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Everything posted by Zachy/RippahZach

  1. Zachy/RippahZach

    Resting - The fourth survival need.

    (If you dont know the third survival need of DayZ, its warmth) Ok guys, I was playing DayZ at night time (on the server) and I was wondering 'Why doesn't he get tired?' Then, a couple days later, my character became stuffed from drinking at the pump in Elektro, and this time I was thinking 'What do I do when im stuffed from water.. oh, right, thats it! I go take a leak!'. What im trying to say is that in all of the days i've played DayZ, I noticed that my character never suffers from tiredness nor does he suffer from the need to 'let go' (if you know what I mean ;)). So, I decided to submit a suggestion to increase the immersion level of this game by adding a new basic survival need. The survival need i've come up with is Resting. basically, Resting acts the same as Hydrating and Energizing - the negative side (like thirsty or hungry) is called 'tired', and starts at yellow, then to orange, then at red. The positive side is called 'rested' and starts at dark green, then to light green. The penalty of not sleeping could either be the good old black 'n' white effect, or nausea, then afterwards a falling of unconciousness. - Ok, here is the Resting process laid out simple so you can read it clearly. - The Resting Process has three 'parts', 'rested', 'tired' and 'drowsey'. - 'Rested' means that you wont have to sleep for a while, and has two tiers: dark green and light green. - 'Tired' means that you'll need to sleep relatively soon, and has three tiers: yellow, orange and red. - 'Drowsey' means that you've slept to much, and has three tiers: yellow, orange and red. - You can sleep in either a random bed in a suburban home, or a sleeping bag. - The beds in suburban homes are more comfortable, allowing you to reach the 'Rested' stage faster than a sleeping bag. - Sleeping bags are portable beds, making them easier to use and are safer to use, but you dont gain rest as fast as you would in a bed. - Sleeping bags take a 1x3 inventory space. - Sleeping bags can come in several colors and designs. - Black. - Blue. - Red. - Green. - Bright Yellow. - Camo. - Ghillies can be applied to sleeping bags. - If you don't sleep, the penalties will kick in at the orange level of 'tired'. - The penalty is nausea. - If you delay your sleeping for too long and go into the red level, you will eventually fall unconcious. - The penalty process takes twice as long as the Hydration penalty process does. - And thats about it! do remember that I am fully open to suggestions. THX CYA
  2. Zachy/RippahZach

    Resting - The fourth survival need.

    All very good points. Im not sure, but I do like the idea of it being a 'buff' rather than a 'requirement', but I guess its up to the devs.
  3. Zachy/RippahZach

    Resting - The fourth survival need.

    Crap forgot to mention the excretion. Yea, just so you know its a joke. I dont think DayZ needs an excretion factor just yet ;) .
  4. Zachy/RippahZach

    Random event: Ambulance

    Good idea. Beans to you kind sir!
  5. Zachy/RippahZach

    snowy areas

    YES! I would like to see the northern half (or all) of Chernarus get snowy after some time. Maybe there could be servers that are only in winter, and some servers that are only in summer. And you know what would complement the new snowy landscapes very well? Snow camo! they would probably spawn wherever normal camo spawns (basic military areas), or maybe only in northen military bases because it gets colder up there. Arctic ghillies would also be useful, because bushes do get snowy in real life and a ghillie is basically a bush on your head, right? White spraypaint aswell so you could spraypaint your weapons to blend in with the snow. So yeah, if they ever release a winter/snowy area of Chernarus, they would need to release a whole new set of camo, built for the arctic. (A vest, jacket, helmet/hat, gloves, boots, spraypaint and pants) because otherwise the winter areas would become a death trap, fresh and end game survivors alike.
  6. Zachy/RippahZach


    Acutally, those beards look kind of badass. It would be cool if they could grow, and you would have to use a knife or a new 'shaver' item (that would be added alongside the beards update) to shave them to a desired height.
  7. Zachy/RippahZach

    swords, smithing, furnace, melee and ragnar

    I thing any gun is more lethal than someone charging up to you with a sword. Anyway, DayZ isn't a game set in the medieval days, its set around the 21st century. If you had a guy with a gun, and a guy with a sword, the gun guy could just shoot the sword guy in his head, and the sword guy wouldn't have laid a hit because he needs to get close to the guy with a long-ranged weapon. Maybe, however, there could be some of these types of weapons found in those old castles I see around Chernarus, along side those anvils you spoke of, but ONLY in those castles. I dont think you'd see any blacksmiths set up next to the supermarket in your real-life town, so why would they be set up in DayZ? If those sorts of weapons ARE found, they would probalbly have to have a proper sheath, not just put onto the back like the average Fireman's Axe, and they would only really be useful in events that you and your friends might've set up if you were all bored. But overall, I think these types of weapons would kind of be out of place in a modern, post apocolyptic world. Sorry mate, no beans from me today.
  8. Zachy/RippahZach

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    I think it takes place AFTER Arma II.. then again I don't know much - if anything - about the Armaverse, but I do know that Arma II and DayZ are both in Chernarus, and that says to me that DayZ is in the Arma II universe. I did see some rubbish bags marked as 'radioactive' in Cherno, did Arma II have an issue with radioactivity? Here is a picture of said bags:
  9. Zachy/RippahZach

    Lore Series written by US!

    We know that the country is called Chernaurus, located in Russia. The capital is called Novigrad, and is currently 'out of bounds'. Because there are some rubbish bags marked as 'radioactive' in Cherno, im guessing that is be linked to the zombies we see. The map is acutally the same as it is in Arma II, maybe DayZ takes place some time after Arma II does? Maybe survivors are either naturally immune to the unknown virus, or have come from a different country trying to find a cure. Maybe we ARE the cure, and we have to release some blood somewhere. If my idea of us/our blood being the cure and we have to release it somewhere, then there is a vault-like area where that glitched grass 'cone' was, and we might have to go inside there to release the blood.
  10. Zachy/RippahZach

    The mysterious hidden Vault

    Unfortunalty I think its probalbly an easter egg or some kind of Fall Out reference.. But image what might be inside if it wasn't? maybe its a start of the actual lore/storyline of DayZ? Could it be a mass grave, with some kind of zombie nest inside? Maybe thats where the infection started, and its some kind of labratory? no one will ever know.. But if we can eventually get in I hope theres some beans because im hungry now..
  11. Zachy/RippahZach

    Companion animals (endgame mechanic)

    I like it. I love it. I like it alot. No, seriously, I think companion animals would make a great addition to the game. I didn't see anything wrong with your ideas. Following this one!