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Everything posted by Gurkenkoenig

  1. Gurkenkoenig

    how to make a mod for client?

    hey. i am playing around with changing stamina drain values while sprinting and also stamina gain values for jogging. now the thing is. once i change it to much on the serverside, server and client values of stamina are out of sync and the charakter starts to "slide" around (sprinting slow). so how can i make it so when i change the values for the client my charakter does not get kicked? and how can can i make a mod(downloadable in workshop) for other people playing on that server? thanks for any help :)
  2. Gurkenkoenig

    plz help with most basic mod

    hey, i'm a pleb when it comes to programming. my group runs a dedi server, so for everything we wanted to change until now i just changed the xml's and stuff directly in the pbo's. and that worked great for stuff like changing stamina, metabolism and cars. but now i want to do it trough mods. because i realised every time there is an update it will overwrite my changes. so i went and got a few mods from the workshop, to try and reverse engineer them into my own basic stuff. but i cant figure it out for the life of me. so the most basic thing i wanna do is change this line in 3_Game/constants.c with a mod const int STAMINA_DRAIN_STANDING_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 5; //in units (how much sprint depletes stamina) how would i do that? or do i have to change it in 4_World/StaminaHandler.c? can someone upload a super basic mod/video that does this? i would love you to pieces. cheers.
  3. Gurkenkoenig

    plz help with most basic mod

    yes thats what i mean. pretty sure that its only a few lines to change that single line. but idk how, i would like to learn that. could you make an example?
  4. Gurkenkoenig

    Spawn cars repaired & loaded

    idk what you wanna do. but i just edited cfgspawnabletypes.xml as you can see, i added a sparkplug gas canister water and oil. you still have to fill the fluids yourself. you can add whatever you like. this is spawning cars at their event spawn positions. if you want to make a script to spawn them on you i recommend https://forums.dayz.com/topic/240957-dayz-standalone-scripting-tutorial-series/ have fun. :)
  5. Gurkenkoenig

    how to make a mod for client?

    changed stuff is in DayZServer/dta/scripts.pbo --> 3_Game/constants.c i changed it by unpacking with PBOManager and editing with a text editor(notepad++ or Workbench) i may have figured out how to pack it into a mod,sign it with a key, but now i cant upload it to steamworkshop due to an Error in DayZ Publisher. when i select the folder with the Mod content it says "Error: Missing folder" , do you know what i am doing wrong?
  6. Gurkenkoenig

    how to make a mod for client?

    i just simply edited those lines in constants.c on the server const int STAMINA_DRAIN_STANDING_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 5; //in units (how much sprint depletes stamina) changing to 2 or 3 const int STAMINA_GAIN_JOG_PER_SEC = 2; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while jogging) changing to 1 when i change line-1 to 3 the bottom left bar gets a little chaotic. it seems like client thinks it should deplete a certain amount and then the server says, hey thats not the amount change it to that. but sprinting functions ok. but when i change line-1 to 2, not only is the bottom left bar chaotic. now even the character becomes desynced while gaining less stamina than the client thinks. now sprinting is in slowmo while gaining the needed stamina to start sprinting again. now my idea was to just edit the same file/lines on my client and dont get that desync. but then the server kicks for edited files. so i have to find out how to make a mod so i dont get kicked. and then upload it to steam workshop so my mates can download it. i hope my mind is not to confusing.
  7. Gurkenkoenig

    CEeditor or Typesxml Bugged?

    so. editing zombie teritories works fine. but when i change this in typesxml military and T4 <type name="Mag_SVD_10Rnd"> <nominal>15</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>8</min> <quantmin>20</quantmin> <quantmax>90</quantmax> <cost>1000</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type> it still spawns in Tier3 (did not check T2 and T1) is there something i have to do? this is what it looks like before i safe. i am specifically talking about the area with the tents
  8. Gurkenkoenig

    CEeditor or Typesxml Bugged?

    yes. a few minutes ago i got a reply on reddit, saying tiering does not work. is that true? thx
  9. Gurkenkoenig

    deleting persistence files?

    for some reason when i delete the files in storage/data all loot comes back at the same place. how can one properly delete all items of the server? thx
  10. Gurkenkoenig

    deleting persistence files?

    close this THX
  11. Gurkenkoenig

    Bad version server rejected connection.got a fix?

    i have started up my server file from last weekend. it has wrong version too. but when i start the vanilla server it has lots of errors with a few different files. so idk what to do. one works but is wrong version. and the right version does not work because of errors ....
  12. Gurkenkoenig

    workbench crash

    hey, my workbench crashes. when i paste something or just Shift + 4 ($) it just closes. is there a fix? THX