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Everything posted by Jossua

  1. Jossua

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    NONONONONO If I could I woudl steal your beans :) This could have gone forever, you ruined a classic forum moment, one we could have talked about at the campfire with our grandchildren :) "Rember that fisting guy?" EVERYBODY would know :)))
  2. Jossua

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    are mechanics to prevent it??? Please accept my beans :)
  3. Jossua

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    >:( thought exactly the same, take my beans good Sir
  4. Jossua

    DayZ news from Gamescom

    I am sure I have read somewhere that it will be the Arma3 engine with less features. Are you 100% sure about it?
  5. Same goes for you for not reading the whole thread and post :) he unbanned the guys, he even aplogized for going rampage. You Sir riding a dead horse down, move on
  6. Jossua

    Camp suggestions

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42788-camouflage-nets/ My suggestions :)
  7. Jossua


    jep, like that . You have my beans!
  8. Jossua

    camouflage nets ?

    I am poundering what the community says. I am thinking of covering tents and/or cars. I think of structures compareable to the nets in the first-aid camp near Balota Airfield (the ones which cover the generators). My thoughts: - takes 3 units in your gear - need to be combind (e.g. cover a bus will take 5 nets) - need to be combined with scrap metal (to keep the structure up, 5 nets need 5 scrap metal to combine) This could be a possible first step for base building but in a simple way, but need a lot of "hauling". As I haven't played Arma2 too much I do not know if theses nets are static or real objects you can use. What do you guys think?
  9. Jossua

    camouflage nets ?

    I think everything would do the trick. Basicly the idea is to have the oppertunity to cover things propperly with an amount of work to spend (no easy button). I would think the ghilles are difficult (and valuable) enough to spend, but the balancing is dev-work. I would just like to see this in game ... :)
  10. Jossua

    Add notes to tents

    post-its = awesome Can forsee the post-it art at the powerplant in Elektro :))) https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpFkiGV-K_BdF_bq1_cqg2MET2CWKxEAKqHvEVbcTzSHACERe7TQ
  11. Jossua

    camouflage nets ?

    That would work as well :) 2 ghille = 1 net 1 net to cover a tent (propperly) 2 for a car 5 for a bus plus scrap metal for support the whole structure....
  12. Jossua

    camouflage nets ?

    I just though about the need of a support structure made out of metal. if you combine more nets you may need thsi. Screap metal was my chiocie as it is implemented into the game and I assumed that it is therfore easy to use for this as well. Secodn thing is it would make hauling for the stuff more challenging :)
  13. muaahahaaaa, I know what you did here :) and me likez
  14. It may have been said before but: In a sandbox game you have to adapt. You have issues with a sniper? Than don't be an easy target. They ruin your fun when they shoot you so ruin there game by not get shot! Those who cannot adapt will become victims of evolution (old EvE quote, loooooong time ago :)
  15. Jossua

    Dear Rocket, You succeeded

    Gear is just an illusion, it just waits to vanish in a *boom*
  16. Jossua

    Start with one food and one drink.

    +1, I like this agument :)
  17. In one of the interviews Rocket talked about grouping up and stuff. What about he is giving the chance kind of "fortify" a place? non-PKs may gather up there defending thei society against the all-evil PKs :) Just like a Zombie Version of "The Stand" ? OK, PKs needs to be called in their dream to Vegas but I guess you get my point
  18. Jossua

    My first experience of DayZ

  19. Jossua


    suggestion for the next melee weapon: http://www.n24.de/media/_fotos/bildergalerien/09_zombieland/Szenenbild_06jpeg_1107x1400.jpg
  20. +1, want it back as well favorite moment: Player A : Friendly? Player A died Player B : Yes
  21. LOL' date=' well its a good point, at least i think so. if you are defending such actions, which i assume you are, how do you justify killing newly spawned unarmed players? is it just for sport or are you addicted to painkillers?:s [/quote'] i dunno, but it makes me feel bad at first but then i kinda got addicted to causing pain. its like you hold the power over someone which determines his life and death. cant do that in real life lol When you feel better in killing Pixel you've come a looooong way :)
  22. Jossua

    How Do You Play With Friends?

    hehe, me and three friends started like this and nearly pissed our pants in TS laughing about how stupid we sounded finding each others :))) and it took AGESSSSS Good Old times (4 weeks ago) :)
  23. yep, report them and avoid them for the time beeing, rinse and repeat :shy:
  24. yep, the beta solved this for me as well