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About GGGyrl

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    On the Coast
  1. Do you do this Flush fix while in the game?
  2. I have a wireless connection and yes I try to join servers with the lowest ping! No other users on my internet! I will try using the default settings agin to see if that helps! I have not changed config files as some suggest as I was getting smooth play initially! Thanks for helping!
  3. I downloaded this game on Tuesday July 21, 2015 and was able to play the game with default settings without issues! Yet when I tried to play on Wednesday and yesterday as well the lag and rubber banding is so bad that I can't play the game! I've tweaked my settings to low and tried various servers but the problem persist! Has something changed? How could I go from the game running smoothly on default setting to unplayable even with low settings? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. GGGyrl

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Should I be able to run this game? Desktop or Laptop : Laptop Monitor resolution: 1920x1080p CPU: i7-4720HGz (2.60GHz 1600MHz 6 MB) Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4 GB RAM: 15GB PC3- 12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz SSD: yes 512 GB Windows 8.1 Hopefully this is the information you require! This is my first time gaming with a computer!