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About Sperglord

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  1. So I log into a house with some team of 8 people in it, they all shoot me until they run out of ammo, but LOL I'M IMMORTAL fags then I proceed to execute every one of them
  2. Sperglord

    Seasons, Weather, & Christmas Infected

    That would be cool but this game's engine sucks so even if the devs wanted to do this I think it would be impossible
  3. Sperglord

    The Current State of Dayz

    There are zombies but they don't react to you unless you fire a gun and they clip through doors and walls again
  4. Sperglord

    Lack of everything

    Funny, you say the game is too hard and I just wanted to create a thread that says the game is too easy.
  5. Sperglord

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Found these two guys on my way to Elektro, but they were just standing in one place
  6. Sperglord

    [Clarification] DayZ Server Monetization

    empty cans maybe ? 2 dollars per empty can sounds good
  7. Sperglord

    Steam ARMA-II Day Z Mod Error? HELP

    Uhmm you have to finish downloading Arma 2 and Operaion Arrowhead first and then run them both because sometimes theres error if you dont run them both prior to running dayz
  8. Sperglord

    A vision of what DayZ 1.0 could look like

    Also add short music upon spawning, like track called suspense_7 and suspense_8 from the dayz mod soundtrack (2:44) https://youtu.be/r68uZehZqN8?t=2m43s
  9. Sperglord

    Brother Espa's List of Desireable Changes

    I like all of these except "Adrenaline" - this sounds like it will be easily abused, players will purposely let a zombie hit them once to outrun the horde or other players. Adrenaline SHOT sounds better, but don't make people run faster than usual, just refresh and increase stamina, or when the devs add injuerd slow walking animation, adrenaline shot could allow you to run for a short period of time even when injured, taking too many adrenaline shots in a short period of time results in negative side effects and death Also I don't like the military supply drop, but everything else is good and I hope all of it will be in the game
  10. Sperglord

    Tour de Chernarus with Lada

  11. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of seeing the same buildings in every town Why not make a building that's only in one town? And make towns have something unique about them For example Pustoshka has a big unique mechanic store that has a bigger chance of spawning car parts. tools etc. Gvozdno has a huge farming market that has a big chance of spawning seeds, gardening tools etc so If you want to plant seeds at your camp thats where you should go. Cities like Cherno or Elektro have a mix of all of those but with lower spawn chance because they're the most populated places and most of the loot has been taken
  12. Sperglord

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Great news, small object interaction looks amazing
  13. Who cares about melee weapons? The melee system in DayZ is comedy gold and no one cares if bat is better than a nail bat, in the game they're both useless trash like every other melee weapon
  14. That'd be a good idea for a new hero's passive in DotA 2
  15. Sperglord

    Infected idea

    The players are immune to the virus, also it's a virus that makes you aggressive towards other people but it won't bring you back to life after your brain had shut down