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Everything posted by hooligun

  1. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    you mad? there's my punctuation, happy? don't be so fucking sensitive, woman.
  2. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    my statement didn't require any punctuation.
  3. hooligun

    Getting killed by bandits

    the coast attracts 12yr olds, hackers and generally people that just want to kill on sight. stay away from it. head inland and play the game the way its meant to. to me inland pvp is way more fun. high risk, high reward.if you get killed up north, you can't run back in 5min and get all your gear back. vise versa, if you kill you have time to loot. plus, people up north have better loot anyway.
  4. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    not required for what i said, i didn't type up a wall of text lol
  5. hooligun

    EPIC double kill!

    how did they not own you? lol you got lucky dude
  6. hooligun

    What happens in Elektro stays in Elektro

    take the scope off for CQB, probably what got you killed also its 3rd person, why expose yourself while looking downstairs? try to only pop out when you actually want to shoot.
  7. hooligun

    The Best Way To Get An M4 Dayz SA 0.57

    after watching the video, you've about summed it up
  8. i still go the the prison every new life and get the plate carrier, makes me feel safer and look cooler
  9. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    exactly my point
  10. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    clever girl
  11. hooligun

    Nature mans ban hammer

    i wish people used punctuation for shit like this
  12. hooligun

    DayZ Luck is with me M4A4 Is Mine

    i had my sound muted, was he getting shot at when he logged? kind of a wussy place to log at regardless
  13. hooligun

    Need help with my character

    its more like 20-30sec but ya that too
  14. hooligun

    Dayz Why he dont die ? my m4a4 jammed or mouse ?

    mind me asking where you found your M4 too?
  15. hooligun

    Need help with my character

    sounds like you started a character on a private hive maybe? goodluck finding it if you didn't add to favorites
  16. hooligun

    Funny Story

    Me and my buddy just got into a fight at VMC, we win, we loot. My buddy drinks from a canteen that we got from a guy we killed, gets sick. We decide to drive up north and check towns for charcoal tabs.... We pull up to the police station in Severograd, and I hear foot steps inside. So I noticed this guy was not geared that well, taloon pack, trumpet, whatever. At this point me and my buddy have both doors covered, we're telling him to come out with no gun in his hands and we won't shoot. As soon as this guy hears that, we see him crouch but didn't think he logged, maybe just a noob? Long story short, he logged, I waited 8 minutes and he came back in to meet a 5.45. lol He had charcoal tabs.
  17. hooligun

    Dayz Why he dont die ? my m4a4 jammed or mouse ?

    can you link the video where this guy combat logs? i want to see this shit
  18. LEAVE ALL LIGHTING/GAMMA ISSUES ASIDE PLEASE :) I've searched but couldn't find anything related. have the devs stated what their plans are for turning your headlamp and gun light on? unless i'm a huge noob, but i'm pretty sure right now you have to navigate through your inventory just to turn on your headlamp and your gun light. seems like too much work and defeats the purpose of how ergonomic these tools were designed. thanks
  19. hooligun

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    anyone try playing the arma 2 mod dayz hardcorps? basically dayz mod + A.C.E. / A.C.R.E. mod and with the stamina system it had, made dayz fuckin awesome. you could no longer just sprint through towns and grab agro from every zombie cause you would most likely passout before you could loot the town or lose the zombies. you had to be way more deliberate with your moves, had to be thought out cause in ACE mod, you could pass out from carrying too much weight and running too much. i really think a hardcore stamina/weight like that is needed once the vehicles are a lot more common. this will weed out the plebs too, the ones that think running 20min is a big deal
  20. hooligun

    Hold Up At Cherno Flats

    i disagree completely but ok you got the bright name i don't
  21. hooligun

    Herding animals

    horse would be fuckin awesome to eat
  22. hooligun

    Hold Up At Cherno Flats

    holy. shit. these fuckin guys held someone up, didn't KOS, let the guy live, and some of you people are still hurt over it OP and his friends deserve nothing but our applaud for interacting and not killing on sight, which i still don't have a problem doing just made 4 more youtube accounts just to add more likes to OP's vid reported you for calling us good players assholes btw
  23. hooligun

    Herding animals

    too much of a farm sim at that point IMO, keep em' wild. maybe a dog as a companion