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CBR1000rider (DayZ)

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About CBR1000rider (DayZ)

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  1. CBR1000rider (DayZ)

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Honestly the only thing this will do is say, "HEY EVERY ONE, I'M CAMPING HERE". What we really need is a charm sound spawn on you every time you log in. This sound could have say a 10 meter radius. This way, if you ghost in somewhere stupid where you know you have the unfair advantage.. say inside a building behind some one... they will know first since they can hear the charm of where you are logging in. Only this will completely deter ghosting. This will also deter server hopping from barracks to barracks looking for the best gear, etc.
  2. CBR1000rider (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Stuck at loading, The loading bar goes and passes then it gets stuck at the smaller loading icon. Just sits there for.. dare I say it.. dayz.
  3. Does any one know if any server files track who killed what player? For all I know, all I see is the server tracking who died. Not how they died.. or who killed them. Does any one know where I can find this? I had people complaining they were randomly dropping dead on the map.. which led me to believe there was some one killing people in the debug area.
  4. Prolly crashing because thousands of people trying to join the 4 servers that managed to get it.. not because its a flawed patch.
  5. Any1 know when we will get the option to update our server?
  6. Thank you, also with rcon, I entered in my ip, port, and both passwords (just to be sure) and it says can not connect. Do I need to set up any rcon files in my control panel?
  7. Any one know how to edit the server.cfg so you can show people it is running with out it giving you the following error? "The process cannot access the file 'cfgdayz\server.cfg' because it is being used by another process."
  8. Any one know how to kick or anything like that in the control panel or in-game? Not that I need to use it but would be nice to know incase some one is shooting debug spawn area people.
  9. Bump with picture of error on server from this hosting provider. Error in game saying server has wrong version: http://i.imgur.com/8JpDN.jpg Control Panel saying it has correct version: http://i.imgur.com/X2Uyu.jpg Any way to fix this? EDIT: Just updated to DayZ in the control panel. They just added that so hopefully that will fix the above error. We will see. EDIT2: Yup, it worked, any one having the above problem just look at my first edit and do that and it will be fixed.
  10. Hey I am getting the error when joining my server of "This server is running 1.7.0.. it needs 1.7.1. Yet in my admin CP.. it clearly shows I am running Any one else getting this error? How do I fix? Here is the picture of the error http://i.imgur.com/8JpDN.jpg