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Everything posted by Hashisx

  1. In game hit "i" and hold. You will see the server name there. Also the timeout displayed in one of his messages does happen.(not on mission restarts though) all in all i say its pretty damning until the server host provides logs.I honestly dont know why he hasnt.
  2. Hashisx

    Box of STANAG mags?

    they do.
  3. We just set up 3 tents in a pretty remote location. Obviously not going to say where but It would be a long shot for people to find it. Yes I made sure to save every single one. Anyway log on after a 6 hours break and our tents are completely empty. All 3 of them that were pretty full. I would be shocked if the raiders took empty water bottles and 2x lee ammo if they could haul all of it in one try as going back to a camp would be..super risky of having us log in. Also our atv that wasnt in the best hiding spot was untouched. Had two jerry cans in the gear so they could of easily took off with it. so my question is. Did anyone have their tents completely wiped within the past 6 hours?
  4. Hashisx

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    I had the same happen to me last night..upsetting lost some mighty good loot.
  5. *disclaimer: this is written very poorly..i am too tired to fix the terribleness of this post..* I dont abort. I dont alt+f4. I stopped server hoping for loot. I think I have found better loot by not server hoping and moving around the map. Honestly I have been to almost every place in this game. The reason why I think people, especially new players, is to not try to take short cuts. My brother bought this game yesterday and instead of me giving him a gun, telling him how to set a waypoint(which i should say all servers should disable). I let him play the game with almost zero help to little to no help. What amazes me is how much a better player he is than most I've tried playing with. IDK how many times i've been in a servers teamspeak to see people telling new guys how to take every shortcut possible. Come on people lets be real. You should enjoy the game and not be afriad of dying. You shouldn't worry about the "omg leetzor haxor gear". Just enjoy the game what will most likely end up being, Game of the Year(when its finished). Also the best anti-cheat is yourself.
  6. Hashisx

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    Mod needs to lock this bitch up. OP ask a simple question. Most of you just made asses of yourselves. GOOD DAY SIR!
  7. Hashisx

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    LOL.... shit needs to be locked!
  8. I remember being able to see if people DC from the server or not. Wouldnt this be super helpful against people who DC under fire? /discuss
  9. I never played original Arma II just ACE. But in ace you could carry who primaries , one in hand and one on back. Can this be done? Not sure if it was already suggested. Say AK with Hachet on back or CZ in hand Ak on Back? thoughts?
  10. I cant recall what server I was on when this took place bust what I can tell you. Every person who I saw PK went down with my trust m24. Also to the guy who broke his legs being chased by Zeds. I am glad you didn't come up and kill me after I saved you. I am pretty sure you could of figured out the area I was in with all the shots I took at the zeds attacking you. Sorry I didnt come give you morphine...I was just the man in the woods protecting the Flashlighters from the scum. I usually PK everyone but....i had a change of heart today.
  11. Hashisx

    Ability to put primary weapon "ON BACK"

    Also Xeno, i love your mod and agree its not meant for DayZ
  12. Hashisx

    Ability to put primary weapon "ON BACK"

    I wouldn't want ACE to be apart of dayZ like i said a few post back. It simply wouldnt work its too realistic. However this thread is about how awesome the "on back" part would be for dayz and be more ideal. If ACE team wanted to help rocket that is up for them to talk about it and not in this thread. I made this thread to show support for such a mod. How rocket does it does not matter. I wanted to add that DayZ has some realistic ideas but is not meant to have realistic features as deep as ACE provides.
  13. Hashisx

    Ability to put primary weapon "ON BACK"

    WHY is this thread getting flamed. I DIDNT SAY RIP ACE APART AND ADD IT TO DAYZ i said they should add a "onback" like they do in ace. how he does it is his deal.
  14. Hashisx

    Ability to put primary weapon "ON BACK"

    In ace you can already put a primary on your back. Allot of people have already asked for ACE to be implemented into DayZ. It would make more sense to merge ACE and DayZ than to just rip elements from ACE into DayZ. Plus it wouldn't be as rude :) Meh, there is a lot of stuff in ace that would really make this game hard (weight causing you to pass out)with zombies chasing. Baby steps i guess.
  15. Hashisx

    Ability to put primary weapon "ON BACK"

    Not sure what youre trying to say? Ive played ACE before.
  16. Dear Survivors, It seems this is a topic people are complaining a lot about. I am not going to tell you "l2pnoob" or "get skillz", I am not that type of person. Here are things I do when I encounter such problems, unless I am in desperate need of med supplies/food. As there is, to my knowledge, no way of finding out who is killing who. Its the nature of online gaming and no AC is ever perfect. There are hundreds of servers for you to change from. You need to realize nothing is forever and sometimes starting over is the best option. Unless of course you're playing on a server with name tags and get his name/video proof. Post that on the forums. For people who are unable to get proof. Teleport Hack: Guys if I see someone teleporting around town, I JUST RUN. I run as fast as I can to get away from him. If he starts taking shots at me I will log off, yes this is lame but if hes not playing fair why should I? If he happens to kill you so be it switch servers. Logoffski: This is easier to deal with. So I am trying to kill player "A" but since he can't handle the thought of respawning at the coast or well trying to kill me and logs off. I either A) Have a group and we set someone to camp his log off spot while we loot. B) Move to a different town C) Server hop. In my experience with any game, despite some dayz related tactics, this is how I deal with hackers. I hope for newer players this helps. Tents/Vehicles are nice perks but are they really worth the frustration of dealing with a "hacker server".
  17. Hashisx

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    sounds like a lot of needless qq. TBH i dont even use these "death traps" as getting around foot is safer.
  18. Hashisx

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    MR.C is a troll and more than likely does this kind of crap.
  19. Hashisx

    Pretty convinced everyone is a bandit.

    This game is simply getting really frustrating with the plethora of shoot first and dont ask. Ive been trying to play the last week, not including cherno or eleckro, it seems where ever you go someone is going to kill you for no reason. I understand how the game works and i am fine with that but the quality of players in most server have gone down. I havent been apart of a group for over a month.