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About plague_bearer

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. hey! first of all much respect dude, for all the help you've provided, seriously. so I was an admin for a long time on this AU server with some friends, gotten kinda slow / I want to pay for a server myself but I have minimal scripting experience I've ran a test server on my own pc, put in some scripts, like extremely basic stuff, but it does not come as easy as a lot of other stuff to me haha I want to craft a serious, and detailed apocalyptic PVE server with a small PVP zone, all the basic scripts, self bloodbag, vector building, walking zombies, Epoch, Overwatch, wanting to do Origins too (i like all the apocalyptic road trash etc), still deciding on a Map. wanting to add some AI strongholds / castle and cave missions, a lot of stuff, I want to place some caves on the map, add some hanging bodies and stuff which i've done with admin tools on the old AU server manually, I'd be more than happy to donate etc too, I want to really craft a bad ass server, I do graphic work, so I want to make a good splash screen to match the server greatness this guy Cam who runs a pretty cool server called Roadwarriors is the closest thing I've ever found but its all PVP and Cherno hope to hear from ya soon, feel free to email me at [email protected] cheers! tried to PM but said you're not taking any messages currently or something I was looking at Dayz.st for the host but, I'm sure you know of the ideal one to go with