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Everything posted by Nathanfitzi

  1. Nathanfitzi

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Second day: still haven't found what I was looking for. I was hoping to stumble across a military base or something other than just a mere town. The vehicle I had been driving was stolen so I had no other choice but to walk, jog and run to and from place to place. I found myself questioning myself... Was I going in the complete opposite direction? Was I lost? Well, the second I know is true, I was definitely lost. I found myself totally of course and in the woodlands. I had totally forgotten where my tent was and I left my compass behind. I knew I had a long day ahead of me. I eventually stumbled across an off-road path which led me to a small town, again, I'm unsure of the name. I walked to the farm there as I had seen a waterpoint and thought it'd be a good idea to refill my bottles whilst I was visiting this town. Hah, "visiting", I make it sound like it was optional. Just as I stepped foot past the gate, another one of those creatures, a 'zombie' was screaming and running towards me. I swung my Repeater from my shoulder and into my hands and fired a single shot. Bang, the zombie went down. It wasn't over yet. Another four or five zombies came running from two different directions. I took a couple of hits but nothing major. I shot them all down and bandaged my wounds, ate some vitamins and went to rest inside the farm's barn for a few moments. I left the barn after five or ten minutes and made my way down to the school in the town. I found a fresh pair of track pants that I swapped for my uncomfortable pair of jeans. Instantly, I felt better. Much more comfortable. Afterwards I went on. My adventure continued, but where would I find myself next? Again, another small town a mile away, I stumbled across another survivor. He looked harmless until a zombie approached. Again, I killed the zombie, but this time to protect this survivor. As a thank you he weilded his axe and tried to hit me. Fuck no! I shot him. I had no choice, he was going to kill me. I only wish he hadn't weilded that axe... We could have helped one another. After the tragedy of taking another man's life I stumbled across a house where I would rest and try to calm myself down. I feel shit. I feel sick and I can't stop thinking about what happened. I'll sleep now and hopefully this nightmare will be over...
  2. Nathanfitzi

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi, I'm Nathan and I recently bought and started playing DayZ Standalone. I like to adventure and find new places and I like to collect loot and generally play casually. I am looking for some like-minded people to play with. I also want to give DayZ RP servers a try and it would be nice to play with someone else. http://steamcommunity.com/id/nathanfitzi
  3. Nathanfitzi

    How was your Day(Z)?

    First day, mostly casual exploring and looting with some minor obstacles. Unsure of where places are so excuse me for that. Started off at a shore-side very close to a shack that I checked out. Found myself a pristine pair of military boots which I put on instead of my sneakers and threw on a jacket that I found which had a few extra pockets to hold more items than my t-shirt, of course. Found an axe and a rifle which I had to take and then it was off into the nearby town (unsure of the name). Saw a few people, possibly bandits so I went prone into the grass and stayed out of sight. Thankfully they didn't see me so once they left I ventured into the town on the hunt for some food and water. About 20 minutes later I had quenched my thirst and fed my appetite with a bottle of water and a can of baked beans. I took some more canned foods and a few cans of soda for the road. I went to a barn where I had seen a truck which looked like it was in working condition. I was right. I stumbled across some ammo for my rifle which I unloaded and equipped. I took the truck to another town where I stopped. I had found a tent which I pitched up nearby to the first town I stumbled across, on a hill in the middle of the forest — a remote location where I was sure to be safe. Five minutes in this new town and I was approached by a man wearing military clothes. I heard his rifle click. Was it loaded? I wasn't about to make the mistake. He told me to stop so I did. He wanted food, and I had plenty. I wasn't about to get into a firefight over a can of baked beans. After I dropped the beans he told me to leave. I was surprised that he didn't want my weapons, my ammo, or anything else that I was holding onto. I got lucky. I don't think this other man was a bad person, just a hungry one. We all gotta eat, right? Maybe I'll run into him again one day, and who knows, maybe I'll be the one holding the cards. Wouldn't that be something? I rested for a while before continuing to loot. I stumbled across a few more towns, looting whatever I could find. I heard a terrible sound, it was almost like a scream, a roar, but it wasn't. It was something else. What was that? Long story short, it turned out to be a zombie that I had to destroy. I fired two shots. The first hit the creature in its shoulder which didn't seem to slow it down. The second went right between his eyes. He was a gonner and fuck me was that a close one. I'd been hit and I had to use my bandana as a compromise for a bandage. Moments later I stumbled across a hospital where I looted a few blood and IV bags as well as a few bandages and a syringe. Boy, I could've done with these supplies a few minutes earlier! It got dark shortly after and I had just arrived back at my tent. I have no batteries and the ones in my flashlight are dead. I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere tonight, that would be too risky. The truck I had been driving earlier was still parked up and my tent was pitched where and as I left it. I entered my tent and that is where I am residing right now. I'll sleep now and continue my adventure tomorrow. Tomorrow it's on to learning some crafting skills and trying to find other people, hopefully the right kind. I would hate to run into a bandit, the unpredictability would leave me a victim of God knows what.