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Everything posted by Hashisx

  1. Hashisx

    Ban Appeal US 415

    Did not read your post in full. However you can't be banned for things done in teamspeak/vent/mumble/skype
  2. Hashisx

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    Its 1/2 the sound now.
  3. Dev Team, Please start your kickstarter so we can pay you for your hard work and for a much larger team. I don't even want anything in return but the game to be developed faster. Kind Regards, True Dayz Fan
  4. Hashisx

    M4A1 CCO SD legit?

    It is legit.
  5. I am a bandit. I don't kill everyone but most of time I do. I wanted to spice things up a bit so I spent a day on the coast even with all my good loot, m4a1 sd/guilie/etc etc Bush Wookie - Not only is it my name but the term I use when someone is in the guilie suit. Survivor 1: I saw you crawling across the runway but with bad luck you still managed to aggro a few zeds. I wasn't quite sure if you were friendly or not so I waited to see if you had a gun. You didn't. You Manage to get into the ACT and that is when I heard the *crunch* and knew you need help. I ran to you killing all those pesky unintelligent zeds still hitting you. Gave you Morph/Blood/Painkillers and my m1911. I am happy you listened to me when I told you to not turn around because I would of most certainly killed you. I hope you made use of the supplies I gave you. Survivor 2: I saw you franticly running to the hospital in cherno while being shot by some pretty awful sniper in the hills. Yes that was me who killed him for you. I tried to tell you that you could go loot his body but I don't blame you for running away. You were probably new and seeing a Bush Wookie can be scary the first time. Survivor 3: You were at the hospital next to the apartments in cherno. You didn't know at first that there was a group of three guys below you. I shot at one and he died rather quickly. It was not you who needed saving at this point as I was some how seen by these guys. Taking a rediculous amount of fire, non of it actually hitting me. That is when I saw the funniest thing I have seen in this game. You looked down at the guys and threw a nade. It was a direct hit. You sir deserve my beans.
  6. Hashisx

    Good Guy Bush Wookie

    It's quite hard to take screen shots in the moment of things as far as i know steam is the only effective way of doing this. Sadly with the steam update making the game not work I wasn't using it. I tried fraps but it just makes screen tearing more often for me. I know i need a new video card because this GTX 260( i think its been so long). I run at a steady 40fps but when i use fraps its liek 20-15 fps and chops up pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI-eTfHQIoc&feature=plcp is what i deal with when recording.
  7. you cant but odds are that if someone had a m4a1 sd (like i do) we have a coyote pack.
  8. Sounds like a trap.
  9. Not to use the word Kiddies? what the fuck are we? degenerates of the english language?
  10. Hashisx

    Can we all agree..

    Pointless thread yes. I don't know why but when someone used the word "Kiddies" I think of them no better than the people they're calling. Maybe I am just getting old now :| '
  11. Hashisx

    What's On You Right Now

    M4A1 CCO SD + DMR Gullie Suit GPS + NVGS Coyote Backpack all a pvper needs XD
  12. Hashisx

    Whats the point of getting a M16/M4A1/AKS-7U etc?

    I run M4A1 CCO SD and DMR, yes for pvp. M4A1 CCO SD - Effective range 200m , 2700 damge. Audible range its >1m. This gun is perfect for sneaking up on people and killing them. Cherno/Elecktro Snipers. The damage is meh but the fact people can't really tell where you're shooting from is probably the best advantage you can have. DMR - I am not afraid of the dark, even before I had NVGs. Fact is being Semi and needing two shots to take down a person isnt bad at all. The option to use NVGs with it makes this gun even better. I found most of the time you can get two shots off pretty quickly. I tend not to shoot moving targets with lag/dsync is can make it almost impossible.
  13. Hashisx

    Yep i am done, i quit

    If i got a ____ everytime someone makes one of these threads, I would be _________
  14. Zombies - More zombies, i never see the "hordes" anymore. Make them more smart. Map - 3x Larger with more buildings to enter, more loot spawns however low grade loot. Vehicles - More atvs, motorbikes.
  15. I don't feel like I answered these on a bias premise. Most people need to understand that when you play a sand box game that players control how the game is played. Not devs. Alt-f4 - Yes we all know this is pretty lame. Rocket knows. They are doing their best to try and fix this. Remember this is a mod and they don't control the arma engine. Zombies - Unless you don't watch any of the interviews Rocket has stated he wants them to be able to run,swim,climb. These "zombies" , he says infected, aren't the movie brain dead zeds we've seen many times. The zombies do seem dumbed down. If anything they need to more intelligent. Bandits - Bandits is a huge part of the game. PvP tends to be one of the major activities in sandbox games. Punishing someone for killing is out of the question. That will never happen. AS50/M107/L85 - These guns should never be removed from the game. The .50 cals are the best for disabling vehicles, especially helicopters when they get put back in, so I don't see a reason to remove these. The L85 in itself is a terrible gun to shoot people with and is only good for spotting. Most people who have used this gun will know what I am talking about. Hackers - There is not much Rocket can do with this other than ban GUIDs from the hive. However you need some pretty hard proof. To implement a better AC would almost be impossible. Arma2 is pretty old so just deal with it until the stand alone. I have been in many servers that has yet to see a hacker. Yes I have dealt with hackers. Admin Abuse - Don't come on here and cry admin abuse without proof first. I don't know how many threads I have gone through where its people just going back and forth with no hard evidence. Also admins need to post logs. There is nothing special in these logs other then cold hard facts. Loot Cycling - It's not clear if this is a exploit or not. It's well within the game mechanics. I wouldn't even consider this a problem. Kill on Sight - This is just depending on the person. Life or Death situations tend to have rash decisions. Avoid high populated areas if it's that big of a problem for you.
  16. bump to show your support!
  17. bump because people need to see this.
  18. All i can say is fuck you all for giving me shit. I knew this kid was a douche.
  19. I would love to buy through you guys? Sorry I am at work and didnt take time. How can i contact you guys with questions?
  20. I've been on a few server with name tags but i noticed they would give range. Is the nametags as simple as 1 and 0 Or can you make it so it doesnt show distance?
  21. Server admin. The loot check are in the server rtp file.
  22. Just do me the favor. Don't kick for hoarding. Yeah it sucks but just wait for the DB cleanup that they do to sort off map cars. If you notice a huge problem I am sure the Dev team will do it more often. Also i did laugh pretty hard when you told the CQF guy off in that video
  23. I was not refering to you in that post. Its okay I see the confusion between the post. It was to meepo. No we've been civil until I said you were being a douche admin. Some of it was to the dude you gave beans as well.
  24. I was qouting you. I don't think I even mentioned you at all until you posted that about me. Goliath is a douche admin, i don't think anyone that is not on his nuts would disagree.
  25. Hashisx

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    someone should post the danger zone map. Think that would help him.