - people wanted a fix, it's come and they moan. The exp. Community did a fantastic job testing this fix and if people read the forums they would see this coming.
  5. A.N.Ttbr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    It happends within seconds near a light source. It stays black until you go ~50m away from the light source. The transition from normal to black is smooth but fast. I've had that bug for some time, even the moon can cause it, though it was just my settings/graphics card. Wish I wasn't working all weekend so I could come help testing :(
  6. A.N.Ttbr

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It was Ratnoe area
  7. A.N.Ttbr

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It's the only one I've seen since exp, it was one of those types of shed.
  8. A.N.Ttbr

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Found one in a random shed in the north
  9. A.N.Ttbr

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I was in the field just south West of Vybor heading towards the town, but I get the lag pretty much anywhere. Seen the Dev tracker post regarding a hot fix, hopefully it comes soon as it's hard to defend your self if you don't spot them first. Saying that I still don't see the need for KOS, just trying to find food to survive.
  10. A.N.Ttbr

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, I seem to be getting random lag when trying to have a drink or change what's in my hands, sometimes the only way to fix it is to log off and on. Doesn't seem to matter how many people are on the server. Last night whilst on a high pop server I was walking through the middle of nowhere when I got shot at, I managed to run off but could not get a gun in my hands, once I was clear I tried to bandage myself but after clicking use on some rags it took almost a minute to react and almost died. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this?
  11. A.N.Ttbr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I've seen this for a few weeks now
  12. A.N.Ttbr

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    It's on UK 0-5 now